Video Games and Anime Ruined My Life...

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A lot of guys have been sharing the difficulties they have experienced with the negative effects of playing video games and watching anime all the time. While I am not against either or because I love Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball Kai, Yu Yu Hakusho and an assortment of different anime's. But there are definite setbacks that we experience when we live in the virtual world and never engage in real life. I hope this video helps some of you gain the confidence and the strength to gain the skills to life a happy and satisfied life.

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Lack of discipline in general ruins people's lives.


I have a friend who just smokes pot, plays games and watches amine all day, i hate it because hes a great guy but hes wasting all of his potental, his mental and physical health is going down the drain, he cant even have a real conversation because he has nothing to talk about he has very little real world experiences


Self control and moderation. Anything can become addicting and take over your life if you allow it to consume your thoughts and actions.


I'm in college now studying engineering, and I realize that I don't need to play videogames anymore. It was eating away at everything I have dreamed of. I always dreamed of having a better life, more friends, a good job. a car. better grades. But every time I thought about it, it stressed me out and that stress was fixed by playing games and it was this never ending cycle until now. I have played video games since i was 10 and never thought I would stop playing until I realize what it was doing to me. Thank you for this video it has reassured me and made me feel more confident in leaving the fantasy world for good.


Too much of anything can ruin anyone's life.


You should have a full episode on this topic. Escaping fantasy into reality


Well Anime got me into going to the GYM. My man Guts.


I was like this all my life up until 16 and it's the worst, you feel so far behind everyone else and are playing catch up. Since I've found that balance I've made amazing relationships, had girl experience, took up many good hobbies like music and the gym, and am driven to not be defined as the quiet shy loser nerd kid. I'm about to graduate high school and will be joining the military so I can make something of myself. The danger of gaming and anime addiction is very real and it's very easy to end up like that all your life


Everything is about balance and discipline. I do play video games and watch anime.

The same could be said about overconsumption on self improvement and red pill videos and not actually acting on the information to improve.

Don’t let your hobbies consume you. At some point as an adult you have to take control of your life because no one is coming to save you. Simple but for most not easy.


I love anime and video games but I've gained weight and I'm doing terrible at school and I might get kicked out. I look like I'm a 50 year old man but I'm 20


I'll be 18 soon.. Need to stop these escapist behaviors ik they're holding me back..
Let's do our best guys 👍


You explained this very well. Those of us who don't fit in to the real world venture off into the cyberspace like refugees, the cyberspace becomes a very fulfilling space for social interaction. then you experience an existential crisis when you realise you need real companionship.


This is such an important topic for both men and women. It goes much deeper when creating fantasy worlds as our brains often cannot make the distinction between a memory and a detailed fantasy. We grow up gaining instant fulfilment from the video games and shows but then feeling emptiness as the relationships and connections don’t actually exist, neither does the progress you think you’ve made in an area of life from dreaming it vividly.

Psycho-Cybernetics preaches that you can turn this on it’s head and use it for your good, which is something you might be interested in exploring...?


If I could say thank you 1000 times on this comment, I would. Hafeez, I had my 9 year old son watch your video. I think it was a strong wake up call to what could possibly be a terrible future for him, if he did not stop his addictive videogame behavior. He learned it from his father, who also has terrible social skills. Please continue sounding this clarion


You're right, but nerdy people and those who are socially awkward existed way before Anime and video games came into the picture for many Generations. And there are many people who play video games and watch anime and still maintain a great career, and a happy relationship. There are people who are just hooked on only anime and video games and use that as their escape from people and reality, but that's not neither anime or video games fault. There are people who are addicted to drugs, porn, video games, gambling, Gym, steroids, social media, clubbing, sex, body image, money, celebrities, conspiracy, and excetera that can ruin their social lives.


You said it all day balance all day. I still play gsmes and watch anime. But i have that balance another on point video all day


I feel like this shouldn’t be addressed to the Anime and Video Game community. Addressing it like this can make those in the community defensive and others that are doing what you’re talking about just with different mediums overlooked.This seems more like a call to those that aren’t balanced in social skills and discipline. This same issue can take place with people that consumes an unbalanced amount of Netflix, Sports, books, podcasts, social media and pretty much any medium that is not balanced with a healthy social life and interaction with other humans. Dope overall message tho


They ruined alot of people's lives who grew up in the 80s on because our mind became hooked so young on video games. Video games ruined my 20s, it made me addicted to dopamine, and I could barely connect with people, I was sitting around like a zombie around people alot until my husband one day just packed up the video games and got us all off the addiction


I respect this video, anime could be used to inspire you to be great like Goku and badass like Vegeta, so ultimately it’s how you use the anime and don’t heavily rely on it to escape your problems, and a balance with sports that puts you in social situations and makes you work with others is a win win in my book ✊🏼


Thank you so much for this video .... Lately I have been suffering from game addiction .. I tried to motivate myself to give but find it too hard because of the respect and fantasy I get from it just to get out of reality but now through your video u just shared I am beginning to see things in the bigger picture ... The fact that 5 years down the line .. what my future will look like if I continue the same path gives me goosebumps ... Also it's not just overcoming your addiction but also it's making a mature decision ..
Finally I was able to get out of my room, interact with people and yes ofc play sports ... Tysm
