ADHD and Overwhelm: Having to Fix Too Many Things

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Thanks Jeff! This reminds me of one of your interview about Mental Decluttering, also we as ADHDers tend to over-estimate the number of things we can handle at the same time..


Yes! Anything in need of repair can end easily up on the never ending project pile. Even without repairs, EVERYTHING you own requires time and mental energy. It has to be stored, cleaned, managed, located, chosen for use, etc. Minimalism is the most ADHD friendly way of life.


Could be a one sentence video: "the more you own, the more things are broken, so get rid of stuff to simplify your life".

Makes me think of some alternatives though:
"the more clothes you own, the more laundry you have to do and the more tidying and putting away you have to do"
"the more projects you attempt, the more you're juggling"


I totally agree. The simpler things are in my household, the better off we all will be. I find myself fixing things all the time when there is a lot of stuff in my life!!


This is my life EVERY DAY. I am into "project" cars as you can see by my videos and have too many and they all need an endless amount of things. It's just way too much considering I am poor with planning, organizing, motivation, etc. I smartened up with my most recent vehicle purchase, that car needed very few things to be basically perfect, just a few easy things. I have another vehicle I've had for 7 years and never intend to sell it but it's in the roughest shape of them all. I know I bring this on myself but buying things impulsively doesn't help either... Anyway I truly am trying to simplify my life, work, etc.


Thanks Jeff, this issue has happened a lot in my life but I couldnt diagnose what really was the problem(owning lots of stuff that will eventually break). Its very overwhelming.


Thanks for this. Interesting what you said about apps, I have a habit of paying for an app that’s a good idea and I forget about it but the charges keep coming through. Keeping life simple is the answer!


Oh yes, I have a pile of things (a small one) that I’ve been meaning to fix. Probably for at least a year. And there’s likely more that I’ve not even noticed because I’ve forgotten it existed 😂


Yes, rural property, on one hand, always learning to do new things, use new tools, out of necessity, as an isolated 60 yr old woman, and Ive kicked ass for 10 years, but its caught up with me and Im away caring for grandbabies needs, non neurotypical, so very important, but my property needs are overwhelming, and Im aware of ALL the broken, ALL the time, no matter what I get done. Im here looking for reassurance because of missing the Christmas deadline, and have spent alot of timw making holiday goodies(many never tried before, of course..) now Im beating myself up, Im out of time because I commute to the city, to do the childcare, a couple hours, several times a week, back at it in the a.m. and Im not doing well with the overwhelm rn.... thanks for the chance to get a tiny fragment off my chest. No one knows about my personal inner life. I smile as a shield, no matter what


I don't have a lot of stuff with moving parts, but I am an inexperienced gardner. I used the bulb calculator for spring bulbs. I wish they had a bulb calculator for how many you likely have the physical capacity to plant. I ordered so many my body was overwhelmed by pain and exhaustion. If I ever buy bulbs again, I'll only get about a quarter of that amount.


Your worry- lines are like my ADD son''s.


Really enjoy the information side note might be good to get a new camera that’s 1440p it seems a little grainy and off coloured with a green screen behind you


I need to talk right now. Wjere do I communicate best


Where was the point to the story? It was really hard to follow for someone with adhd. Filtering out the bla bla, waiting for the good stuff but the video ended before providing any insight.
