Why NO ONE Plays: Jean | Genshin Impact

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Like the other standard banner 5 star units, Jean showed a lot of initial promise, carrying many of us through our early days of Genshin. Over two years later and her potential still remains, yet her diminishing representation caused many to discard her in favor of other, more traditionally powerful Anemo characters. Today we'll be talking about Why NO ONE Plays: Jean.

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#GenshinImpact #WhyNoOnePlays #Jean
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(EDIT) - Two minor errors in the video (ty to comments for pointing it out):
1 - Qiqi's healing also scales off ATK
2 - I said in the video Jean's burst does periodic anemo damage when I misunderstood that it only does damage to enemies who ENTER and EXIT the field as well as after it expires.

My mistake! Will double check the details next time.


Vars 2: Jean is better because unlike Barbara and Qiqi her healing scales off of attack
Qiqi: also heals scale off of attack
QiQi: am I a joke to you


Jean will always have a special place in my heart for carrying me through most of the content in my early days of playing. Super reassuring to have her on the team to this day.


Correction: Jean's burst doesn't do periodic anemo damage, it only damages on cast and when enemies enter/exit the circle.


Furina made this age like milk, now Jean's the most wanted for Furina teams, lol. Jean's team-wide healing, Viridescent Venerer def shred is great synergy with Furina's elemental skill, burst and overheal talent.


Jean's worst problem is that she's just good. She's a great generalist. Slot her in wherever if you need a healer. Good personal DPS, good healing, good VV application. The biggest problem is that all of her peers (kazuha, venti, sucrose) are AMAZING. Outside of Sunfire and Xiao, no team actually WANTS Jean. Jean can work well in any a lot of teams, but she's never a first choice.


I have her at c5, and I literally can not wait to make her my first c6 5 star. I love her.


Jean will always be the character that I had the most fun with. The character that made me continue to play Genshin, she's not even the first one I got but she's the first one I dedicated my time to. She's not the strongest, She's not the one I crowned, She's not the one with the best damage, She's not the one with the best artifacts. But She's the one I will forever consider to be my favorite. <33


3:34 A bit of correction: Qiqi's healing scales on ATK too.


3:33 Qiqi doesn't build HP for anything lol, her damage and heals scale with attack, same as Jean


One advantage Genshin gains from not having content with extremely high difficulty: You can use whichever character you want.
In many other Gachas I feel almost obligated to go after the characters considered "Meta" because they have content that is almost impossible to complete with just basic characters.


I would argue Jean and Kokomi are the co-op queens. Unless you're playing with friends and coordinate well, healing with characters like Bennett, Barbara, and Diona can sometimes be difficult. Obviously playing Kokomi will ensure no one ever dies and that some good reactions occur, but you're dependent on reactions and do minimal damage beyond that. Jean can do decent damage (not game breaking) with her entire kit and heal teammates regardless of range.

Obviously the video was not calling Jean weak or unusable, but I think there's something to be said about her co-op consistency!


Sunfire is pretty much her go to team now.
It has the fastest Pyro application (even faster than Xiangling's Burst) and the damage is mostly based on Jean's EM (Bennett may steal it once a while). However, you are restricted to a very small radius in order for the interaction to work, immobilizing your movement entirely. People often call this type of interaction as "Circle Impact".

Sunfire can also be used alongside Dendro to enable Burgeon (and with the right team, you may even Vaporize through the Burning Aura). I have an example run posted on this account if you're interested.


Wait. Didn't expect Jean in this series. She's great and a core part in most of my loadouts. and i see her being played well.. maybe i wouldn't say a lot but definitely sometimes.


She was amazing in the Abbys floors of the past, the ones with slowing water and engulfing storm, thanks to the cleansing and throwing enemies to the air and causing fall damage was pretty useful back then.


Jean's VA is amazing (Tamamo/Chloe, Homura!) A super safe pick for Co-op. Just unconditional healing as long as you attack; sorry Hu Tao. I had a lot of fun grabbing Whopper flowers and holding them in place while my friend's beat them like they owed us money. You can't run away if you are suspended in the air.


Jean's biggest problem is that she is a gen 1 unit or a unit that built the foundation for what we would see in the future and for anemo she was not part of the group that because the standard for either general use or damage she is different (not just in height) she is a healer with supportive capabilities in the elements that became the damage support not the character support


I think it's important to mention that Faruzan is very hard to use effectively without constellations and high ER investments, while Jean's talents basically makes her burst 60 cost and she can battery herself pretty easily, even without heavy ER investments. Also I think, as wierd as it sounds, that Jean is really meant to be a support for ranged characters, mainly Klee. Especially when you consider that Jean can pick up and throw Klee's bombs and aim them more precisely (also her C1 makes her skill do more 40% more damage when held), and she knockbacks enemies into the ideal range for Catalysts and Archers and a lot of her constellations are really good for keeping Bow and Catalyst Users alive longer. I feel like that's also a big thing holding her back since, most of the ranged DPSes in Genshin are outclassed by melee or they're sub dpses. I feel like her being Anemo is fine, but if her kit was more suited to support melee units she'd probably get a lot more play.


2 months later: Why EVERYONE plays Jean


I personally think Jean is the second best dedicated healer (after kokomi), with also ability to do high damage on herself too.

I think with constellation, jean is really good in the meta.
