How to Stop Catastrophizing |CALM Series-Logic

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Catastrophizing may possibly be the most common cognitive distortion I see in my practice. Catastrophizing is a negative thinking pattern of imagining the worst case scenarios in situations and events that are important to us. Unfortunately, if unresolved, Catastrophizing can cause significant distress including increased anxiety, loss of sleep, difficulty functioning and can even be paralyzing for some.
By catastrophizing, your mind exaggerates your fears about what may happen. But, it never seems to exaggerate on the positive side, only the most devastating possibilities. For example, a storm forecasted may unexpectedly destroy your home. You have not heard from your loved one, maybe they were in a serious accident!? A friend has not called you all week? They have completely disowned you and never want to talk to you again!? All are examples of extreme negative thoughts of the worse case scenarios called catastrophizing.
Thankfully, you do not have to resign yourself to this kind of fear and anxiety. This episode on Catastrophizing and how to treat it, is an important installment of the Logic section of the CALM series on treating anxiety. I detail what to do and how to stop your brain from this paralyzing, fear mongering activity.
#PaigePradko, #CALMseriesforanxiety, #WorseCaseScenario, #helpforanxiety, #Catastrophizing, #imagineworstcase, #constantworry, #rumination, #ruminating, #cantstopthinking, #howtostopworrying, #nonstopworrying, #nonstopthinkinng, #alwaysthinktheworstwillhappen, #constantworrying
Drop a comment below and share if you have catastrophized and if you found this video helpful. And please feel free to share this video with someone who you think may benefit by watching it.
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I would love to hear your comments and questions below. If you would like your question considered on an upcoming Q & A video, please let me know. Thank you for helping me spread mental health help and education.
Until next time...I will see you in session,
By catastrophizing, your mind exaggerates your fears about what may happen. But, it never seems to exaggerate on the positive side, only the most devastating possibilities. For example, a storm forecasted may unexpectedly destroy your home. You have not heard from your loved one, maybe they were in a serious accident!? A friend has not called you all week? They have completely disowned you and never want to talk to you again!? All are examples of extreme negative thoughts of the worse case scenarios called catastrophizing.
Thankfully, you do not have to resign yourself to this kind of fear and anxiety. This episode on Catastrophizing and how to treat it, is an important installment of the Logic section of the CALM series on treating anxiety. I detail what to do and how to stop your brain from this paralyzing, fear mongering activity.
#PaigePradko, #CALMseriesforanxiety, #WorseCaseScenario, #helpforanxiety, #Catastrophizing, #imagineworstcase, #constantworry, #rumination, #ruminating, #cantstopthinking, #howtostopworrying, #nonstopworrying, #nonstopthinkinng, #alwaysthinktheworstwillhappen, #constantworrying
Drop a comment below and share if you have catastrophized and if you found this video helpful. And please feel free to share this video with someone who you think may benefit by watching it.
Please feel free to follow me at the social media sites below:
I would love to hear your comments and questions below. If you would like your question considered on an upcoming Q & A video, please let me know. Thank you for helping me spread mental health help and education.
Until next time...I will see you in session,