Why NO ONE Plays: Keqing | Genshin Impact

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Welcome back to another episode of Why NO ONE Plays (Genshin Impact)! Today we're gonna be talking about everyone's favorite Electro waifu: Keqing... at least before Ei came out.

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why i don't play Keqing?

well, i don't have her


The cool part about Keqing's burst as well is that it actually has a lag between the last few hits and when she actually rematerializes. That means you can recast her skill before the final hit and continue to streamline electro energy almost perpetually depending on your EM. Super fun


I feel really sad for Keqing. She's super fun. Electro in general has high dmg multipliers, but for some reason, Keqing doesn't. She should have dmg multipliers that match the likes of Beidou at least (in overall dmg, not necessarily one hit like the counter since it's a skill based mechanic). On Beidou's note - awesome character. I'm still gutted that she's intentionally nerfed from having Raiden Shogun as her driver.


Vars: "Why no one play Keqing?"
3.0 Keqing: "Sorry, what did you just said?"


I’m a Keqing main myself, and I tend to use her burst to avoid taking damage


I think if and when they release Keqing's signature weapon, the one she's holding on her Gacha card, and that one has something like "After dealing electro damage with your elemental skill, your charged attacks consume no stamina over the next 7 seconds" and has either a CR or CD substat it could literally fix her completely, something extremely niche to make her extremely good, something like what the cinnabar spindle is for albedo.


i love keqing, she’s just so flashy and fluid, makes me feel like the female protagonist in an anime. but i just wish mihoyo would give her a buff, even if it’s unconventional to do so in a gacha game. i feel like they should make her do more electro damage when she applies electro from casting her elemental skill since it’s only for 5 seconds, or something just to make her actually feel like a 5-star damage wise.


I really want Keqing, she sounds so fun to play with! I'm not great at games like this, I don't fully understand the mechanics or elemental reactions so I would never even notice her weaknesses. I don't choose my parties based on their compatibility, I just pick based on who I like the most. So I think I'd love her, I really hope I'll pull her one day!

update: lost my 50/50 for zhongli and got her instead :') i guess i was still lucky a little because even though i lost, she was the standard banner 5* that i wanted the most and she's fun to play with, she just keeps dying because she came home instead of a certain archon💀)


Underrated channel alert O-O! The fact you crop all the little icons out shows how much effort you put into these, nice job man. I enjoy your commentary! :D


I'm a Keqing Main. I just love how she is fast paced and low-energy cost and long I-frames.
It just fits my play style so bad that I can't remove her from my team.
Currently my main team is Keqing-Raiden-Mona-Noelle.
I can spam any of these girl's burst like there's no tomorrow and still get their burst ready before the cooldown ends.


Im a Keqing main and i wholeheartedly agree with you, her damage output could be waayy more bigger than it is right now if mihoyo buffed electro and its reactions and made one of her constellations remove her stamina intake when using charged attack at her electro mode


With the introduction of the new Dendro element Keqing has gotten a huge buff since now she can be used as a driver for Fishels assentation 4 passive because of her high electro application and aggravate not having as much ICD as the other reactions. I think you should make a video discussing how Keqing and other electro characters benefit from this.


Just saying, if electro reactions had the unique aspect of not having internal cooldowns, it would make the smaller numbers better because you can have more reactions.


I fell in love with her when Genshin was first released and I was looking up videos of all the current characters. She stood out to me the most.
1. She's electric element
2. She does a teleport blink
3. auto animations are **chef's kiss**
4. Her burst is my favorite type of combat ability (characters who are so fast they blink and slash everywhere) she's basically a ninja
5. Her design is cute asf


Electro has a lot of identity issues, it wants to be offensive but lacks the reaction dmg, has negative suportive effects like knockback plus its ressonance is supportive but selfish. And the big issue is that buffing their reactions is very troublesome cause most Electro characters have high base multipliers to compensate for the lack of good reactions, so changing them could overtune it. Dendro's potential reaction is the only saving grace for Electro as an element.


Dendro did the exact thing you were talking about with spread and aggravate, which has actually made Keqing viable now


As a Keqing main, I think you hit the nail on the head. She is, at the moment, an amazing unit on paper that has a lot of flaws, and as you said, unfortunately, the bad currently outweigh the good. Despite this, I've dedicated a ton of time and tons of resources to her, having triple crowned her as well as giving her Mistsplitter Reforged, her BiS. While her damage isn't nearly as high as my Ganyu's, with high investment, Keqing is still usable in Abyss 12, and I've achieved 9 stars on floor 12 numerous times myself with her by my side. Still hoping they give her a well deserved buff in the future!


Jesus this video got picked up quickly O_o


One minor thing you did miss is that her E has minor traversal benefits. I used her a lot before I got Venti to help gain some extra height for tricky jumps or climbs.


I use Keqing in the outworld. I dont have venti so her elem skill makes traversing and climbing a lil bit easier, and more precise as compared to albedo's elevator
