This PS1 Secret Trick is Mind Blowing..

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Here's a mind blowing PS1 secret trick that most Playstation users never knew about.. If you had a Playstation 1 back in the day, you probably wish you knew this. Did you know that if you turned your PS1 upside down, you could play any game with no issues? This would completely fix Playstation 1 disc read errors & freezing! For more tips & tricks for Playstation, subscribe!
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Thanks! Gonna tell young myself when time machine someday would be invented.


Over 20 years later and that ps1 opening sound makes me giddy and excited. Back in 2000 hearing that used to no jokes fuel my imagination I knew I was going to experience something wonderful. As later ps2 came same loved the opening sounds they were the sounds of my 18 to mid twenties and even though I had the Snes and "SEGA" master system 2 previous the ps and sounds from them in those time will always be the sounds of youth, happiness and wonderment. Oh the first time I played abes oddysee and metal gear solid, soul reaver or vagrant story are honestly the best memories I have from that time. Price of a ps and game $300 Australian dollars memories of playing them priceless.


People who suffered for 20+ years with this traumatic sound:

Years of training academy wasted


I figured this was common knowledge but then I remembered I'm 30 years old and obviously people who never grew up on PS1 & PS2 wouldn't know this so this is cool


I knew about this and actually it's not the laser that gets better read it's just putting less friction on the tracks that adjust the laser movement. Which wear out with time


I remember doing that back in the day!


I used to do this with the ole PlayStation 1. And Mr Glasscock is spot on with this trick. I did this before I got the PS2 back in 90s/early 2000s. 👏


PlayStation needs to bring back epic startup sounds and visuals like they used to. PS1, PS2 and original firmware PS3 all had an epicness on startup that really made you feel like you were about to witness something special. It's so puzzling to me why they went away with that. It's almost like a non fan designed the user interface on the new systems.


I still like the design of the ps1
It looks so, nostalgic


My PS1 has been in every orientation possible. Recently stripped it down, cleaned and greased all the gears and it's 99% Ok. Plays copied games great (which is usually a bit more demanding on the laser), just with very minor FMV stutter for data stored on the outside edge of the disc. That might be more to do with the tracks being closer together on 80 min CDR rather than standard 74 min


Non-clickbait version: "Did you have a disc read error on your PS1? One possible reason is that the drive is spinning too slowly. Try turning the console on its side, like everyone recommended people do with the PS2, 360, and PS3 when these exact symptoms occurred. This can avoid the drive scratching the disc, too."


This was common knowledge back when it was relevant. Also, my ps1 from the first batch of North American released hardware never had this or any other issues until I retired it in 2002


I love the TV. So authentic. That start up sound made me so happy with nostalgia


That’s definitely different. Wish I knew about this 20 years ago. Better late than never, as I still have my PS1.


I had the very first US PS1 model SCPH-1001. And I have use this Secret Trick. I learned it from a magazine article I read before my PS1 went out. Not sure which magazine it was in. It work for a short time. Tell it finally quit working at all. I did not bother getting a new CD-ROM and change it. That was much easier back then to do. I did not have the internet to do so at the time. I just got a PS1 SCPH-5001 at a local pawn shop. And it never fails and still works to this very day. Later I did get a Blue Ray ROM to place in my PS3 SLIM 160 GB that was given to me by my roommate I got on eBay. The DVD part worked. It would not play Blue Ray disc. It works great. That was much harder to replace. Yet I got done with help You Tube video.


Myself born in 1985:

US release of PS1 Sound: 10 year old me, young and hopeful, full of imagination.

US release of PS2 Sound: Early adolescents, awkward, and fades away into the background.

US Release of PS3 Sound(s): Holing a symphony of jobs, getting wrecked in games and in life, glimmers of grandeur and solace.

US Release of PS4 Sound: Bitter sweet, determined, direct.

US Release of PS5 Sound: Ominous, dreary, and often, somber. (I call it the ‘Pandemic Theme’)

Boy, they really know their OG audience.


People that lived though these times back then remember. My friends had their PS1’s upside down😆 One of my long time friends still to this day plays theirs upside down


imagine calling playstation support back in 1997 and a tech support guy tells you to put the ps1 upside down for fixing a disc read error


No way… this happened to me yesterday and now a video comes out on how to fix it today!


Many Years ago I had borrowed playstation and starter to have problems Reading discs and I tried thinking It helped the laser getting closer o the disc and it worked 😅
