Entitled Mother CALLS THE COPS Because I Lock Her Out of MY HOUSE - Reddit Podcast

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Story 1: How would he ever be the jerk in this situation? She left willingly after disagreements, had hidden the deeds of the house (most likely theft/destruction of legal documents, a crime itself), and called the cops under false pretenses to gain entry into a property she did not own. In no way shape or form the jerk.


The mother sityation happened to me with my best friend of nearly 20 years. We haven't spoken in the decade since I evicted her. And I don't care. Her treating me and my home with such contempt killed everything I felt for her.


"SHES YOUR MOTHER" had me rolling on the floor.


The second story about the wife and husband I can see why he loves that wife so much, she's freaking phenomenal!


Love the senior woman’s sense of humor. Definitely not a jerk.


Story 1: The mom was definitely in the wrong to justify her actions by saying "I'm your mother". Nor is she justified in demanding the keys to the house.


In story #5 she says that her husband made a comment on how the boss’s wives were both beautiful and are like works of art, that’s why she made him sleep on the couch.


The story of the sisters caring for their grandmother hit a nerve. My dad was having issues and died when i was in high-school. Im the oldest of 3, so i helped care for my siblings and helped him for years. Im in therapy now for things that happened before he passed. Helped with his medical issues, helped care for my siblings, youngest brother has autism... it was a lot. Ive struggled to come to terms with the fact that i will never know why he let this fall on me. There are somethings i understand he couldnt do anything about... but at some point he just gave up. This guy has no idea the kind of stress and trauma that comes from these situations.


My mom had keys to a house I was renting. I had been buying things for myself to set up housekeeping. She came in and saw I had 2 sets of new glasses and new, very nice flatware with all the extra things like a gravy ladle and desert server. She took them and replaced my nice glassware with jelly jar glasses and old silverware that was a jumble of silver plate and stainless. She was actually angry I had bought nice things and had not offered them to her and accepted her old things because that’s how children treat their parents “. I reminded her of how when she got married she had gotten a house full of things like living and bedroom furniture, silverware, dishes and glassware. My grandparents had to find money and totally refurnish their house in a 2 month period . Never saw that flatware or those glasses ever again.


About the college situation in story 6.

Its deffintely possible that she might've had good results in that dream school even if she dropped out of community college.

Motivation is one of the biggest parts about studying and if someone cant be fucked to care ofc they're going to fail, doesn't have to mean anything about talent or potential, just the lack of motivation to do a certain thing.


From my understanding the wife was upset about the prank but what drove her to put him out on the couch was him saying they were beautiful. Then the father in law made a joke in a way that could've been hurtful to both the husband and wife.


It’s not the prank she was upset over. It was the fact the son said the women looked like pieces of art. Making the wife feel less than. That’s why she was upset. It wasn’t really the prank on the other women. She didn’t like it, but it was his “they are pieces of art” comment essentially. Just for those who didn’t get it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Loved how the wife handled that it was great


Kenzi/Katie Story: So these two women were trapped in part because OP (who never had to live with gmom) controlled the checkbook. OP made his sisters free live in caretakers and then belittled the consequences. Yeah, he's a judgemental AH who can't see his part in his sisters' struggles.


The last one hits me where it hurts. Reminds me so much of what I know of my father. I share the same house with him. But I don’t remember anything nice or caring he’s done for me. He’s always on his computer. Barely does anything around the house. Treats my mum like shit. Like her words don’t matter to him and the only way to get him to do anything is to threaten him with a divorce


for the first story I actually think the OP isnt a jerk at all and is exceedingly generous. the mom likely just has a history of dick head activity and he was fed up before she moved in lol


Great video. I was in a beautiful marriage before my now ex wife left me, i still love her and most times i cant stop thinking about her, i am doing my very best to get rid of the thought of her, but i just cant, i love her so much, i dont know why i am bring this here for, i cant stop thinking about her.


9:45 She probably spent those 10 seconds actually checking her kitchen sink.


Last story: Even if he is depressed, he still is responsible for his actions. He made everyone else's life harder. Worse yet, he isn't treating it and is making it worse by staying up late.


You should have cut ties with the toxic mom way before that happened? Honestly you were doing her a favor and that's how you are treated
