What Really Happens If You Die In A Dream?

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✨ What happens when you die in a lucid dream? Does it harm you physically when you wake up?

Dying in a lucid dream or a normal dream won’t physically kill you or harm you at all. HOWEVER if you experience emotional pain in a dream such as having your partner cheat on you or break up with you, or losing a job etc, you WILL wake up feeling terrible about it!

You can also use lucid dreaming to improve at waking real life skills, by practicing in a lucid dream.







What is Lucid Dreaming? Lucid dreaming (sometimes called astral projection although they're not quite the same) is the ability to become SELF AWARE in your dreams, meaning you can control them and experience whatever you want. You can live out your fantasies and be, do, see or feel ANYTHING.

There are also many benefits to lucid dreaming, such as improved sleep, more energy, more confidence, and more restorative sleep. Not to mention the fact you can become more CONSCIOUS, and experience the impossible!

I'm Stef, the guy behind HowToLucid, and I'm dedicated to helping you learn how to lucid dream. I've been lucid dreaming for over 8 years now and I have a passion for dreams, personal development and travel. Follow my journey, and please leave a comment now, if you've read all of this, letting me know your best lucid dream experience!

If you want to know how to lucid dream tonight or really quickly, check out my other videos on my channel. I have tutorials on how to induce lucid dreams easily and sleep better. Explore lucid dreaming with me!

#LucidDreaming #HowToLucid #Dreams
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One time in a dream I died, but I didn't wake up at the moment of impact like I usually would. I lost my sense of self and my individual consciousness, and felt like I became one with God.. It was one of the most liberating feelings I've experienced and I lost my fear of death after that dream.


I died in a normal dream and when I died I went into third person and stared at myself dead for like ten seconds


Strong message to thoughtful people:

*Your dreams are your true reality, because you are fond of them. You belong to your own thoughts and not to everyone else around you and this reality you're living. Your dreams shape your future, and you can influence them. Don't let this reality feed your dreams, let your dreams feed on your reality. EI follow your dreams instead of being "woke."*


When he said that you can improve real life skills in a lucid dream, my actual first thought was "heck yeah I'm gonna improve my German"


I have had pain after getting stabbed in a dream
Edit. I think I should clarify i also had pain in the dream and woke up from that pain.

And that your mind is powerful, especially when it's dreaming there it can do so much given it is making the environment I used to not be able to use screens or be able to see images on the screen I now can see stuff on the screen and even operate them and I had pain in a dream after I made this comment and dang it hurt, but it was in a specific type of pain and it felt like what ever happened would feel like sorry that dream didn't get written down, and that's all I remember.

Edit: I still find it funny that it took a year for me to get replies on this lol!


i hate when you go to bed and you get that mini dream where your at like a shop and you fall of a escalator maybe and then you jump a mile in your bed and realize you're at a sleepover and everyone is questioning if you are ok, then ask you if you remember it in the morning -_-


Therapist: Slender man can’t hurt you, he isn’t real.
Slender man: See you in your dreams!


I've had a dream of Dora and Spongebob getting married and having a freaky hybrid sponge baby...

I'm clearly going insane.


When i was 6 i dreamed that i was chained under a pool ever since I've had a bondage fetish


I had a dream where I was running with this unknown girl around the neighborhood. When i woke up, my arms were so exhausted.


I had a dream where my best friend died in front of me, and I woke up with real tears in my eyes.


I’ve died in a few lucid dreams. The most prominent and vivid experience of this was profound. I recall being at my parents house with my family when suddenly shadow figures came in and began grabbing us and attempting to take us. At that moment a catastrophe happened. My first interpretation was a bomb, like a nuke, but I’ve later considered a massive meteor impact could be accurate as well. I remember an enormous explosion, and I remember thinking “Thank god, anything is better than this”

As the white light grew and engulfed me, I remember being at peace. I sat engulfed in pure light for a time. Eventually the light began to blur and focus all around me. It felt like being in a purely dark environment and then stepping out in to a sunny day. As my vision focused and returned I found I was standing on a beautiful beach that extended infinitely in both directions. There were countless people everywhere. They were embracing loved ones and friends and I felt infinite joy and love from everyone. My family was there as well.

There was a line that was waiting to meet the creator. I remember thinking that it was funny that you had to wait in line to meet the creator, but I certainly wanted to. So I stepped in line and was instantly at the front of it, next up to speak. Despite every other aspect of this dream being as vivid as any experience in my life, whatever conversation I had with the creator must have been removed, or blocked, because after only a moment the creator and I were smiling at each other and saying our goodbyes.

At this point I knew that all experiences were open to me, and all I needed to do was close my eyes, think of where I wanted to be, open my eyes, and I would be there. My first thought was to go to my favorite place, Disneyland. In an instant I was there with countless people. I explored a bit but didn’t stay long. It was more like I was testing this new found knowledge.

I then placed myself on the top of Mount Everest so that I could look around at this beautiful creation. I remember jumping off and enormous cliff. I had no fear from this. I remember smiling and feeling the wind rush past me as the ground grew closer. Before impact I closed my eyes and was back on the beach with everyone.

Needless to say when I woke up I was rather depressed for a couple days. The peace and love was so real and infinitely soothing. It was beautiful.


I dreamt of being shot with a revolver. When I was shot once I instantly felt it in my stomach. No idea who the guy was never seen him. I fell down and he shoot me again I couldn't do anything like I was paralyzed just laying there and he kept shooting me and I could feel it


I watch like every one of his new videos but still never had a lucid dream


I had a dream when I was younger about being buried alive to save me from aliens! It all came down to a movie that I had seen. But I never died, I always woke up before!


My dad has a dream where he caught on fire from something and when he woke up his arm was on fire and burnt and now he still has the scar till this day. What’s really weird is that it was just like randomly on fire, there were no candles or anything that could’ve caught on fire


One Time I was in a lucid dream and it felt like I was in there for a few years but it turns out I just slept late lol


i’ve died in my dream before and then my soul ascended to the sky and my soul got placed into another dream


I cry in my dream then when I woke up, I get fever


When I jumped off a bridge to fly, I died. I became some sort of spiritual being and started levitating. I saw my body on the ground and then I was thrown into another lucid dream.
