Entitled Sister Thought I'd Be Paying For Her & Her GF Too After Treating My Nieces To A Waterpark..

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I (F29) am a big fan of water parks and so are my nieces (16,15,13). Before COVID my boyfriend and I wanted to go for a big trip to one of the biggest water parks I’ve ever been to (so one of the most expensive too…). Then COVID happened and we missed it.

This year was a total nightmare. My bf and I are residents and our hospital got understaffed causing us to work double shifts on a regular basis. Due to our work schedule my nieces helped us out with dogs from time to time, taking them on walks etc as we live on the same street. So when the water park opened we decided to take a whole weekend off and just go. My brother (my nieces’ dad) called me and said that the girls really wanted to go too, openly said he can’t afford the trip and asked if we could take them and he would pay us back once things go better for him. My bf and I decided we would love to take them and we don’t want any money back, partly because they are kids and they deserve to have some fun and partly because we wanted to show our appreciation for taking care of our dogs.

Story 1:
AITA for refusing to pay for my sister's trip to water park?
Story 2:
AITA for not calling my dad and stepmother when it looked like my sister might not make it after delivery?
Story 3:
AITA for not forgiving my infertile friend after she got pregnant?
Story 4:
AITA for refusing to let my SIL around my kids?

#AITA #Parenting #Family
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Story 1:
AITA for refusing to pay for my sister's trip to water park?
Story 2: 4:38
AITA for not calling my dad and stepmother when it looked like my sister might not make it after delivery?
Story 3: 8:57
AITA for not forgiving my infertile friend after she got pregnant?
Story 4: 13:10
AITA for refusing to let my SIL around my kids?


22 years old crying like a baby over a water park? Omg grow up. 🤦🏽‍♀️


To be honest, I've become so jaded that I honestly expected the sister to pull the "homophobia" card in #1. sigh


That first one is so stupidly common, my front neighbor is a single lady with 2 young daughters, I was also a single dad so we forge a friendship and they are Japanese and fiancee loves learning to cook from her. Her daughters love to spend time with my giant dogs, and they offered to dogsit for me for free, so I gave them vip passes to a large amusement park, I get those passes from work, executives get week vip passes and hourly workers get regular day passes all on the company. Well one of my entitled aunt's saw their Facebook post thanking me, she blew up that she is a struggling single mom too and she deserves those passes more cause "family". She struggles cause she sucks with money and she is single cause she can't stop cheating lol.


This lady sister is a grown woman and can pay for her and her GF trip to the water park


Story 1. Let me be sure I have this right before passing judgement. The nieces are Brothers kids and have been helpful to Op, Brother offered to pay back later so was not expecting anything for free but OP said no problem they would pay. Then Sister hears about the trip and effectively asked to come along, did not exactly say can you TAKE US TOO. Just prior to the trip reveals that she expects to be picked up and OP to pay for everything and when OP doesn't immediately cave and pay for her and her GF calls Mommy and Mommy says go 50/50 which still means either sister or gf is on OP's dime. Oh who was going to pay for their gas in their car to get to the Park? Don't you just love the entitlement and enabling of some people. Well Op you are not an AH and what you did for your nieces was a nice thing to thank them for their help with your dogs. Your Brother is a stand up DAD not expecting stuff for free for his children and has obviously raised them right if they are so helpful. Your sister and her gf plus mother are another kettle of fish and you know what they say about fish, they rot from the head downwards and smell terrible! Just go LC with sister, her gf and your mother.


Whoa! Second story: if the dad's reasoning was that they wanted to say goodbye then there's the proof that you did the right thing and that your sister was 100% correct that the extra stress might have killed her.
She didn't want to hear that she would die while fighting for her life. Her wonderful sister gave her what she needed to live.


Story2: Gigantic NTA. In fact OP WOULD be the AH if she defied her sister's wishes. Good grief step-monster threw a screaming fit over 5-year olds being sad over their bio-mom? She's no mother, she practically sounds like a stalker! She's horrible, and so is OP's dad for his indifference. I hope OP and sister go LC/NC with them.


S1: NTA, sister should have asked if OP would be paying for her trip long before the trip weekend.
S2: NTA, OP followed her sister's wishes, the parents wanted to stomp all over sister's wishes for their desires and most likely would have made her delivery more stressful.
S3: NTA, Jane was awful when friends having kids respected her wishes of distance. She is a two faced piece of trash.
S4: NTA, Sil went on public forum where she was recognized by OP's friend to take screenshots and post to the family chat. That's not private, private would a physical diary or password locked digital one. She doesn't want to be around OP's kids, OP is simply making that happen.


Sister'd Delivery: NTA. Don't discard the sister's wishes; discard the extended family. Publicly.


I love the sister about the water park. She not only wanted then to pay for her but also her grown ass friend!! Live the entitlement!


People who get with someone who has kids needs to understand they can’t replace the parent they have or lost and it’s not up to them to decide but the kids. You can’t expect the kids to forget their parent permanently.


Crying all day because you couldn’t go to a water park? Are you seven?! People have really problems you know


Oh dear. "I wouldn't say it to your face" that is telling af


Ha, the sister crying all weekend is pathetic.


Last story;NTA, OP.that woman is two faced


If OP invited sister, maybe paying for sister might be expected. But sister invited herself, so she should expect to pay for herself. And what kind of 22 yr old adult spends a weekend crying over a water park?


Story 1
Who the Hell Assume someone paying for a Grown Adult...
Also Really... You really cried over this and told the entire family about it... 😒


Story 1, If I'm invited I'll ask first. If they invite me i might assume, but feel better asking. If I ask to tag along, I will not expect them to pay for me. That is very entitled and inexcusable
Story 3, Really? Having kids to rub it in her face? She showed her true nature (Vain, Vindictive and victim claiming) Leave her cut off, she doesn't deserve to have friends, if she only wants them in good times for her


"I prefer them over her." cause they're kids? Have a shame.. And 'crying for a whole week'? Forget it, looks like this child still need a coddle from mommy an daddy..
