AA Alternatives - The Magnify Method

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If you never vibed with AA or The 12 Steps, you’re not alone. There are some real reasons why these systems simply do not work for a lot of people. There are a lot of AA Alternatives out there but the one that helped me the most is The magnify Method.

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AA is a great place to network with people with a common goal. The rooms have bottom dwellers, but also surgeons, commanders, lawyers etc. AA is also a good place to be held accountable daily. If you are lucky, you will meet someone you can relate to and learn from their past mistakes. I got sober in AA 8 1/2 years ago but I left after the first 2 years because it started getting weird and culty and I want to stay sober for life. I am still sober and much happier since I left AA. I am forever grateful to them. I even recommend anyone looking to get sober, to get started there; however AA should never be considered a long term solution. At some point we all have to stand on our own feet.


I think AA believes you are powerless over alcohol after ingesting the first drink; not that you are a powerless person overall. That your power lies in turning down the first drink....


How about people with dependency issues begin honestly looking at themselves instead of following outside influences. The answers are in us all if we have the desire to look.


It seems that AA puts all the blame on the person but doesn't address that alcohol is poison. It also is promote negative affirmations such as *I'm an alcoholic ". How could anyone ever move on to being their better selves with that.


She forgets to tell how much her program costs. Nothing is free. No thanks


A lot of what you are saying about AA seems like you are missing pieces and misunderstanding.


Everything I went I had numerous men approach me asking me for my number, dates, asking to sponsor me, one tried to solicit me for sex. List is endless. So I left, full of predators


All i can tell you is AA worked for me. Chronic alcoholic for 25 plus years. Im 10 years sober now. The Big Book states, " we have no monopoly on sobriety ".. Good luck to all..
