Professor Denis Moss: Recollections of his remarkable science career at QIMR Berghofer, 1962 - 2008

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Denis recalls highlights of his captivating QIMR Berghofer journey, beginning with his accidental discovery of the institute that would shape his professional life. His career spanned the era of the primitive facilities in old WW2 US Army huts, right through to the modern facilities enjoyed by the researchers of recent decades.
He was a pioneer of immune therapy, in particular his work discovering the role of T cells in Epstein-Barr virus immunity.
His work paved the way for the next generation including Professor Rajiv Khanna, who would build on the Denis Moss legacy and produce life saving virus-specific T cell therapies and targeted T cell therapies to fight cancer.
This video is produced from an interview with Professor Moss, conducted by QIMR Berghofer head of content and journalist, Alex Smith in December 2023.
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