LATIN AMERICAN vs CASTILIAN SPANISH - all their differences and vocabulary

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Discover the main differentces between Latin American Spanish and Castilian Spanish (from Spain). Which one do you speak? Which one do you like best?

#Spanish #LearnSpanish #Spain

Originally born in Madrid, Spain, I moved to the United Kingdom to teach Spanish and improve my English language skills. Having lived in England for several years I've learned the variations in speech and language of both Spanish and English. I'm a qualified teacher, with experience in private tutoring, and thought it would be great to share my knowledge of language lessons with you all. So please enjoy Spanish with Patry, where you can learn Spanish for free and quickly from an actual Spanish speaker!

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I'm Chilean from Southamerica. Your explication about spanish language is the best I've ever heard in my life!! Es la mejor explicación del idioma español que he escuchado en mi vida!! You're a very good teacher. Congratulations!


Soy de Argentina, y nosotros si bien usamos la palabra Usted, es en situaciones de mucho respeto, no es tan común entre gente conocida, amigos, familiares o incluso desconocidos


Apart from most of Colombia, we mostly use "tu" on intimate and informal speech, "usted" is mostly used for formal speech, hierarchical and professional situations, or someone you just met and are not still familiar with. Other regions would use "vos" instead like el cono sur, some colombian régions and central America.
In the Caribbean area "coger" its the same meaning as in Spain while"Tomar" is to drink


As an English speaker, knowing how to refer to people is like a mine field lmao.

Not even all of Latin America uses "tú" and "usted" in the same way. It tends to vary from country to country- even sometimes varying greatly from region to region within a singular country as well.

I'm estadounidense and I'm studying Spanish in university, so nearly all of my teachers have been latino. And SO MANY of them (not all of them, but A LOT) have said, "I'm young and cool- puedes tutearme! 😉"

The only part that has been difficult is the fact that hardly any of my teachers have actually covered the vos conjugations of verbs, making it very hard for me to use vos lol. The reasoning being that "Spain is in Europe- we're American, so we're speaking American Spanish."

I will say though- the difference between Latin and Castilian Spanish is VERY pronounced. I'm a lot better at hearing and understanding Spaniard accents now, but I remember the first time hearing a Spaniard accent after only hearing Latino accents. It was confusing as hell lmao- I couldn't understand much at first.

That's not to make fun of the Spaniard accent btw- Spaniards sound really cool, just as cool as all the other Spanish accents of the world. I just think it's really neat how different Spaniards speak compared to Latino people.

And of course- Latino accents are distinct from each other as well. They sound kinda similar, but different at the same time.

Also did you know there's a Spanish speaking country in Africa? It's called Equatorial Guinea. I wonder what similarities and differences their accent has when compared with the rest of the Spanish speaking world. I've unfortunately never met anyone from there, though.


Spanish is one of the fastest spoken languages in the world.. non native speakers can find it hard to keep up with Spanish speakers


Lima y limón son frutas diferentes. Ademá lima es una herramienta para "limar" debastar materiales, lima de madera, lima de uñas, lima de metal.
Y Lima con "L" es la capital de Perú.


Qué lindo video, Patry!
Solo mencionar que es muy difícil hablar del español “latinoamericano “ como uno solo porque somos como 19 países los que lo hablamos (el 90% de hablantes nativos de español somos del continente americano)
Por ejemplo, en Perú, de donde soy, decir “coger” no es nada malo, significa lo mismo que en España y lo usamos siempre (no usamos “tomar”).
Por otro lado, nosotros tuteamos a casi todos a menos que se trate de una persona muy mayor o una persona desconocida mayor. No obstante, hay lugares de Perú donde usan más el “usted” que en otras. Creo que en países como Colombia usan más el “usted”.

Otro punto, en los países andinos normalmente usamos el pretérito compuesto para hablar también pero esto es más marcado en la sierra. Yo soy de la costa y uso ambas versiones.

Ahora, para complicarte más las cosas, hay lugares en la sierra de Perú que pronuncian la “c” y la “z” como en España 😅

Amo nuestro idioma y lo variado y rico que es!


En Puerto Rico decimos melocotón, bolígrafo, hierba y coger igual que en España (y tuteamos mucho). También decimos papa, mesero, jugo, computadora, carro y celular como en Latinoamérica. Además, decimos manejar/conducir pero preferimos “guiar”. Y para la torta/tarta decimos siempre “bizcocho”. Por último, preferimos decir “espejuelos” en vez de lentes. “Gafas” se refiere a lentes que protegen del sol (sunglasses en inglés)


Patry sube un vídeo explicando cómo aprendiste inglés.
Yo alucino con que hables inglés perfectamente con acento británico, y también español


This is the Spanish that I want my daughter to learn. Gracias


En México, la mayor parte de la población no elide las consonantes. Exceptuando algunas zonas costeras que aspiran las "s".


I don't speak Spanish, but I still enjoy watching your videos!


It's an interesting topic, but also if you're learning Spanish don't be afraid of this topic. Just use whatever you're comfrotable with. In Spain they'll finfd latin-american ways of speaking weird and vice-versa but most people just think it's interesting and cool that people share the same language but there are differences.


My Spanish is basic, but it is Chilean Spanish. I never understood the differences before now. The way you explain it is so CLEAR, and easy to understand. You're a very talented teacher! 👑


Soy cubano, hace 3 meses llegué a España y puedo confirmar que es diferente la forma de hablar. Apartando ese punto, me he pasado un rato agradable con el vídeo. Gra(th)ias 😂😂😂


Waw, siendo profe de inglés con un muy buen nivel y acento neoyorquino inspiro mucho a mis alumnos al enterarse de que hablo también un perfecto castellano y les puede desglosar todo en "cristiano" haha

No recuerdo haberme topado con una española que hable tan bien el inglés, en cualquiera de sus acentos.

Menudo talla, Patricia
Ese es el nivel que hay que tener.

Mis respetos


Me encanta tu energía y tu acento. Eres una profesora magnífica. Also, you are stunningly attractive. Sorry. I hope it’s not offensive.


Durante una visita a mi familia en Galicia, siendo yo Argentino, estábamos sentados a la mesa y para ubicarnos mejor, le digo a una de mis primas gallegas:
"O te corres tú o me corro yo!"
Luego hubo un silencio de sepulcro, aunque alguien intentó con dificultad contener la risa.
Claro, yo me referia a desplazarse para un lado con la silla, de ahi "correrse". Pero te invito @Patry a que lo comentes dentro de las diferencias entre versiones del Español.


Love the video and the explanation with easy examples.


I love old Castilian Spanish, its exquisite and has its own class. ❤
