How Should We Interpret the Hadith 'The Call of the Husband'? | Shaykh Yasir Qadhi | Faith IQ

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Is it true that the Prophet (PBUH) said ‘A woman who doesn't answer her husband when he calls her will be cursed by the angels’? How should this Hadith be interpreted?

This hadith is true. What it means is that a wife should not deprive her husband of intimacy, unless there is a legitimate reason, such as she is not feeling well. The same criteria goes for the husband as well. A husband must not deprive his wife of emotional, spiritual or financial support.

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi goes into further details regarding this Hadith.

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This is not a religious matter, it is a matter of common sense and it should be based on mutual desire and consent.


Husband should respect wife's mood.
