JFK Q&A No 8 Paul Landis and the Magic Bullet 399

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In this episode, Mark Groubert and Eric Hunley delve deep into a fresh perspective on the JFK assassination. Paul Landis, a Secret Service agent who was mere feet away from President Kennedy on that fateful day in Dallas, breaks his silence.

🔍 **Highlights:**
- Paul Landis's firsthand account of the assassination and his doubts about the "magic bullet" theory.
- The Warren Commission Report's explanation of the single bullet theory.
- Landis's revelation: Did he find the bullet in the limousine and not at Parkland Memorial Hospital?
- The possibility of a second shooter and the ongoing debate on Lee Harvey Oswald's role.
- Insights from the National Archives and expert opinions on Landis's claims.

Join us as we uncover another layer of America's untold stories. Was the "magic bullet" theory debunked? Tune in to find out!

Check out Vince Palamara for Secret Service info @VincePalamarasecretservicejfk

Check out the first seven Q&As:

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I literally tell everyone I speak to about JFK about this channel. The best on YouTube by a country Mile. On the comment someone made about listening to episodes over and over again I do it constantly also, that’s how good all the different episodes are. Thanks again Eric and Mark as always you guys never disappoint. Brilliant again 👏👏


If you want Secret Service, it doesn't get any better than Vince Palamara. I've known him for years and he never ceases to amaze me.


The problem with everyone who had any type of physical evidence (like Audrey Bell), trusted the FBI, CIA and Secret Service and to some extent the Dallas Police with that evidence. That trust allowed those agencies to construct their coverups.


I discovered this channel and can't stop watching - I gotta get my life back !


Great stuff, guys. Grew up in the 60s and 70s on the WC narrative, began seriously doubting the lone gunman theory in the 80s, then outright dismissed the WC conclusions after reading Jim Marrs’ Crossfire. Your work on the greatest American murder mystery is intriguing. Given Kellerman testified a fusillade of bullets rained down on X-100, along with evidence multiple types of ammo was used, I’m curious about two points (more actually, but will settle on two for now). 1). Given evidence of ballistics damage to X-100 and multiple copper and lead bullet fragments were found inside the “death car”, it’s a miracle neither Jackie, Nellie, Kellerman or Greer sustained collateral damage à la James Tague (ballistics are funky, man). 2). Wouldn’t a bullet through the front windshield striking JFK in the throat at the outset of the ambush garner the immediate attention of Kellerman and Greer? While there’s no doubt in my mind JFK sustained an entry wound to the throat, the few photos of the windshield appear to show damage from a bullet fragment, or perhaps impact from a frangible bullet, instead of a clean through and through bullet hole (apologies to Evalea Glanges, et al). Any recommended readings/videos focused on evidence found in X-100? Thanks and keep up the great work.


I am working on a chapter in an upcoming book (from another author) on this AND for an upcoming via-remote conference presentation AND for yet another author, not to mention several recent videos I have posted. The interest in this is insane! :)


yes, getting into the weeds is why i’m here boyz. LOVE the show. Truth, facts NO BS, my, how refreshing from fake orchestrated news. Oswald NOT part of any conspiracy. Patsy for sure. anyone with critical thinking skills and who does cursory research will figure it out pretty damn quick unless one is being purposely obtuse. Looking great Mark! love the pics Hunley


Eric and Mark, Thank You for your commitment to your audience. As a newer, absolutely committed fan, your assessments always seem so fresh and professional. You may have reviewed like information numerous times. Never speaking down to your audience is another gift. But for older, newer fans, your credibility and stratified talent is immeasurable. Sincerely grateful that you received the Bat Signal, Mark, and apply your talent and assessments. Thank you Eric.


Greg Gutfeld on The Five today sounded like he has watching this channel. He had comments at about 44 minutes into the show that sounded very similar to comments you guys made about the connection of the CIA / FBI to the MSM and the media in general. They will replay the entire show later tonight. I'd love to know what you guys think.


Handler, yes. And a "limited hangout" apparently, since the "magic bullet" has long been considered absurd. So, the powers that be can dispense with promoting that, but they will continue to work on the other key aspects of this tragedy. So, Sam Kinney (another SS agent) appears to have done this same thing, but on the FIFTY YEAR anniversary. Wow. They don't even use new techniques.


Cyril Wecht does an excellent job of dissecting the absurdity of CE399 and the single/magic bullet theory. There is no way CE399 was fired into anything but a water tank for recovery.


RFK Jr was on Hannity tonight pushing for this investigation to proceed


IMHO, the Zapruder film completely debunked the "single bullet theory." Both the WC and the HSCA claimed that 2 bullets did all the injuries inside the limo, leaving the "third" to end up somewhere unknown. The first bullet is allegedly the "pristine bullet" that initially wounded both Kennedy and Connally (i.e. it was the "magic bullet.") The third and final bullet was claimed to be the head shot that killed Kennedy. However, in Zapruder, when the limo emerges from behind the highway sign, Kennedy is seen grabbing his throat, ostensibly from that first hit. But CONNELLY can be observed to turn around in his seat to the right, ostensibly to observe what was going on with Kennedy. Connally's head is approximately at a 45 degree angle to the back seat, and clearly could see Kennedy. I seriously question that with all the damage done to Connally observed at Parkland that he would have had either the presence of mind or physical ability to make that turn. Yet in the film, there it is . . . in all it's glory.


Here’s a possible scenario. Landis realised that something was wrong when the agents were ordered to step back, then when the killing took place he knew that his colleagues, or some of them, must be involved. Just think about that for a moment. So, later, probably scared if he is not read in, he sees a bullet and picks it up to hide it to protect his colleagues from this silliness. But then it plays on his mind as someone might have seen him pick it up which would implicate him and become a patsy! So he dumps it on a gurney so he can give a BS reason for not hiding evidence. Plausible!


Let me settle this once and for all. It was Bennett Cerf who was behind the mysterious death of Dorothy Kilgalen. Oh and John Daly was her handler. CASE CLOSED. Great show boys.


The famous "Cellar, " where most of the Secret Service conspirators went the night before the assassination to "relax and get drunk" before planning to betray the President of the United States and before doing whatever they were told to do to help hide the real 4- 5 "mechanic" teams, two-member teams. This "Basement" should be called "Che Guevara's House", which we could clearly see at 12:59 where the "boss" is posing with one of his "waiters". A real night dump and the last open club for all misfits, beatniks, failed students, easy women, radical pro-Cuban communists..and the failed secret service, the worst of all traitors in the whole conspiracy. A place for the president's closest people who betrayed him in the assassination plot and who willingly aided LBJ's coup'd etat.


These professional agents put a lot of evidence in their pocket.


Brilliant - and to do such a comprehensive analysis, you have to have decades of study- as Mark has, so essential viewing.


Interesting to note that Paul Landis and James Robenalt will be presenting at the JFK Assassination Conference in Pittsburgh on Thursday 11/16.


In regards to Tippitt, I believe he was involved in some way, but it doesn't make sense that he was killed just so they could pin his death on Oswald. Why would they need to? They had just pinned Oswald for JFK.
I heard Tippitt's widow interviewed and she made mention that Tippitt called her from work that morning, and asked if she would fix him some lunch because he wanted to come home that day for lunch. She said he had never done that before and never ate lunch at home in his whole career as a cop. When he left, after eating, he hugged their little boy, who was home sick, and told him, "if something happens today, always remember that I love you." I don't know the validity of that, but that's what she said in the interview. I've often wondered if Tippitt just had a very limited role, and didn't know what was going to happen, and once he figured out what was going on, maybe he balked, and was then taken out to silence him.
