HRT vs Antidepressants in Perimenopausal Depression by Prof Jayashri Kulkarni

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Professor Jayashri Kulkarni became a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists in 1989. As the first Associate Professor/Director of Psychiatry to Dandenong Hospital in 1994, she founded and directed the Dandenong Psychiatry Research Centre (DPRC) and the Monash University Research Centre for Women's Mental Health. She was Director of Psychiatry of Dandenong Area Mental Health Service (DAMHS) for  eight years and directs a large psychiatric research group in her current appointment as Professor of Psychiatry, The Alfred and Monash University.

Take-Home Points

• Depression rates increase dramatically by 16-fold in the 42-52 year age group according to the Harvard Mood Study.

• CNS changes occur 5 years before hot flushes and amenorrhoea between the ages of 43-55 years.

• It is better to start with hormonal treatments such as HRT before antidepressants due to the non-withdrawal aspect.

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So good to hear this. I will be starting bioidentical hormone therapy next week after years of suffering with major depression, anxiety, panic, insomnia, low energy and not much strength from going through surgical menopause and my then doctor said there was a high risk in cancer with women who take hormones so I have taken different antidepressants anti anxiety meds, sleeping pills only to have it make my depression and anxiety worst. I was told by the practioner that my hormone levels are very depleted and my cortisol levels are too high so on Monday I speak with their doctor and she will prescribe what I need to take and should get it by courier by Wednesday. Its suppose to be topical creams and possibly pill form DHEA. This is my last hope really because antidepressants haven't helped me much. The part that makes me angry is that my family doctor would have heard about it but not tell me so that I could look into it myself. Anyways, I am praying for the best because I barely can function or work this year and I am only 53.


I have been on maximum dosage of venalcaxine for 7 years . I had a breakdown at 42 an since they have added more an more antidepressants to my list . I have been on HRT for 21/2 years . My moods are awful goin from really low mood to irritated, aggressive. I made the decision to stop mitazerpine and a other med they gave me .and these last 2 weeks am weaning myself down on venalvaxtine . My sleep is awful am sweating loads but am guessing this is due to weaning off these meds . Am doin one med at a time . I need to do something because I just feel flat every day . Got no self esteem, no confidence. I feel like a shell of what I used to be . I know HRT is helping because if I forget to take it I know my tiredness an moods kick in . I do a lot of research into these meds and I hope one day I am free from anti depressents


It does help. I have been on it for 2 years now as soon as my period stopped. I still had to be on my anti depressant though. I want to try going off the HRT now but I am scared.


Your voice sounds like Olivia Newton you sing like her too....just saying☺️
