Is Medicare Supplement Plan G Really the Best Medicare Plan?

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Many have said that Medicare Supplement Plan G is the best supplement plan but is this true for everyone? No because many factors affect whether one plan will work well for one person over another. Here are some reasons why Plan G may be for you or not.

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The Medicare Family has been making Medicare and Social Security easy for 40+ years, across all 50 states. And each year, our family continues to help more and more people with how Medicare works, when to take Social Security, and how to find the best Medicare plans. We know that learning about your retirement benefits can be confusing. And it’s hard to find a trusted source of information. We get it! That’s the reason we do what we do.

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My husband signed on to a Plan F when he reached full retirement. Thank God! The very night it went into affect, he ruptured his esophagus. He was in ICU for almost 6 weeks and in a regular room for another 3 weeks. Had to have several weeks of home healthcare, too. Luckily, he made the right choice and paid ZERO!! Not one penny out of pocket for any of it!! God was so good to us!


Hi from Southern California. I'm 71 and have had UHC Plan F and D since I retired. I love the convenience and the fact that *everything* is paid but after watching a number of these vids on G, I think I'll be changing at my open enrollment. My dental and vision are through Guardian Direct and I'm happy with it.


I'm 64 and retired from USPS and I'm fit and healthy except for a sore back after Golf, I see my 89 yr old mom going through this health care, hospitals, diabetes and Medicaid, I'm not gonna go through this because I dont understand this Medicare talk no matter how many times I listen to it, when my body fails me I will just remove myself from the Earth, I'm not going in and out of Hospitals.


I don’t like you have to add cost for dental and eye on G but advantage includes it. So far so good on United healthcare advantage. I switched from the G plan.


I see there’s no comments on Plan N or HDG?? Which are excellent choices vs plan G for many especially in the higher priced states.


Spot on! Great video. It's the same schpiel I give my clients! I love your videos!


Do you recommend plan N for a healthy 65 yr old male whom is on no medication...and rarely visits the doctor except for annual physical and additional 6 month blood work....I read that N plan usual has healthier people vs G plan with a much larger pool of all ranges of health levels...I appreciate your insight..ty for your wonderful videos


Every time you talk about all this stuff and you talk about how the price is going to go up and up and up and up every year every year. Well where does it end? I really want to know and that's for everything. Literally where does it end nobody's getting richer! The whole convoluted system for retirement is elder abuse. In my opinion they don't give you enough to live on and then they charge you for all the medical and crap like seriously. If you're alone, how the hell are you supposed to survive?? If you have nothing else like retirement from a job or something, had a rich husband or wife that you get a lot of social security from. It still isn't enough. Anyway, it's all insanity.


Spot On amounts she gave here! In Ohio


I've heard there's going to be big changes coming that people don't know about. Hopefully it's true.


How do you remove a private health insurance off Medicare. Only have Medicare and not sure where or how the private Insurance got attach to Medicare. Now Medicare is declining to pay medical bills.


I put my mom on G because there’s a small deductible and she doesn’t pay copays. If you have more than 10 doctor appointments in a year it’s worth it. Most people don’t but should you need physical therapy, which could run months to a year that can add up quick. My family member has been in physical therapy for 10 months from a rotator cuff surgery @ 3x a week. If it were my mom she’d be up to $2, 400 in copays. My mom
Is 81 yo in NJ and she pays $220 a month.


I have a question that I would like an answer to please. Let's say you're 56 years old and you have several medical things that happened to you and ended up on disability. So at the time they put you on disability or you were awarded disability. You get county medical and then in 24 months you are forced to take Medicare which is total BS and then they say well you're not eligible for plan g. Why is that? And I heard that you're eligible once you hit 65. Even if you've been on Medicare advantage, some kind of Medicare advantage program. Please answer this for me thank you.


I turn 61 in two days and I intend to leave my job as soon as possible.
I have been on Medicare since 1999.(Long story) Am I mandated to accept whatever flavor of the month Michigan throws at me?


Thank you for explaining G, I believe I will be retiring at 67 which is about 4-1/2 years. there is old saying that goes, what is right today maybe wrong tomorrow what is wrong today maybe right tomorrow, we will see Sylvia. Your friend, MAD 😇


What if my primary insurance is Tricare Life, through my husband. Would Tricare + MC A&B be enough? Would I still need to buy Plan D, F, G, etc.? TY


I did, and it's depressing as we turn 65 in late 2024 and early 2025. Fortunately, no IRMAA. Thank you for the information and we have planned on G. In 15 years, it's going to be painful, but hopefully can stay on. Beyond that, probably won't need to worry about any of it.


Wow thank you I lo e the way you explain it to where we understand ❤


Like to set up appointment were do I go for this
