How to Stop Catastrophizing |CALM Series-Logic

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Catastrophizing may possibly be the most common cognitive distortion I see in my practice. Catastrophizing is a negative thinking pattern of imagining the worst case scenarios in situations and events that are important to us. Unfortunately, if unresolved, Catastrophizing can cause significant distress including increased anxiety, loss of sleep, difficulty functioning and can even be paralyzing for some.

By catastrophizing, your mind exaggerates your fears about what may happen. But, it never seems to exaggerate on the positive side, only the most devastating possibilities. For example, a storm forecasted may unexpectedly destroy your home. You have not heard from your loved one, maybe they were in a serious accident!? A friend has not called you all week? They have completely disowned you and never want to talk to you again!? All are examples of extreme negative thoughts of the worse case scenarios called catastrophizing.

Thankfully, you do not have to resign yourself to this kind of fear and anxiety. This episode on Catastrophizing and how to treat it, is an important installment of the Logic section of the CALM series on treating anxiety. I detail what to do and how to stop your brain from this paralyzing, fear mongering activity.

#PaigePradko, #CALMseriesforanxiety, #WorseCaseScenario, #helpforanxiety, #Catastrophizing, #imagineworstcase, #constantworry, #rumination, #ruminating, #cantstopthinking, #howtostopworrying, #nonstopworrying, #nonstopthinkinng, #alwaysthinktheworstwillhappen, #constantworrying

Drop a comment below and share if you have catastrophized and if you found this video helpful. And please feel free to share this video with someone who you think may benefit by watching it.
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Until next time...I will see you in session,
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As a hypochondriac, I’m always afraid of getting some serious illness. Sometimes, I get in trouble from my thoughts which might turn into taking action out of irrational fear.


I've been learning about catastrophizing; realized I do it because I have a tough time with uncertainty. When plan A fails, I immediately go to the worst case scenario. Sometimes the solution is to realize there isn't one...yet. Thank you for the insight.


My mother is catastrophizing, I was educated in this belief to be always careful and always think of the worth scenario (even for random things) just to be prepared. But this is giving me a lot of anxiety.


I felt these feelings my whole life and it wasn't until about a year ago, I came to realize what I was doing to myself on my own..One day I was over obsessed about an issue going on in my life at the time...I then asked myself " Is what I'm feeling fear over even warranted" ? I thought it out and was able after thinking about what evidence I had to show the worst was about to happen, I began walking myself through a thought process...I told myself to worry about something only if there was a direct reason to do so..I now do this every time I find my thoughts drifting and realize I am over analyzing an issue I'm dealing with...My mom was like this and she always worried about everything...Now, I see there is a name for it...BTW, most things I feared happening, never did....


I think this cognitive distortion causes most of my health anxiety.


Your videos have helped me considerably. I wish I could do 1 to 1 sessions with you as I know I would get even greater benefit from that for my generalised anxiety, and my health anxiety, but unfortunately I'm on the other side of the pond in the UK. But a sincere thank you for all the great videos you put up here for free!


The Logic part of the word CALM makes so much sense. This logic is where I get stuck. I have ADD and so I think through my entire day so I won't be embarrassed with mistakes. I am 59 years old but was bullied by teachers in school because of focus trouble. I have tried to get over this part of life but I am still sabotaging my jobs by over thinking.


This has helped me so much I live everyday thinking I’m going to have a heart attack. I get random chest or am pain . I even had to stop working. I started drinking everyday. I lost my relationship but I really feel like I’m getting back on track . I even went to the hospital and they did x rays an ekg and nothing . Let me leave once I calmed down with medication . THANK YOU SO MUCH.


I love the way you speak. I think you have a calm voice where you are not excited and that makes me glued to what you are saying.


I always catasprophize when i'm about to encounter an uncertain situation and I thought these steps you shared here are helpful! Thank you!


I think I do it to prevent disappointment ☺️. It has happened to me that I have imagined a great outcome and then feeling disappointed was painful. But … I have realized that imagining the worst scenarios is more harmful! It triggers my anxiety and most of the time those things don’t happen at all


I believe I have been catasrophizing as it relates to driving on the highway. I panicked one time while driving through a horrible rainstorm and have not been able to comfortably drive on the highway since. My brain has been associating the highway to be dangerous and nowhere to get off. I really want things to go back to the way it used to be for me, while driving. It was the time I could relax, return calls, or talk to God. I am looking forward to moving past this.


Thank you so much! This really helped me.
School just started for me, and whenever I sit in class I can't stop thinking about the possibilities of something bad happening. For example, that I faint, that I vomit (this may sound silly, but I have extreme emetophobia) or even worse things like a school shooting, someone dying etc. These tips have helped me a lot <3


It seems it is more than often a symptom of PTSD.great video.


Thank you for all these helpful videos. I feel a sense of hope now


I really, really liked the questions you went through to ask yourself as to 'WHY' 'you' might be catastrophizing, very insightful, helpful questions.


Another great video Paige. I constantly catastrphoize with challenges. Listening to this I realized it’s also a coping method for me - almost like it regulates me because in the moment of “catastrophic thinking” I go into tunnel vision of the issue and look for options/ways to be prepared for what “may” be coming.


I've watched this over and over and over, today. It's like I'm trying to convince my brain to understand the important points that you laid out and the questions I need to ask myself with.


At 62 I get disappointed that I am still filled with catastrophe thoughts. Literally, since I was a child. I believe that I got that seed from my parents. I do recognize that I watered and nurtured that seed. I also think that in the past it may have served me. It was nice to hear your thoughts and I will subscribe and look forward to seeing your CALM series.
Thank you


Thank you for the video. Yours is one of the best ice seen on these things. I think I have pure o. It's really getting me down, making me anxious and in my mind all the time..
