Entitled Parents Demand I Quit College Because My Golden Twin Didn’t Get Accepted in My College, ...

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00:00 1st story:

AITA for wanting to be away from my twin sister? (u/Soft-You9949 in r/AITA)

07:45 2nd story:

My family wouldn't let me attend my siblings weddings so now I will cut contact with them. (u/Scared_Search_9029 in r/TrueOffMyChest)

14:58 3rd story:

WIBTA For not planning on my niece and nephews coming for Easter? (u/Comprehensive_Mud811 in r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC)

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Story 1: OP’s parents pushed for a rivalry between her and her sister, but wanted OP to be there for her sister because they thought she would struggle without OP?


OP's parents failed both her and her twin sister in the first story. Can you imagine having a child who has such debilitating anxiety that they can't function normally without their sibling with them and doing absolutely nothing about it? They have one child who can't be independent of her twin sister because of some kind of deep rooted anxiety that makes it impossible for her to do anything.

OP is not her twin sister's emotional support animal. This girl is going to have to get help with that anxiety because if she doesn't get that help and support, she's going to fail at everything she does.


"I don't think I'll ever forgive you"

Twin Sis needs to get over herself 🙄 as well as the Parents


Last story: OP mentioned that her, and her husband being more well off than the rest of the family. It is very common for members to hate and feel entitled to what family with money have. They will hate you because they don't have the same financial security and disposable income. I'm from a poor family and see this all the time.


This is another example of people needing therapy when they have twins. They are 2 separate individuals, separate beings.


Story #2 - How much you want to bet that OP's father isn't actually his father? Given that his parents both resent him and his siblings keep him at arm's length, and the family's obsession with "image", excluding him from family photos, no birthday parties, no wedding attendance... no big family gatherings where he may encounter extended family or distant friends where he may publicly be associated with the family... I smell an affair baby. That just makes more sense, they're trying to keep a lid on things.


Story #3: OP, respectfully, get a fucking backbone.


Story 1: I’ve heard stories like this from other twins. One gets favored over the other, and the parents try to make them compete.

Story 2: truly a shitty family.

Story 3: entitled family members, go NC. Don’t respond to favors, let them parent their own kids… they’re so worried about losing milestones. Also wth op is a doormat, like my god get a grip lady, have some self respect


Story 3: what a doormat, só much work to include toxic people in her life


Story 1 and 2 are honestly the proof that not all parents deserve kids, not all parent deserve to breath. They should and will just grow old and try to reconnect one day, just to realize a child's love is not unconditional, much less when they are adults and had to deal with the pain alone.


2nd Story : I just can't fathom being that cruel and vicious to someone whom you're supposed to love. To hear Op still say he still loves such grotesque creatures is heartbreaking.


Imagine having the parents think you’re your twin sister’s emotional support animal? I’m so glad that she has singing, rational people in her life but no, these are two separate people. And your parents calling you entitled because you want to be your own person is a whole level of sick I can never understand.


Story 3: OP absolute lack of anithing even slightly resembling a backbone is resulting in her giving her own children a terrible childhood by contantly exposing them to their terrible cousins


Story 1: OP is entitled….entitled to living their life without having to constantly babysit their sibling. Everyone is entitled to that. Being entitled isn’t necessarily a bad thing and I hate that it’s being used to demonize people for refusing to follow orders and be doormats.


"I don't think I can forgive you"

If I were him, I would say "Did I ask?"


Story 1 parents are ridiculous. I'm in healthcare. My brother used to pursue a similar path, but he has different strengths. It just wasn't a good fit. He said that himself when he decided to go a different direction. He found he was good at other things. He went to trade school. He actually makes more than me now 😂
The thing is that we are both successful in our own ways. Our parents supported us either way. OPs parents are terrible and should be ashamed of how they reacted. It's just sad for OP.


S3. Don't apologise unless you're actually in the wrong. FFS 🤦🏻‍♀️


That last story. Lordy ... My husband would be feral if his family ever treated me like that. The first time a family member of his went after me we werent even dating and he lost his temper. (Which is a very rare occurrence for him, ive only seen him lose his temper a few times in the last decade.)


Story 1 sounds liked they’re from South Asia and honestly, yeah…it really be like that


People make no sense, how can you love some(one) people called family who just wrongs you on levels beyond forgiveness? Like what mental gymnastics do you have to jump to keep loving them? I dont get it
