Health Effects of Mold Exposure

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Molds prosper in damp, wet, and moist places. People who end up in these areas where molds are prominent may suffer breathing issues, migraines, and other physical illnesses. What do you think are other effects molds can have on your body?

If you want to know how your body can be affected by these microscopic organisms, make sure to watch this video till the end! And after doing so, Don't forget to leave a like, Subscribe to the Channel, and hit the Bell Icon for notifications on our future content!

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Related Videos:

Health Effects of Mold Exposure

Health Effects That May Be Caused by Inhaling Mold or Mold Spores

The Warning Signs of Mold

Breathing Mold Can Cause Health Issues

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Thank you. Trying to heal from it for years now. Made me very sick. Drs not generally educated on this.


Paying $3600 a month for my moldy rental. Landlord told me to wipe it off the walls and just remove drywall where it was severe….man I’m stupid for listening to him. 4 years later I have mold in my blood and can hardly breathe.


Please make more videos like this. I'm very aware of the dangers. But informing others is a challenge. I'm trying to make short videos but I don't know how to do that on tiktok but i think it will change lives.. Most people don't realize until it's too late. And right now i went from living in a house with great air quality. My dad was suffering from emphysema and read a lot about things involving clean air. We had a central air cleaner but we also had a mold problem and my uncle didn't do anything to help get rid of it. I now know it made my dad a lot worse. Sometimes you won't even know until years later. Well, I went from there to homelessness years later. and believe it or not I became healthier than I'd ever been. Outside, (not in a tent) the air is cleaner no matter what. far as I knew I felt healthier than I ever was. I wasn't in the nicest city, and I know I moved into a house that was made in the 40's and most houses I noticed had black dirt on the outsides you could tell what that was. Mold is rampant in this city to the point of people thinking it's nothing or normal, . because they cannot afford remediating costs. So I've also. noticed it causes people to lose empathy. Empathy seemed less common and being an artist Ive met hundreds of people and spoke about it to dozens and 9 out of 10 realized or informed me of a loved one or family friend that became cold and distant and one had a brother who suddenly would tell his daughter not to talk to her and they lived in the same house. For no reason that she could even figure out. The house had a bad mold problem and she was a preschool teacher and part time she was an Uber driver. She informed me of the effects on the brain and how severe the impact was on her brother. I know it's sounds crazy but after all this i was in a house where I am now. A lady I helped was ill, and she believed it may have been the house. It smelled bad, the rug was stained with got only knows. my joints hurt in the mornings and I've been here a year. I cleaned as much as i could. but not enough because it's really not up to code in any way. When I started going indoors I would get stuffy nose or runny nose. and I never had these issues before. skin problems, insomnia, unless i'm in the bedroom where the air ventilation is the worst, then I get drowsy from carbon dioxide I'jm pretty sure. I also know that waking up looking all puffy or feeling wierd is from Mold I've heard and I'm sure of it. because It takes ages before all these things are noticed actually gets to the right people and ends up being researched which takes even more time and then finally once they argue or decide or analyze enough the facts are posted somewhere and obviously it would have to literally be "viral" before anyone took notice even then.
I met a well off man who had more money than most people around here and he said avoid it and run if you know it's there. He said he had so many problems in a place with a little mold in a bathroom 6 months to a year. And he had found a mycologist I believe and they are better trained in this department but doctors like that are according to him VERY expensive and he took so many types of antibiotics for many months! it was so intense and he was very sick .

Imagine what happens after years. you won't even notice and you will keep feeling like you cant even get up some days when infact you should be fine It numbs you. it's horrible. I met many people who had been exposed to extreme amounts and these people ended up with schizophrenia among other things. It makes things worse. I believe my bones, my joints hurt because of it. It's scary and I wish the city would notice this monster of a problem here. but it's usually not noticed. People don't notice and don't believe it can be attributed to a mold in the walls. I believe it and sorry but thank you for the video - I hope you make more. Air cleaners - people need air cleaners. there's a site - look up boxfan air cleaners. they're much cheaper and efficient because people who are suffering from this don't always have the money for an air cleaner. I'm obsessed and have the wynd air cleaner I saw on and its magnificent i have the home max purifier as well. and the device that analyzes the air and what's in it. Im going to try to get a box fan and see how it does but I heard they're using them for people in some city where they need them because the air is so bad. I think it was seattle but i could be wrong.
Thank you please do one on Carbon Dioxide in a room.
I don't think people realize there's a lot of people who don't know about this stuff AT ALL so the chances of the people who tell us these statistics are quite wrong about the severity of the problem in homes it's worse than they think and it's far more rampant. No one goes house to house asking these questions here. And i'm shocked. Spacex takes up half this city but the rest of it has gone totally unnoticed. So many people here have sleep apnea it's unheard of. .. high blood pressure, mine was too low and now suddenly- it's High? I have a saying now since everyone attributes it to being you're not old- it's mold. .... please keep making videos if you could get deeper into detail and I wondered is this just facts rewritten in your own words?
I want to make videos but short and informative I wondered how i should get the information out without copying anyone or anything it's kind of hard for me and I don't want to just sound like a hypochondriac which is possible if i try talking about it.
any advice greatly appreciated. thank you so much for your videos. :)


Thank you for your video! I've been dealing with mold at the workplace and wish more could be done about it!


You explained the health effects of mould exposure really well. It's so harmful but so difficult to spot most of the time!


I was exposed to a box of moldy christmas decorations for only 2 hours. A couple of days latter I threw up 5 times. A few days after that I got something like bronchitis or pnumonia with the worst most persistant wet cough that lasted for weeks.


This is erroneous info. Check recent diagnostics for blood and yes symptoms invluding cognitive and skin disorders chronic fatigue. Remediation is not just bleach. Get a certified mold specialist ard remove yourself automatically. Most physicians are ignorant and demand a mycotoxin blood or urine test confirmed. Do not take any soft furnishungs, bedding, toys or porous items w you. If your doctor does not understand change and seek a mold informed physician. Edema is common as well as brain fog and insomnia. Not all family presents symptoms due to immune markers. Pets get seizures, lethargic etc. Do not leave food out or reuse damp towels. Mold lives even in appliances. It needs to be removed from walls not painted or cleaned. This is serious stuff. This video being 1 yr old should be removed.


My house is filled with mould and me and my kids are constantly sick 😷 I suffer from copd and since moving into my home I have been sick almost every single day


Intense indoor mold exposure and mental health conditions?


In biblical times, they would burn down the house if they found mold inside.


Mold I'm sick joint trying to move


I was a disposed to mold in my master bedroom me and and the symptoms waking up with everyday and I can't breathe my child get headaches and asking


It almist killed me. Was stuck in an apartment infested and I was so lympnodes we reactive qnd I had to go to the shelter


thanks helping with my science assignment lol


Why would i press the buttons to like and prescribe before i watch your videos ?


You are lying there is a test for it to get test for mold yes there is tell the truth I know cuz I already had the test done


I sprayed gasoline on my walls after i saw this vid😂


Yuck I got mold in my body have to get rid of it in my body. Working w a functional doctor he will help me.


I just in my early 20s but im in high school for 6 years but I not move out until I finsh high school but issue is why are these parents does not understand it the future im in early 20s but issue why ate parents not here us about future I important questions I have boy in my future he like pink but he has breast cancer and I just in my early 20s I cancer but it scars we both have a healthy conditions we put healthy oil in our hair so won't be no issue the issue I think both our healthy got effects over cover 19 try find doctors on here we look like we need a father that young but with no tattoos government Said no tattoos sign.
