Rachel Zegler as Snow White – Disney’s First Princess turned Feminist Nightmare

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#rachelzegler #snowwhite #disney

Snow White was Disney’s first princess, who started it all. How poetic would it be if the remake of this live action film starring Rachel Zegler were the one to bring it full circle and end it all?

Zegler & her behavior on set of Snow White: 00:00 - 03:37
Hollywood, echo chambers & feminism: 03:37 - 06:21
Mulan & misinterpretation of female power: 06:21 - 08:20


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Let's say the story was about a prince. He's strong, independent, and looks down love. His only motivation is power and his desire to become king. People would think he was a villain. Why is this supposed to be "good" in a female character?


The irony of Rachel playing the kindest, sweetest Disney princess is so thick. You can cut it with a knife, because Rachel is nothing like Snow White, nothing.


There are people saying that Snow White was "subservient" to the Dwarfs because she did chores and cooked for them. What they fail to realize is that Snow White did that specifically to compensate the Dwarfs for providing her with shelter. She was the princess. She could have pulled rank and demanded that they protect her, but she didn't do that. It never even entered her mind. That shows what kind of character she has. Meanwhile, Rachel Zegler would absolutely snap her fingers and demand the Dwarfs do what she wants and we can see that from the way that she talks about herself. She comes across as very entitled and self-centered. She may be one of the worst examples of it, but her kind of mentality is like a cancer that has spread across most of the entertainment industry.


The animated Mulan in 1998 is still one of my favorites, it was true to the Chinese legend which extolled universal themes like love and respect of family and country, determination and bravery, and self sacrifice. Yes, Rachel Zegler appears to be an entitled person, but ultimately Disney entitled her by not calling out her comments and behavior. October 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of Disney, it is just sad to see the current state of their productions, so many flops . They used to be the pioneer of creativity and imagination that brought joy to generations, now all we hear are controversies, divisiveness, and lawsuits, they are destroying their own legacy and IP. It would indeed be ironic if this Snow White turns out to be the end of Disney…


"The Disney is Always Right" made me choke from laughing! Snow White aside, I hope Rings of Power lives on just to give us some memes. That's all it's good for. Maybe Snow White will be pretty meme-able.


Just cancel the Snow White movie already


as always, lovely commentary. I loved your points about Mulan, I hadn't thought of making that comparison. also I don't know credible this theory is, but some people say that this drive towards making people, especially women, more independent and self-sufficient (ie alone) is a capitalist thing. because the less fulfillment you get from relationships and social interaction, the more you'll look for it in products. it's an interesting take


Exaggerated expressions might be a sign of narcissism


I really liked *"Brave."*

She messed up, coulden't right the wrong without the unconditional love from her mother. Who was litteraly a "mother bear."

A great roll model to have; no matter what, always love your children


As someone who has experienced stalking, Zegler's words who call Snow White's protector a stalker is a slap in the face. She's not fearless and brave, she's merely stupid.


Interesting comments, I appreciate your opinions. I was completely unaware of all of this, found this because of another reel I watched about something that went viral so I googled to find more information. I wonder why they call it Snow White? Why not just write something new that doesn't have a princess, or a love story, or dwarfs. I do agree though that if the movie is being streamed and Ms Zegler is in the movie she should be compensated. I would assume that would be something that would be dealt with in a contract prior to filming.


Women do feminine well; men do masculine well. It’s their natures. If you take the femininity out of women, why would we need female characters portrayed in film? Same holds true with the emasculation of men. Doing such is forced and phony, it takes the art out of film and makes it trope. Politicized trope.… who would pay money for that?

Speaking of money, how much did she get paid to wear that dress 9 hours a day? Is that really hard labor compared to the work 99% of us must do daily for a pittance of wages?

And if Zegler dislikes the character so much, the story so much, the culture, values, and virtues of the civilization that produced the fairytale… why did she accept the role? Did she do it just for the money? Dare I say did she prostitute herself?? Well what do you know, she has some very old world traditions within her after all… the oldest professional tradition of them all as they say.


Even masculine men can't be entirely emotionless. In "Save the Cat", Blake Snyder really emphasizes that even the strongest, toughest, bad-ass hero needs some degree of empathy. Otherwise, there is no reason for the audience to root for them (and except for movies where a villain is the main character). He uses an example where a cop is about to burst and arrest a couple of dealers. But when he notices that one of the criminals has a young son, he very discreetly lets him go, because he doesn't want the son to grow up with a dad in prison. Just this tiny sprinkle of empathy, showing that there are things more important than doing your job properly, makes a lot of difference.


I mean no disrespect to you, Madame, but I’m not giving Zegler any kind of leniency any kind of leeway. She deserves all the backlash she’s getting as far as I’m concerned.


Not Snow White related - just wanted to say that's a pretty sweet tattoo of the Evenstar on your wrist! I've the Ring of Barahir tattooed on my left forearm. Anyway, cool video!


Hahaha I must say, you do those sarcastic impressions very well .... but I definitely prefer you as you are


Normally I don't speak because my head will be chewed off but I got to say something because Snow White was a childhood favorite and I have to agree, The actress's words indeed have consequences. Firstly I will admit I don't hate this actress, I would advise her to take some advice on and binge watch the film over a few times and she would see that snow white wasn't a subservient to the dwarfs. she did it to compensate for letting her live there. I did find out the actress did ruin the ending long before we even have a trailer or a teaser of the film. if what she said is true This film should have a new title because it not only drifts far off from the Disney version but also from the fairy tale itself. However, this could be vengeful comments for not being given reigns of control. It's already sad that she has made ill comments about the original animated classic by addressing it with a political perspective. Though I do praise her for her historical knowledge. However, her view and observation of this film makes me wonder how she's managed to keep the role of the matriarch princess because it feels as if she has a strong distaste and disgust for it because I've yet heard a positive comment about it from her. If it meant canning the production entirely by releasing her then for the protection of the classic do so I'd rather wait a couple more decades then know that the person whose presently playing disney first princess spoke ill of it when it's clear she hasn't done her research well.


I think Mirror Mirror is the best live adaptation of Snow White
it manages to stay true to the (very old) original material yet be their own movie

and it also proves you can have a strong and lovable princess main character that still shine and grow as a CHARACTER instead of a "female girl boss go blaaaargh"

women are just as sexist and stupid as men
supreme equality 😒


If memory is not failing me, I once wrote a comment with this sentiment (traits called toxic masulinity are beeigng praised if shown by "strong female" characters). Though I guess that this observation surely has been made by many other ppl too. XD


the idea that masculinity is toxic yet strong female characters means physical strength, endurance, emotionless, always bossy... is so messed up. toxic masculinity is "toxic" because those same attributes are given to ideal women now. and since audiences prefer watching action/thriller/horror movies where physical strength and leadership skills are required from main characters than, say ... romantic movies... then this is what we get: women that are like men. fml
