LUCASFILM PUTS REY MOVIE ON ICE - Are Things Finally Changing?

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity

Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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The reason its in trouble is due to what happened in the ST. The way Disney treated the legacy characters was awful. Especially Luke Skywalker. Episodes 7-9 and onwards should have been based around Luke Skywalker and the New Jedi Order. Not Rey Palpatine trilogy.


The Rian Johnson trilogy for me was an example of a new term im hearing called "PR forcefielding". Basically, if a studio wants to build hype around an upcoming movie they'll say, "This movie is going to be so good we're already in talks with the director will do more projects with us in the future". Pretty much so an audience will this "this has to be good if the studio is already wanting to greenlight future stuff". When in reality its a total bluff and they can later say that theyll pass on budgetary factors or some nonsense.


If in the end it all leads to the abomination known as the Disney Trilogy, none of their projects are going to be “big wins” for Disney. They need to address the root of the problem.


To put the Acolytes budget into perspective, Godzilla Minus One cost £15m. That means you could’ve made that movie twelve times over with the budget Disney handed to Lesley Hedland. If Disney wonder why they aren’t getting bangs for their bucks, then it’s pretty easy to see why. If you hire talented directors like Takashi Yamazaki then you could do a lot more with a lot less because he knows what he’s doing. Some of the budgets that Disney handed out to trial balloonists is shocking and unsustainable, hence why they are cutting back because they can’t see where the issues lie. Obi-Wan Kenobi was given a budget less than a quarter of what The Acolyte got, and it was still better. It n was n;t great, but it was still ten times better. Had Kenobi been given the room to breathe then it would’ve been fine. It comes down to making good choices at the end of the day, and that is where they should start. Cutting back is a slack and burn activity for executives who have to deliver better financial performance, but it wont improve the quality of the shows or movies. That requires picking real talent and giving them the tools they need to do the job.


Rian Johnson should never be allowed near Star Wars again.
Kathleen Kennedy should have been fired a long time ago.
How do you mess up Star Wars so badly? Repeatedly.


It was foolish to even consider it in the first place


Vader had 34 minutes of screentime in the original trilogy. Quality > Quantity


Just let the movie fall through the ice and drown in cold


I’ve said it so many times before. The biggest problem is that they completely scrapped and disregarded legends. That was tons of things that could’ve done in there! They should Bring back legends! If they truly want this franchise to succeed, long-term I think that’s the only will realistic way.


Not a surprise, but a welcomed confirmation it won't happen. After 12 years of mostly failures, Disney needs to fire a lot of people.


Ridley is a good actor, I'd like to see her in projects that let her use her talents.


If I was the head of creative for Star Wars I would concentrate on a new saga Movie verse with the Knights of the Old Republic. It’s new and fresh for live action and an epic story to which if done right would really bounce back Star Wars back to the top. Also I would love to see a Luke Skywalker series with Mara Jade 🙌.


It’s gonna take decades before any kind of true artistic Star Wars is made.


Why do they keep announcing these films then cancelling them. The management is terrible. It needs to change. I am afraid it’s too late now though. The damage has been done


Nobody asked the continuation of Rey's story. Nobody.


The nightmares, the mission, its finally over


Cade Skywalker and Dark Krayt trilogy should be next!


I’m gonna be honest, while I would like to believe things are changing, I cannot and will not get my hopes up. I’ll believe it when I see it basically. I know that sounds harsh, but I cannot just believe it from articles and 5e internet. I need to see Disney actually putting in the effort.


A step in the right direction. Let’s hope it continues


A surprise to be sure, but a welcomed one
