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The term of assault rifle stems from the Sturmgewehr 44 and has been used since to describe select fire guns chambered with an intermediate cartridge. This term which describes M16s, M4s, AKMs has been hijacked and used to cover all guns that look like them for example AR15, and S&W M&P 15, and even battle rifle look a likes the AR 10, M1A, andS&W M&P 10 


My brother you amaze me everyday and fully admire and support your stand on our rights. Wish there were more of you!

Keep up the great work!


Colin, The term "Assault Weapon" was Coined back during WWII by Hitler himself. The very first rifle was the Sturmgewehr 44 and so named "Assault Rifle". Now the term has been given to any weapon with a scary look to it.


All I hear is valid points left and right, You speak the truth. Understand the world you live in, Recognize the dangers around you, And adjust accordingly.


I call it a firearm. The moment you give it some other designation is when people can demonize it. Firearms can be used for a multitude of reasons. I used to refer to the AR15 and the like as "Combat Weapons" during the time people were calling them "Assault Rifles"....but really...!!!! It's just a gun. I'm a progressive and a gun owner and I simply stopped labeling guns when a fellow progressive friend of mine was on this whole "What we need to do is ban all assault weapons"....One: I argued that any weapon used to, well, assault someone could be considered an assault weapon.... and Two: He lost all legitimacy, not that he really had any, when he referred to the "A" and the "R" in AR15 as "Assault Rifle 15"...get the fuck out of here. That's when I ended the discussion and told him that if he didn't know why it's called an AR15 then don't go signing petitions to ban them because it was painfully obvious he didn't have a clue what he was talking about....!!!


Self-defense rifle, competition rifle, hunting rifle, recreation rifle...these make up the vast majority of the semi-automatic, detachable magazine fed rifles out there. Only a tiny percentage are actually misused to harm others (then and only then does that one particular rifle that the bad guy held in his hands become an "assault weapon"), a percentage so small that banning all rifles like it is simply uncalled for and frankly, unjust. Keep up the good work MrColionNoir!


Amen, Mr. Noir. PREACH IT!

You should also cite the recent case of the 2 university students who were also victimized by a home invasion. One of the students heard a commotion, went downstairs and found himself at gunpoint. He yelled, which alerted the other student to grab his AR-15. Once the criminals saw the rifle... they ran.


Good video Mr ColionNoir. Thanks for what you do to protect our 2cnd amendment and reasonable well spoken people like yourself is what we need to sway things in our direction.


Simple, straightforward, to the point. This is why I subscribe to this channel.


Yes, I read that request for quote yesterday...downloaded all the attachments & everything. They can call them Personal Defense Weapons, but if a civilian owns it it's an "assault rifle".


Finally, someone who speaks with common sense. Thanks for your recent videos, they have been inspiring.


Thank you! I've been saying everywhere I can that we have to stop using *their* language. They are DEFENSE rifles!!! Great job!!


Exactly my argument; you beat me to it. Many of our problems spring from the fact that we abandoned the ideal of no standing army and an armed citizenry, as we became the bully nation that we are today.

That's another discussion, but it needs to be had.


Almost - Assault Rifles are chambered in an intermediate cartridge, Battle Rifles are chambered in a full power cartridge. The distinction is real, but mostly American, to distinguish the m14 and the m16.
There are functional and logistic reasons for choosing one over the other so the distinction is also a valid one to make.


And the ones used by the Military should be called "Freedom Rifles". Thanks for all you do. Mr. Colion Noir for Prez!


This is right on the mark, not long ago, it was rumored that the DHS procured between 6-8, 000 PDW's. PDW is an acronym for Personal Defense Weapon. These weapons are essentially M-4 or AR-15 variants, in full auto. Why when the government purchases guns are they called defense weapons, and when we purchase the same guns they called are assault weapons, when the defining characteristic of the actual Assault rifle is that it is fully automatic...


It's amazing... You go to the Wikipedia article on Selective Fire and instead of reading the definition, which is in the first sentence, you go to the picture. "A selective fire firearm has at least one semi–automatic and one automatic mode, which is activated by means of a selector which varies depending on the weapon's design." First sentence of the article. I'll repeat, amazing.


Other studies such as the National Crime Victimization Survey have shown that intended crime victims who fight back with a gun are LESS likely to be injured than victims who use any other method of defense (including nonresistant compliance), and ALL of the injuries to gun-using intended victims occurred BEFORE the victim accessed the gun.
The upshot is this: for competent, responsible individuals who take the time to become familiar with their firearm, the gun can provide a net safety benefit.


Exactly I've sold weapons to others through private sales before. And I always do my own background check so I can know if they are not eligible to buy them. As the law in my state and every state mandates it is illegal to sell to felons.


This is what Wikipedia says on select fire. It's not the most reliable source, but, "The SIG 550 has four modes : Safe (At which the rifle cannot be fired.) (S), One round (1), Three-round burst (3) and Full automatic (20) (hidden under the switch)" The SID 550 was an example of a select fire weapon and 'safe' was included as a fire mode.
