Types of Strategy Games | Video Essay

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I love strategy games, and they've been on my mind lately. I've been grinding cooperative RTS games (real-time-strategy games) with a friend for the past few weeks and have revisited some TBT (turn-based-tactics) I adore to cheer myself up. Strategy games are one of my favorite genres, and I thought it'd be fun to focus on them and better categorize the genre. I hope you enjoy my little essay on my personal three sub-genres for strategy games!

Also, in case you weren't aware, I'll be away from home for a long time. I'm unsure if I'll be able to upload while I'm away, but I'll certainly try. Thank you for all of your support; it means the world!


CouchMoba: Just a small-time content creator. My videos mainly cover video games: reviews & discussions. I started the channel to practice my creative tools and enjoy games more. If you have any advice or questions, please contact me on social media!
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I am glad steam added sub-genres, so if I click on the strategy genre, I can then click gs & 4x, rts, turn based, building, tabletop and all that


Part of the appeal of Fire Emblem for me, which few other turn-based strategy games have done, is capture the feeling of being an actual strategist looking at the battlefield from on-high and commanding an army.

I like Triangle Strategy and Devil Survivor a lot, but I never liked how characters' turns were determined by speed. I always preferred FE's Player Phase, then Enemy Phase dynamic, as it let me create formations with my units in response to the enemy.

One example I love is forming a defensive wall around more vulnerable units with heavy knights and the like to limit the enemy's movement on their next turn, with ranged-units positioned just behind the knights to punish any enemies attempting to use ranged weapons of their own. Then sending my melee units out to mop up the now-weakened enemies. It's the sort of satisfaction that I don't get from a lot of other strategy games. It's like playing a more varied, dynamic version of chess, but with a cool medieval war-drama attached to it.

Granted, I'm not a big fan of Awakening and especially Fates and Engage for their overly-clean, cutesy, moe-anime take on the franchise, or the fact that those games (and Sacred Stones) can barely even be called strategy games when they give the player access to unlimited resources, opening up the possibility for tedious grinding in place of actual strategy (and when that's the dominant strategy, it's hard to excuse it by simply hand-waving it off with "You don't HAVE to grind!"). But at its best, this series gives me everything I could ever ask for in a medieval-fantasy game; good writing, compelling characters, a lived-in world, and addictive gameplay.


Love to hear that passion coming from you, keep it up ! B)


I've always felt that the term "tactics" is underutilized. Most strategy games are tactics/operations games.

Side note: my favorite rts is the dawn of war series.


Good video! Would be nice a video where you single out evry niche and recomend older e modern games inspired by the older one. final fantasy tactios, fire emblem, yuyu hakusho tornanment tactics, advanced wars


so if i understood correctly, you're saying that starcraft is not a RTS (real time strategy) but a RTT (real time tactics)?


1:30 Only true in the context of wargames, otherwise it's an overarching plan/s with the purpose of achieving a desired goal


Personally I think that TRPGs are the most boring game genre ever... unless they have a lateral view and have more actual aiming rather than luck-based precision, and that makes me sad because I only know 3 games like that.
