Understand Your Scan: Multiple Sclerosis MRI Cervical Spine

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In this video, I share my screen with you while I review a Multiple Sclerosis MRI Cervical Spine. Want to better understand your scan? Then start watching this video right now.

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NOTE: Make sure to talk to your provider before ANY treatment decision. We hope to educate, empower and energize those impacted by Multiple Sclerosis. This channel consists of a collection of formal lectures and informal video clips about MS (and in this case Multiple Sclerosis MRI Cervical Spine) to help education others. These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational/educational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any of our videos. They are just to help educate you about the condition guys!
Рекомендации по теме

Great video. I would love to see more videos along this line Dr Boster, I find them extremely helpful, informative and they remove the mystery surrounding MRI's. Would you consider a video explaining likely symptoms associated with lesions found in the different areas. Thanks


yeah, i enjoy these kinds of video's. I'm 23 got MS at 20. greetings from Norway


This is good to see and understand. Thanks for sharing.


Hi Aaron, please teach us more about MRI and reading the pictures! My neurologist doesn*t take enough time to explain. So please teach me how to read my own MRI so I know what's going on. Thank you for taking your time! Britta


I appreciate these. I was wondering the purpose of contrast. Does PPMS need MRIs with contrast as well?


BIG THANKS FROM YOUR AUSSIE FANS! Love this format. My MRI results always refer to lesion placement- T2, C7, C6, L5 ect Can you explain symptoms for lesion placement of lesions please? Starting from the top? 💕🇦🇺


Thank you doctor. Many videos on MS are about lesions on brain. This is very helpful. Do most neurologists have access or similar software programs to view MRI scans? I wonder if other doctors are taking the time to compare and contrast before they sit with their patients?


These are amazing. It is great to hear someone who specializes in MS interpret the scans as opposed to a radiologist who reads all kinds of MRIs. Also, seeing how the quality of imaging keeps getting better is pretty cool. Is there any way to correlate what you see on film to symptoms?


This stuff is fascinating.

Without expecting you to take your time to answer this in great detail, what can Doctors learn from a cervical MRI that is different from a Cervical / Head CT?

Also, do you mind if I 14-Day quarantine with your chickens, if I fly to Ohio for a Cervical MRI? (Just kidding; the chickens already said it would be fine.) LOL 🐔😉

Thanks for your dedication.


That's definitely something I would like to see more of,
When I do get to see my scan, it wil help me know what I'm looking at.
And any questions I may have, knowing me I will
probably ask more questions than I would have😁
QUESTION : If you have a lesion at the 5th vertebra, can you tell how
that will affect the body (yet)🙂


Thanks again for taking the time to educate us. I really appreciate all that you do.


Thank you for this video, Dr. Boster. :) I would love to watch a cerebellum scan review too!


I was struck by the increase in the spinal fluid in the 2020 scan. Is this a normal occurrence in MS?


The neurologist who sent me for an MRI on my spine only showed me the sagittal view. I'm really glad I'm going to see your friend Dr. Krieger 3/12/21.


Love these, yes please do continue them. They are very helpful when I look at my own scans with my doctor locally.


At the 2:07 mark, the C1 level axial, is the right internal jugular vein not compressed, by a rotated C1, and if so, how common are venous issues with MS?


This is very interesting! I would be interested in learning more!


Hi Dr. Boster. I am intrigued as I have 4 spinal lesions on my cervical spine. They are the only lesions that exist. Though, due to where they are located its affected my mobility. It would be very interesting to know where lesions are located the symptoms associated with the placement of spinal lesions. I really enjoy this format.


Absolutely one of your best videos, show much information, yet presented in a fashion that was easy to follow.
I do have a question, do MS lesions in the spine sometimes appear in the same location as spinal stenosis? The reason I ask is that I have a lesion that has been noted In the C6/C7 area that just happens to be the same place that I do have some spinal stenosis?
Thank you


Fantastic Video DR. BOSTER! Very Informative As Always. Phenomenal Work Ty
