Autism Meltdown Triggers YOU Missed!

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I just had new autism meltdown triggers and it took my by surprise! This is what I found out.



All autism meltdowns come from somewhere, and that somewhere is caused by something.

To figure out what causes our meltdowns is the golden key to unlocking the way to stop or and reduce autism meltdowns from happening.

As I am in the process of buying, furnishing and moving in to a house it is stressful but also very triggering.

I have these triggers happen to me that I never knew were triggers of mine, and it is all down to the house moving, but not just the fact we are moving home.

The triggers are caused by big changes and responsibility, which is surprising as the responsibility one i didn’t think would be an issue.

Let me know if you have had autism metldown triggers like this happen in your life and follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content.

#autismmeltdown #autistic #metldown


Рекомендации по теме

My autistic meltdown triggers are:

1) life

2) life

3) life

4) lights, noises, smells and textures



Yes please do a video on autism and stomach issues/ibs, I have such a bag stomach and I’d love to know how to help with it


I was diagnosed with cancer in March. It’s not the same thing as buying a house but it’s still a stress. There’s so much added thats changed my daily routine plus I’m trying to distract myself to keep from panic.


I feel like my meltdowns are worse since the pandemic


Just went through this and moved a family of 4 into a house 3 weeks before lockdown in the US. It is a big fixer upper. Working at only one room at a time and using a basic checklist help out wonders through the mess. Having a box with some basic cooking things and toilet paper that always goes with you is good, you never know if you sleep at new place or old place mid moving if you do it yourself. You will find yourself always waiting for someone else or something to get done. Make sure to keep a short playlist of songs to zone the world out for a minute. Letting the fam leave you to just focus if it gets hectic can help to. Day 5 of my drama I spent 18 hours straight with a floor scrubber and heaphones, super peaceful. Remembering to remember becomes alot and its extra easy to forget about yourself. Congrats and I hope this helps.


I think my meltdown triggers are situations like 6:30 - 6:40. When I try to do something that I need to be focused and distractions just keep going on, sometimes I lose it and end up breaking random things


Hi all, I’m currently undiagnosed but on a 10 month waiting list to be diagnosed, and I’ve suffered with IBS too.

I recently went vegan and it has improved my IBS, not entirely cleared it but it’s a lot less painful now. Even if you don’t want to go vegan, cutting down on meat/animal products and increasing fibre can be really helpful, however this won’t work for everyone.

Good luck friends!


I’ve always felt so embarrassed and ashamed at having what I now know are meltdowns. I’m still awaiting diagnosis though but these videos help me understand myself better. Feeling all “touched out” is a great phrase and I’ll use that now. I never had a word for it before! The physical toll these stresses cause shouldn’t be overestimated. That’s why going undiagnosed is so dangerous. It can have a severe affect on your health. Getting treatment can help with managing these symptoms better. I absolutely swear by vitamin C for when I’m exhausted, run down, need energy or am coming down with something. I keep off wheat too as it makes my blood sugar fluctuate, causes food addiction and low mood. I also find writing down all the noise in my head helps externalise it and get it out my head.


Hey man, you are a big hit with my young battle buddy.
I'm a 70 year old US Army disabled veteran.
I have been helping and advocating for my younger friend. His name is Harvey and he is 67. He was never diagnosised with Autism until recently. He is an Aspy.
In working with him I showed him one of your other videos about the 10 ways to spot someone on the spectrum.
He was very interested and wants to see more.
If you Google my name in Houston Texas, you will see a news story by the Houston Chronicle about my friendship with him. Great videos brother.
He identified with y'all completely.


Dan can you do a video on autism and fatigue please thanks and anything that helps


I have IBS and ASD so doing a video about it would be massively informative. Maybe include tips and tricks to manage? Is it connected with sensory issues? Could you did some videos on managing sensory issues...particularly skin sensitivity...I struggle to shower/bath due to skin sensitivity and not sure how to manage it. I have noise cancelling headphones to help with noise sensitivity when out and about but struggling around me home. How do you manage sensory issues with a child? I live with a 1 year old and I can really struggle at times. Do you know about ASD inertia? Could you do a video about it maybe?
I recently moved bedroom within my house and found that stressful so I have major respect for you for moving house. How I managed was I didn't really pack, I just made sure I had all my furniture where I wanted it to be and moved bits at a time...books i moved and put straight into the bookcase, clothes went straight into the wardrobe...for me that made it more manageable and I felt in control. I get its different moving a whole house but is there a similar system you could set up especially if you have the furniture and have a bit of flexibility in moving...maybe focus on one room at a time...less overwhelming.


With gummy meds please check dosages they are usually just sugar with a tiny amount of vitamins vs tablets


I love your channel. I’m not on the spectrum but value your content as my son is on the spectrum. What can help is designating time for discussion or processing anything regarding the house. When we bought our home, we allowed for scheduled time and limited unscheduled time to work on the process. Of course things come up but the unexpected is more manageable when we have already planned for time to address the expected. So unstructured parts of the process still feel under control. I took plenty of notes and tracked everything but once I closed my computer I visualized closing my mind about it. I would only revisit if it was scheduled time to talk about it or something came up externally. Maybe this might help you too.


Great video Dan. Buying a house has to be the most stressful thing in life. My partner and I have purchased two. I had a meltdown this morning and I too haven’t had one in a while. It was because, I think, I was not meeting my exercise goals as I have injured my foot. I tend to smack my head and flap my hands around to get myself through it. Thanks for posting!


Yes I have been diagnosed with autism/aspergers and also IBS so would be fascinated in a video about the correlation between these things. xXx


Moving is super distressing! You have my sympathy’s


Anything that causes me great anxiety causes me to have meltdowns. I hate being lost while driving in an unfamiliar place, for example. I hate when things don't go as expected at work, and I become afraid that I could lose my job. And the worst meltdown I ever had was when I thought that my uncle might have given hepatitis C; I went absolutely apeshit! (Thankfully, I didn't have hepatitis, after all.)


First off, thank you for your videos. I've been watching a lot of them lately and a lot of things are starting to make a lot more sense.
I'm in the process of buying a house as well, super-stressful and overwhelming. Unfortunately, that means my wife has had to do the bulk of the work. Way too much paperwork, gets me all anxious. Positive side, things will be much easier once it's all said and done. The added stress now is worth the stress it will save in the future.


Hi Dan love your videos they have helped me alot, last saturday I got diagnosised with level 1 Autism which was known as Aspergers. Feels greats like weight lifted of my shoulders a bit.


I don't know if you've done this topic but a video abt how you organise and plan your daily tasks + work would be nice. I recently started my own Home business and it's getting overwhelming with all the work I need to do. I often get meltdown triggers. Thank you and congratulations on your house!
