Why America Is So Unhealthy (& How To Fix It) | Documentary

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An original documentary about the current American Health Crisis, written and directed by Dr. Jonathan Chu, a board-certified specialist in both Interventional Pain Medicine and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, and the founder of 360 Pain Academy.
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A few months ago I was diagnosed as being pre diabetic as diabetes is in my family, the doctor said if I don't lose weight then it's a when I became a T2 diabetic. We changed our diet and removed highly processed foods, cut down on carbs and sugar dramatically and within 6 months we (my wife and I) lost over 25kgs between us and all my bloods are, as the doctor said "perfect". We don't count calories and eat fresh meat, fish, dairy, fruit and veggies. Last week we were out with friends and we "indulged" in a takeaway meal, I felt bloated and sick and within a few hours I was hungry again... I won't be doing that again!


I'm a European man in my 30's who lives in the US. I used to be slim and fit in Europe but after a year of living in the US I started gaining a lot of weight. It took me some time to realize why this happened. I went on a diet for almost a year and now I'm back to my normal weight. There are a lot of factors causing obesity in America: huge food portions at restaurants and in grocery shops, too much sugary food everywhere, infrastructure in the country that is promoting driving and not walking, and many more. The harsh reality is that while any given individual living in the US, after realizing all these problems, can lose weight and be fit and healthy, the American society as a whole will continue getting fatter because in order to change that, american culture and infrastructure need to be drastically changed.


When I (German) was an exchange student in Kentucky 20 years ago, I gained 45 lbs in 7 months. I lost 40 lbs after 4 months back home


I am 71 and I am not, nor have I ever been, on any medications. Two years ago I had an unexplained hypertensive crisis. I had to go to the ER and subsequently to my private physician. When he put me on medication I asked if I could eventually get off of it. He said no I would be on it the rest of my life. Long story short, with some improvements in my diet and exercise, I weened myself off the med in the next couple months. BP is now normal again. What was so frustrating was that this was the first time I had seen this particular doctor and he asked me absolutely no questions about my history, what was my usual BP, no discussion of changes I should make etc. Just take these meds and I will see you soon. I said look, as nice as you may be, I do not want you and your nurse to become my new best friends.


Healthier foods may be more expensive, but I find that when you eat healthier, you eat far less.


I’m 66. After waking up, around 6 in the morning, a cup of coffee and a banana I work out for more than an hour. In the late afternoon I do 3 series of correct executed pushups, abs or neck training. I practice I.F. For over 8 years now. I eat healthy and have banned all but natural sugars. I don’t drink alcohol (not a drop) and I don’t smoke. Every day I meditate for an hour. When I go for a walk in the afternoon I still feel like 30. I don’t have any knee, back or other health problems. I don’t take any medication. I don’t give a toss about reaching 70, 80, 150, or 250 years. What I do care about is my well being, physically, mentally and emotionally in the here and know. And I can assure you I feel great from early morning until bedtime.


I listened to this long video while on a treadmill at the gym. It was well worth it. Solid stuff. Thank you.


Eat whole foods, cut sugars, drink water and strengthen your immune system, the keys to your own healthcare system!


I don't think eating healthy is as prohibitively expensive for many Americans as we claim it is. A 14 oz pack of Oreos is $5.29 at my store while a 3 lb bag of apples is $3.99. Many Americans just don't want to eat healthier.


Health is not just eating food.
They we live here in the USA. Working conditions; we don't get enough breaks. We don't sleep enough; we are always stressed because the working class is not paid living wage so a lot of high blood pressure plus all the process foods and the big serving portions in groceries and restaurants. All the fresh veggies are not dense in nutrients as they used to be in last century because of commercial agriculture using OMG to grow products in mass.
The documentary is well done and should be aired on Netflix, Apple TV, and Hulu.
Thank you for this information


I invest everyday in my health. Often people think I am 10 years younger.


We also allow hospitals, schools and retirement homes to serve the cheapest worst, most unhealthy 'food' to maximize profits.
We need laws to protect us from the 12 companies that control ALL the 'food' in this country!


It doesn’t help, having all of these ‘fat activists’ telling everyone thst being overweight is perfectly fine.


It’s sick care, not health care that treats the symptoms not the causes


I have friends from Venezuela and they usually talk about how strange US foods are, that they last way longer than they naturally should and are often far too sweet to be natural.


This video should have 100x more views. The information is gold!


It’s not even just obesity, I have noticed that many people are pale with dark circles under their eyes, and their eyes are rimmed red. People just don’t look healthy anymore. When I was growing up, children had rosy cheeks and bright eyes. They were interested in other people and children. Now, I go to the grocery store and the smallest child is looking at an iPad and they are pale with dark circles. They’re being treated for allergies and immune problems. It’s a bit frightening.


I wasn't fat, but highly sedentary and I ate very badly. My depression got to an extreme point, I was losing hair and I was sleep deprived. I changed that five months ago. I started working out five days a week, cut sugar I can tell you that I feel way much better.


A few weeks ago I cut out all processed food, sugar, non complex carbs, alcohol, etc. Nearly gone are several ailments including daily chronic migraines. Lightheadedness has greatly improved as has my sleep. Give it a try and reclaim your health!


The contents of this video are 100% correct. It's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I was born in 1944. I have witnessed the progression of Americans into disastrous physical and mental health. I was fine where I grew up with my grandmother and lived off the garden we grew and the fish I caught. Then I got swept up in jobs, stress, all kinds of prescribed drugs to "treat" my problems, until I physically crashed and burned. I've slowly gone back to my roots - daily long walks on woods trails, a large organic garden with fruits and vegetables I grow chemical and pesticide free, organic eggs from a neighbor, rest and relaxation. It's all about nutrition and lifestyle. Modern medicine is great dealing with acute medical problems such as being in a car accident or rare conditions. But for the rest of it, it's lifestyle that needs to be fixed and medicine as we have it now isn't the answer to our chronic health and mental problems.
