Did the Ancient Egyptians Really Have Blue Eyes?

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The blue-eyed sculptures created by the ancient Egyptians did not necessarily mean that the Egyptians themselves had blue eyes. This video will explain what was really going on...and provide some interesting information about early Egyptian history as well.
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LONDON (Reuters) - Up to 70 percent of British men and half of all Western European men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, geneticists in Switzerland said.


You are wrong ma'am. Blue-eyed people came from ONE common ansestor. Blue-eyed peoples originated from Turkey, some say Italy and if you know anything and the links between both of those countries, you will know why the debate exists. You have to follow genetics, not pictures. All people who die have blue eyes?
Ever heard of paint? Or maybe inter-marriage? In order to have blue eyes, both parents must have the mutant gene that is resessive. Back in the day, Egyptians would have to had married someone with the gene, then as time goes on you could get that gene expression in an Egyption. I have Olive skin and blue eyes and none of my ancestors came from the upper regions like Finland, Sweden or Denmark. Mine came from Asia Minor.


you do know that blue eyes have been around longer than the pyramids?


They can do genetic testing on a large number of mummies to determine


Ramses II had read hair as did other Egyptian pharaohs. Many mummies found throughout cemeteries also had blond or red hair. The Smithsonian conducted a large-scale DNA test Barry's Egyptian citizens Pharaoh's from the past. They are lighter-skinned than the people residing in today's Egypt. They closely resemble Italian, Greek and other Mediterranean peoples. Mediterranean peoples. Mediterranean peoples. The reason the statues have blue eyes is because the people had blue eyes. Not all of them but anyone that has blue eyes as Caucasian or white ancestry. Caucasian is the race of Europeans, Middle easterners and North Africans. As well as Central Europeans like those from Dagestan, Georgia so on. This is all revisionist, politically correct, woke history. Most professors and so-called experts today are afraid to tell the truth


So happy, I have discovered this gem - people are totally out of order, irrational & more obsessed with the KMT/Ancient Egyptian phenotype than with any aspect of this culture


What a beautiful presentation that I believe is quite believable because of DNA testing and also DNA behavior in terms of how we relate in this world different things people have his habits or things that speak to them per se


The druids where priests in Al-Khemet.


They eyes are brown with a black out line around the outer layer of the eyes


I am Egyptian..and your talk about us being a multi-ethnic people is wrong. You can search and you will see that Arabs are only 17 percent of Egyptians and European and Asian genes are very few..and the rest are purebred Egyptians and not as they claim that the ancient Egyptians were black-skinned because this is wrong, and we will not allow them to be taken Our history from us !!


Was there a cast system based off origins or a more preferred type of peoples for different jobs? Like India?


9500 years ago they came frm the Black Sea region as DNA analises show.


We will soon be able to find out from dna. They used the Italy project to match the mummies. The original population was Anatolia. Some Neanderthals had the blue grey eyes and red hair. The Mesopotamians also show blue eyes. The blue may have developed in several places at one time.


Yes macidonians were in egypt with alexander, this does not mean were egyptians with ethnicity, because greecs -macidonians were in alexandria as invaders


johannes krause states that 8000 years ago ancient anatolians went to europe, having brown skin and blue eyes...so?...


The coloured people with blue eyes are mixed people. You see it everytime on the faces. Look in opposite to this photos ancient paintings and statues of black nations like the nubians.


When the gods left that was it anything else is false the people and all the real children of Egypt is marked buy the gods and goddess by hand and feet these are the true Egyptian gods and goddess in fact it's a few of us here right now but have been reincarnated born back into this world with the mark of Egypt and the celestial world soon the world will see and know the truth


I am Black-American mixed with White and North African Sahidic Egyptian-Moroccan. Thank you so much for teaching about Egyptian history!


Saharan Africans Africans haven’t always lived there
Many actually migrated from the east and settled in west Africa . Many migrations and wars pushed them that way.
