Maverick (Tom Cruise) and Penny (Jennifer Connelly). Love story. 🛩️ Top Gun: Maverick

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Maverick and Penny Get A Happy Ending.
Penny Benjamin (Jennifer Connelly) is an old flame of Maverick's (Tom Cruise) who came back into his life when he returned to Top Gun. Penny and Maverick lost touch over the years after he took her on a date aboard a stolen fighter jet and Mitchell was nearly thrown out of the Navy. Penny seems to uniquely understand Maverick and their mutual attraction is palpable, but given Pete's track record for being unreliable, she wasn't sure if she could commit to him and vice versa. Yet Penny also recognized that Maverick had matured and that he still wanted to give something back to Top Gun because he was far from done as a fighter pilot.
When the triumphant Maverick returned to Penny's bar, The Hard Deck, after the movie's climactic mission, Penny was gone because she took her teenage daughter, Amelia (Lyliana Wray), on vacation. It wasn't explicitly stated, but Penny likely left because she feared Maverick wasn't going to come back from this mission. When word got back to her that Maverick is alove and came home, Penny returned and reunited with him. Maverick and Penny seem more evenly matched and she could finally be The One who gets Pete Mitchell to make a long-term commitment.
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Top Gun: Maverick is a 2022 American action drama film directed by Joseph Kosinski.
⭐ Tom Cruise as CAPT Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a test pilot and flight instructor, training a group of Top Gun graduates.
⭐ Jennifer Connelly as Penelope "Penny" Benjamin, Maverick's rekindled love interest, who is a single mother, a bar owner, and the daughter of an admiral.
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Мэверик и Пенни счастливый конец.
Пенни Бенджамин (Дженнифер Коннелли) — старая любовь Мэверика (Том Круз), которая вернулась в его жизнь, когда он вернулся в Top Gun. Пенни и Мэверик потеряли связь спустя годы после того, как он пригласил ее на свидание на борту украденного истребителя, и Митчелла чуть не выгнали из военно-морского флота. Пенни однозначно понимает Мэверика, и их взаимное влечение ощутимо, но, учитывая послужной список Пита как ненадежного, она не была уверена, сможет ли она посвятить себя ему, и наоборот. Тем не менее, Пенни также признала, что Мэверик повзрослел и что он все еще хочет чем-то отплатить Top Gun.
Когда торжествующий Мэверик вернулся в бар Пенни, The Hard Deck, после кульминационной миссии фильма, Пенни не было, потому что она взяла свою дочь-подростка Амелию (Лилиана Рэй) в отпуск. Это не было указано прямо, но Пенни, вероятно, ушла, потому что боялась, что Мэверик не вернется с этой миссии. Когда до нее дошло известие, что Мэверик влюблен и вернулся домой, Пенни вернулась и воссоединилась с ним. Мэверик и Пенни кажутся более равноправными, и она, наконец, может стать той, кто заставит Пита Митчелла взять на себя долгосрочное обязательство.
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«Топ Ган: Мэверик» — американский боевик Джозефа Косински с Томом Крузом в главной роли, являющийся продолжением фильма 1986 года «Лучший стрелок».
⭐ Том Круз — капитан Питер «Мэверик» Митчелл.
⭐ Дженнифер Коннели — Пенелопа «Пэнни» Бенджамин, любовь Мэверика, мать-одиночка, владелица бара и дочь адмирала.
Рекомендации по теме

Jennifer Connelly is one of those rare women who looks more beautiful the older she gets. Sure, she was a pretty girl in her younger years, but, wow, she looks so amazing today in her 50s!


If these two had been paired in a film together in the 1980s or 90s when they were younger, I think it would have been amazing.


She is just over-the -top hot!! That smile is beyond precious. Perfect for the part.


I feel like I am watching the Golden Bachelor all over again.


I really liked the movie Top Gun: Maverick. The performance of Tom Cruise, Jennifer Connelly and other actors is great. Filming and music completely immerse you in the atmosphere of the events of the film. Super!


So glad that Connelly was part of this huge success of a movie. She's an amazing woman and actress.


My god I love this movie! Oh Tom you are wonderful! He has the look of happiness always with his smile!
Watched again! Addiction just like first Top Gun ! ❤️❤️❤️


Jennifer is the best! She's so classy and gorgeous! One of my all time favorites!!!


How the makers of this film portrayed the characters and natural long term lovers is beyond wonderful/


What you call a classic love story. With class!


whats the name of the music played by piano when Maverick takes Penny back home? 0.37secs


I thought this story doesn’t need a love story but both Penny and Maverick made sense because Penny became the logical voice for the broken Maverick.


It is amazing to me that more in Hollywood have not figured out that a love story with depth and not crass is a home run! Say what you want about Cruise's personal life but he makes great movies.


Top Gun: Maverick is a great movie. Tom Cruise is handsome. Jennifer Connelly is a wonderful woman that you fall in love with immediately. The video is nice, conveys the atmosphere.


Tom Cruise and Jennifer Connelly the best fiction couple !!! 🥰🥰🥰


I like the love story between Maverick and Penny much more than in the first Top Gun with Maverick and Charlie. Well writen script. I'm glad they made Penny a real person. I can relate to that relationship better.


"It wasn't explicitly stated, but Penny likely left because she feared Maverick wasn't going to come back from this mission" No she left to go sailing with Amelia to have a Mother to Daughter talk about having Pete back into their lives. That she still loved him and wanted Amelia's thoughts on it. Also, Pete could finally live and love when he did what Ice told him to do. "It's time to let it go" He had to finally FORGIVE himself for Goose's death before he could love and live


Jennifer Connelly has certainly aged well--a winner in the genetic lottery--but her enduring presence in an industry where people are readily disposable is what makes her exceptional. Appearance takes one only so far. She's been smart enough to excel in her art, enabling her to land roles spanning decades, and that has made her one of the sexiest women in Hollywood even though she's over 50. Sandra Bullock is in that club...Jennifer Anniston...Kate Beckinsale about to join...definitely not many members.


Not only do Tom and Jennifer have incredible chemistry, but it's so obvious *why* Maverick and Penny love each other. Their relationship has real depth and they just make sense together. The way they look at each other... God. She is very much the love of his life, and you absolutely understand why.


Too beautiful and romantic it makes this film dream and a marvel.
I LOVE IT😅have seen it 5 times and also want to watch it again and again.
Truly the best of his career. The best Tom Cruise 🥰🥰🥰
