How to identify and treat an opioid overdose with Naloxone, Narcan

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Dan Wilkosz, outreach and education coordinator for New Orleans Opioid Survival Program, demonstrates how to use Naloxone or Narcan.

Drug overdose deaths have more than doubled in New Orleans since the pandemic began.

To save lives, the New Orleans Department of Health is embracing a proactive strategy and bringing in night-life workers to help.

Through the Opioid Survival Connection program, Dana Wilkosz teaches people to recognize an overdose and deliver life-saving care. There’s a new focus on getting the workers at bars and music venues trained. That way, they can step in and save a life when they see someone overdose.

The training focuses around naloxone, better known as Narcan. Naloxone is a medication that immediately reverses an opioid overdose. It’s effects last for roughly an hour, buying enough time for that person to get the medical care they need.

“That window of time to respond is really small,” she said. “They could die before EMS arrives it’s important to have a bystander there so they can step in if necessary.”

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