Quickest Way To Test Your Gasoline For Ethanol

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Watch this video now to see how easy it is to test your fuel for ethanol.

Ethanol is well known for damaging small engines or causing poor engine performance. Gas powered lawn and garden equipment is expensive so proper care and maintenance is crucial to keeping them running for years to come. Most home owners use regular gas station fuel which contains ethanol. "Ethanol has inherent properties that can cause corrosion of metal parts, including carburetors, degradation of plastic and rubber components, harder starting, and reduced engine life," says Marv Klowak, global vice president of research and development for Briggs & Stratton, the largest manufacturer of small engines.

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Your education of us people that don’t know things we need is priceless thank you Steve


I have been taking the ethanol out of my gas for years. Absolutely works!!! Hint put a little food coloring in the water and will help you see when all the ethanol and water is out of the gas. And, use 90+ gas because you will lose octane removing the ethanol!!


I've seen this done with food coloring added to the water before the separation process!!!...Clearly visible the demarcation line!!!😁👍🏻


Heck yeah thumbs up to another of Steve’s videos that I learned something from!!


Dude, I was racking my brain as to where to get non-ethanol! Thank you!


Trouble is, these vids are so instructive and entertaining you stop me from doing any actual work myself!


As a science teacher (chem, physics, earth, space), Steve, you are a scientist- maybe not a professional BUT you are experimenting, and HIGHLY skeptical and GREAT at publishing! So, rock on Garth!
One rule in the lab, NO eating or drinking- gas for beer 😂.
Little Johnny was a chemist,
Johnny is no more,
What he thought was H2O, was H2SO4.


Smart, ....just learned how to do "differential diagnosis" on fuel...in college this would have taken a full semester.


Professor Steve, you have illuminated with brilliance another common conundrum. Cheers!


Good video, Steve! Thanks! And for those who really, really want to reclaim every little precious *drop* of gasoline, simply strain the dregs through a real chamois rag. Bush pilots and mechanics have been using this trick to remove water from "questionable" fuel for almost a century now.


I’m watching this thinking “(very nearly) all fuel in the UK is 5% ethanol” so I won’t need this and then I got to the end to discover that this is a really simple way to make ethanol free fuel- much cheaper than buying it!!!

Well done in the truly international recovery at the end too- it’s “petrol” ;)


You can also put food coloring in the water, the coloring won’t transfer to the gas


Hi Steve... Didn't know that trick!...Tks for sharing...Great channel brother!....Take care!


Great tip. I label all my fuel cans and included the date I purchased the fuel to I can rotate the older fuel into a larger machine (tractor, car).


A few years ago, before my local Walmart started selling ethanol-free gas, I made my own.

I took a 5 gal gas can and cut a hole in the bottom and connected a 1 1/2” clear pool tubing hose to it.

I then added 8 ounces of water to the gas, shook it up a little and then watched the ethanol separate.

I opened the valve at the bottom of the 2 foot long tubing and let the water and ethanol drain out.


I love ❤️ Stihl friend 👏 bravo from florina Greece and Western Macedonian


Love your channel Steve. You not only educate people but you make it entertaining.


Great video Steve!

Folks have noted and are correct in the comments that the remaining fuel after ethanol/water mixture is removed will have a lower octane rating than it would otherwise have. I seriously doubt that most home power equipment would be sensitive to the reduction in octane (remember octane is knock resistance and not energy content) that results but it may be wise to pay close attention to the performance of said engines on the “home brew” ethanol free fuel.

Thanks again!


Simply a very good video. I'm heading to the shop right now to make some primo fuel! Amazing! Thanks Steve 😊
