Chronic Infections & Mold Illness - Tips & Tools with Dr. Nicola Ducharme

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Dr. Nicola McFadzean Ducharme, NP and Dr. Sandeep Gupta, MD will discuss tips & tools for supporting those with Lyme disease/stealth infections and Mold Illness/CIRS.


26-27 August 2018
Wyndham San Diego Bayside Hotel
1335 N. Harbor Dr.
Cost: $199 USD

0:00:00 - START
0:01:13 - Disclaimer
0:02:54 - About Dr. Sandeep Gupta
0:04:27 - About Dr. Nicola McFadzean Ducharme
0:06:02 - Why do Lyme & mold illness often co-exist?
0:12:51 - 10 biggest mistakes people make with Lyme & mold
0:26:15 - Inflammation, immune & pain support
0:33:20 - Supporting detox & elimination
0:37:46 - Diet & nutrition
0:46:51 - Sleep, lifestyle & exercise
0:50:37 - Psycho-emotional aspects & tools
0:53:32 - Mold Illness Made Simple online course
0:56:40 - Lyme-Ed - Chronic Lyme online course
0:58:39 - Course coupons
0:58:57 - -------------Questions & Answers---------------
1:00:20 - Best order of treatment Lyme or Mold?
1:02:13 - Home remediated and tested okay - but still reacting
1:04:22 - MCAS
1:05:46 - Will immune system address Lyme and co-infections when mold is resolved?
1:07:20 - MARCoNS in the lungs?
1:08:00 - Coffee enemas with MCAS?
1:08:36 - How long does it take to get relief from mold?
1:09:37 - Ozone therapy in Lyme
1:11:00 - Most reliable Lyme test for those with HLA susceptible genes
1:16:00 - Closing and links
1:17:51 - END
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My issue with everything discussed is
Who pays for the Functional Health Model? The Labs? The Herbs and Supplements? I have been Chronically Ill since 2005 when my Psychiatric patient broke my neck however the doctor said I had Low Back Pain when instead I after 3 years found myself on Disability and Seriously Immunosuppressed after 33 steroid injections which destroyed my Immune system. I had a broken neck, shoulder, and a Slap 2 Tear down the left side of my back untreated for 3 years. Then last year I was housed in a Mold apartment and my doctor would not write a letter to allow me to move instead I almost died. I have been bedridden for 10 out of 13 years with this last year nearly killing me. Suddenly after 30 days out of the Sick Building my physician is choosing to take me off of a medication that is working however it is a low dose Narcotic and with the serious" Opioid Crisis" My already fragile Physical health may be to frail to with stand the Detox involved. No one cares. I am firing all Medical Doctors in light of Medical Negligence since 2005 and killing my life as I knew it, and the continual Lunacy of the American unhealthy and Uncaring model to not assist me has Lead Me to choosing to go with the Buhner Herbal Protocols. I am unable to work to pay for the Herbs til next month however I am working out the kinks to my diet. I am not sure if either one of you are in the States however I would not be sick, loss of a Nursing career, years in bed related to the as mentioned stupid unsafe medical model, and every friend I had gone. The Functional Medicine doctors do not take insurance so 9000.00 to get started is not in my budget. Seriously you both sound so sure of yourselves I don't suppose either one of you have to think twice about moving out of bed to reach your hair brush. I do and with the added Stressors I very well could die. I am 59 unmarried and need help with food prep and see no one for days. We are suffering, ignored, and many of us have zero touch in our lives. Compassion and perhaps a place in your hearts to at least start a sliding scale so that the once upper middle class nurse or person could afford to get well too.


This is 3 years later, but if you read yjis, have you ever noticed a connection with breast implant Illness being related to mold? I had a toxic overload
with breast implants (which no one told me about for 12.5 years) and had moved to a condo that was not remediated correctly and backed up 20’ to a marsh. I became extremely ill after I moved there and had to retire from my teaching career. I could t think, and was at the doctor with fluctuating blood work and was diagnosed with a plethora of autoimmune diseases and co-infections. I learned that there is a connection between BII and mold. I had to detox and create a safe zone until I could have 3 surgeries because my organs were failing from Sjogren’s, and get well enough to have the fourth surgery to remove my implants. I also contracted a potentially deadly bacterial infection from the hospital which took 7 weeks to diagnose until my incision festered. I’m still not completely well, and I’m not sure why, except that my son has severe mold toxicity and has come to live here, but his father has taken a YEAR to finally have his home remediated. I think they are bringing mold in with them. My son is coughing constantly and his dad is here every night and weekend, and they refuse to take off their shoes!!! I had my new house tested for mold, by a specialist before I moved in and now the dishes I put out have mold spores on them. I’m scared this will never go away!


I have a question. Given glutathione for a week to bring out mycotoxins for a urine mycotoxin test. All of a sudden stinging pains in bladder area. I was told possibly IC due to mast cell activation disorder. How do you fix this issue?. The glutathione also had calcium carbonate in the ingredients which could have caused small crystals not picked up on the ultrasound. But I do feel its mast cell from possibly too much mycotoxins released. Also has Lyme and EBV. Help appreciated!
