How Should We Interpret the Creation Account? - Tim Conway

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The Bible's account of creation doesn't fit with what many modern scientists are claiming. In order to reconcile this, many professing Bible-believers are coming up with theories on how to interpret the creation account in a way that fits with what modern scientists are saying.

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Thank you pastor Tim for defending scripture on the front where it is being attacked most severely. May the church return to preaching Genesis faithfully.


I read where in the Gospel of John the Lord turned the water into wine. 6 jars of water, turned into wine, in an instant - I compare it to the creation story. He did it all in a moment.


Amen brother, you have been used by the lord to still my soul in regards to this matter. Thanks bro


The reason I left the church (have returned now) was mostly because I viewed Christians as being hypocritical. So similar to the reason stated here, although theistic evolution/creation itself wasn't really a big deal to me either way.


Exodus 20:11
For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

That sorts it out there..


In the King James version Bible Psalms 2nd chapter 10 11 and 12 vs is written about serving God with fear and rejoice in him with trembling acts 1:7 1st Thessalonians 1 verse 5


What does it sound like this is saying?

Revelation 6:13
[13]And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind.

by this verse are all the supposed galaxies, with all the supposed planets and suns going to fall into earth. Ive always wondered that. Because I take Genesis literally at face value. Like you said " what does it sound like its saying?" I ask the same with this. Or what about when Joshua prayed to God to stop the sun and moon. What does that sound like it is saying? Did God stop the sun from moving, or did He actually stop the earth from spinning and rotating around its axis for the sun to have the appearance of being stopped? Do we question the heliocentric model of our galaxy? Im genuinely asking because these things ive pondered. We will clearly dismiss evolution, we will clearly dismiss the old earth big bang. Why? Because the Word of God says otherwise. Where do we draw the line to what science tells us to what the Word of God is actually saying. I hold to Gods word for all truth.


"....unless your being hit by outside pressure from scripture"~> If anyone is to interpret a day as an age. True to me its obvious God created the world in 6 24 hrs a days


Exodus 20:11 puts the gap theory to rest for good. Right in the middle of the Ten Commandments.


Thank you for the video I do agree but a day means a day and I like the explanation of morning and night or morning it an evening I like that's that's a good explanation


I think there is a gap between Gen 1:1 and 1:2. WHY would God create an earth that us void without form? Read Jeremiah 4:23-26, and interpret that in conjunction with Genesis 1:1-2.

The earth was without form and void, and there was no man.but the birds of the heaven had fled. I am wondering if birds here is the angelic realm that ruled the earth before Satan fell.

I am wondering, if, the dinosaurs were the result of sin after Lucifer fell, before God decided to destroy the earth and start over with man.


You either believe all Scripture is breathed out by God (2 Timothy 3:16) & that God created all things. (Colossians 1:16-1:17)

And you trust His narrative that He gave through His inspired apostles & prophets.
(2 Peter 1:20-21)
OR you trust narratives by men who say they have found evidence that supposedly contradicts the wisdom & insight found in scripture.

There are only two Camps. Trust what God has revealed. Or go trust the men who weren’t there when God created all things.

The scripture says about God’s understanding:
“Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭147:5‬ ‭

This would include all knowledge, including His understanding of His creation of the universe & The Earth.

The scripture also says speaking of His understanding of His creation which is infinite:

“He has made the earth by His power; He has established the world by His wisdom, And stretched out the heaven by His understanding.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭51:15‬
And then people say they believe in light years, and they spout physics. I believe in physics too, and I believe in light years...

Surely these things exist.
But if they are interpreted against the Wisdom of God... those self same interpretations don’t hold against God’s testimony. Men weren’t there. I wasn’t there but God was. & He knows how He did it.


Google ancient hebrew cosmology, images, and Genesis 1 makes much sense.


I believe it is clear, however we disagree on the Day meanings. When it says evening to morning, this is how God delineated what type of day He was talking about. He didnt say, morning to morning, he didnt says morning to evening, He specifically chose evening to morning for a reason. Also there was no word for Universe also there was no words for the planets and stars, This is the "Heavens", which is space/time, and the "earth" is all matter. How would God describe that otherwise.


John Lennox is no simple "professing bible believer".


The problem is that there is sooo much evidence that the universe is billions of years old and that evolution happened. So you basically have one of two choices. You can either be a theistic evolutionist, or you can be an atheist.


Adam and Eve: the only two members of the no-bellybutton club! Lol!


Pastor Tim should give Shakespeare a shot.


What does it sound like it is saying? It sounds like it is saying that a talking snake convinced the 1'st woman to eat fruit from a magic tree. And this broke everything and billions suffered and died.


By doing what God, what the Lord Jesus Christ, what the Holy Ghost want?As in reading the KJV Holy Bible, and not accepting the World's Way!
