24 Things I'm Not Buying In 2024 | Minimalism & Saving Money

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It's that time of the year again! With 2024 rapidly approaching, I wanted to sit down and share 24 things I'm not buying in 2024. These have to do with minimalism and saving money, but this isn't meant to be a strict list that I absolutely have to stick to, no matter what. I use this more as a guideline to help me make intentional purchasing decisions. :) And of course, these aren't the only things I stopped buying as a minimalist, but rather a list of certain items that I wanted to put some extra attention on for myself. Enjoy the video and feel free to take inspiration from my list, to identify some things you want to do a low-buy or no-buy for next year!

Lots of love,
🌼 Vera

Intro 0:00
Things 1-12 1:30
Big thanks to the sponsor 11:19
Things 13-24 13:11
Final thoughts 26:35

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Thanks for watching, everyone! 🤗 These 24 things aren't really the only things I've stopped buying as a minimalist, there's a list that's a LOT longer than this for things I actually never (or very rarely) buy, but rather a list of certain items that I wanted to put some extra attention on for myself. This isn't meant to be a strict list that I absolutely have to stick to no matter what, but rather something to help me make intentional purchasing decisions in the year to come. :) Feel free to take inspiration from my list, to identify some things you also want to do a no-buy or low-buy for next year! Much love, Vera


I remember when I was young friends were telling me not to smile so much I would get wrinkles. I enjoy smiling and never listened to them. Of course now I am a senior and have nothing but laugh lines. I believe these lines add character. Wrinkles are the roadmap of your life. Everyone wants the fountain of youth. 🌍☮️🌲


Oh, those four words, "aging is a gift, " really struck me. I just turned 70 last week and I have to admit that this milestone loomed for me all year. I feel like I'm about 50, I've never gotten any anti-aging treatments, but I still struggled a bit with this one. I love those four words, they are so true and I'm going to keep them close at heart.


Considering my parents died in their early 60s. Aging is truly a gift like you say.


I applaud your decision to skip botox and fillers. For starters, you’re naturally beautiful and look flawless from this side of the camera! I also think there is such a stigma to aging. Aging is a natural process and there is nothing wrong with it. I’m 66 and I’d feel like a phony if I still looked 30. I try to take the best care of myself as I can, and I do use retinol and moisturizer. But that’s it. No needles or surgery for me. I’ve earned every line and wrinkle I have. I love the actors who embrace their natural faces, too. But, like you, to each her own. If you opt for medical procedures, you do you.


I really loved the point you made about being grateful for aging & celebrating the fact that we are privileged to age. It reminded me of one of Epicurus' sayings: 'It is not the young person who is most happy, but the old person who has lived beautifully; for despite being at his very peak the young person stumbles around as if he were of many minds, whereas the old person has settled into old age as if in a harbour, secure in his gratitude for the good things he was once unsure of'


"Aging is something to be grateful for" preach! you're so wise for saying this!!


You're not alone in your thinking about the smart devices. I happily got them all out of the house. About the fillers and aging, my thoughts are (and perhaps you can talk about this too) that aging women are beautiful, even with uneven skin, wrinkles, and sagging. Youth is celebrated far too much in order to sell things. We've been conditioned that having an older-looking face/body is something we must avoid at all costs. I think we need to re-orient our minds to see the beauty and wisdom in an aged face, and to refute and rebel against this message that we're not good enough unless we look young.


I love shifting a low/no-buy challenge to a use-it-up challenge. This is probably not a new idea, but it's new to me, and I can think of several categories of items I could focus on using up this year. Thanks for your inspiration!


I love this video! It is so refreshing to hear a young person say they embrace aging. I am 62 and I have always felt the same way. I want to look my best, but I don’t want to look 25. I’ve earned any my wrinkles. I would absolutely enjoy a live Q and A about your vegan journey. I too am vegan. Thanks so much for sharing😊❤️


I agree with you on Botox. I want to age naturally. I have had two friends tragically die in their forties. It is a privilege that some don’t get to experience.


I love “visiting” with you over a cup of tea Vera ❤ I absolutely share your views on “smart tech”, aging gracefully and the rest. I find that those are shackles I don’t want in my life. I am more confident in who I am created to be without focusing on how I look on the outside but reflecting God on the inside. Your soul is a much better view of beauty 😊 I am embracing a no buy year and determined a budget that reflects using what I have and only replacing essentials. Now that I’m on disability I have opted to keep the few inexpensive streaming services I have and my grocery delivery service as that is essential in this season for me. Blessings ❤


In a world full of consumerism, this is such a breath of fresh air. So glad I found your videos!


So happy to hear that I am not the only person not seeing the value in all those fancy electronics. I hold the same opinion on Alexa/ Siri as you and always find it weird to hear people talk to them. When it comes to the vacuum robot, believe me, it’s even worse with kids! Having to pull up all the chairs (or move around whatever other furniture) to get a clean result and no stuck robot is enough in itself. But pick up all toys, clothes etc. and make sure no bricks, marbles… are hidden in corners, under the sofa etc. No time saving at all! I sometimes think that people tend to forget - once they have made the purchase - to evaluate the benefits and inconveniences. Honestly, I am back to the broom for my daily evening cleaning because the vacuum is so noisy that I cannot talk to my hubby or listen to music while doing it. I also feel the noise disturbs our winding down process in the evenings. We do have a cordless vacuum for the carpets but all the rest is fine without!


Just a tip on cleaning supplies, use cheap white vinegar to clean everything. I do not use anything else, and it makes life easy.
I clean the kitchen, bathroom, windows, mirrors, floor and anything else that needs a moist clean...lol!


Not using animal products was truly the best thing I could have ever done. 💛 Any video regarding veganism is welcome 😊


Hey Vera, another wonderful video! Could you consider doing a video on animal free/cruelty free products? I am having a hard time finding really good make-up and skin products that work and aren't outrageously expensive!


Thank's for this video ! Vegan since 7 years, the best thing I did for the animals, my health and the Earth. I will never look back. I would be interested in your vegan-related information and thought.


I haven't eaten meat for over 22 years now so I always enjoy hearing about vegetarian meals. I also really like hearing about cruelty free clothes and beauty products as well! I agree with what you said about collagen etc., I have friends who are your age and they are very scared of aging so they get the injections, don't get me wrong I'm not enjoying some of the physical changes I'm starting to see on me lol but the idea of injections isn't appealing to me - absolutely no judgment to those who do it!


Thank you for this video, Vera. Yes, I would be interested in more vegan-related information and resources for food, clothing, and skin care/cosmetics. Enjoy autumn. :)
