How To Fix Error PS1 Can Not Be Loaded Because Running Scripts Is Disabled On This System? #error
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it is not working!!!!!
set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Get-ExecutionPolicy -list
What is set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned?
Execution Policies
The AllSigned policy allows us to run only
scripts that have been digitally signed by a trusted publisher. The RemoteSigned policy allows us to run scripts that we have created locally, but scripts that we download must be digitally signed by a trusted publisher.
The Get-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet gets the execution policies for the current session.
The execution policy is determined by execution policies that you set by using Set-ExecutionPolicy and the Group Policy settings for the Windows PowerShell execution policy. The default value is Restricted.
Without parameters, Get-ExecutionPolicy gets the execution policy that is effective in the session. You can use the List parameter to get all execution policies that affect the session or the Scope parameter to get the execution policy for a particular scope.
The Get-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet gets the execution policy that is effective in the shell. The execution policy is determined by the user preference that you set by using Set-ExecutionPolicy and the Group Policy settings for the Windows PowerShell execution policy. The default is "Restricted."
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set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Get-ExecutionPolicy -list
What is set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned?
Execution Policies
The AllSigned policy allows us to run only
scripts that have been digitally signed by a trusted publisher. The RemoteSigned policy allows us to run scripts that we have created locally, but scripts that we download must be digitally signed by a trusted publisher.
The Get-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet gets the execution policies for the current session.
The execution policy is determined by execution policies that you set by using Set-ExecutionPolicy and the Group Policy settings for the Windows PowerShell execution policy. The default value is Restricted.
Without parameters, Get-ExecutionPolicy gets the execution policy that is effective in the session. You can use the List parameter to get all execution policies that affect the session or the Scope parameter to get the execution policy for a particular scope.
The Get-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet gets the execution policy that is effective in the shell. The execution policy is determined by the user preference that you set by using Set-ExecutionPolicy and the Group Policy settings for the Windows PowerShell execution policy. The default is "Restricted."
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