Basic Manners Everyone Should Have | Jamila Musayeva

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Basic Manners Everyone Should Have | Jamila Musayeva
Over the years of working as an etiquette consultant, I have written down a good checklist of most commonly broken etiquette rules. These rules are very simple, at first glance, yet most often overlooked. Based on my observations, I have noted some of the most basic good manners that everyone should have. So here are the simplest rules that create the biggest impact on the way we present ourselves to the world.

Enjoy the video and let me know what you think of it. As always, your feedback and video suggestions are always welcomed!

Sincerely yours,
Jamila Musayeva

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Other basic manners everyone should apply in their daily habit, please put your phone away when talking or in the presence of other people it’s quite disrespectful and also learn to be a good listener everyone wants to be heard but they don’t want to take time to listen. Thank you Jamila for sharing this video.


1:55 Hold the door
3:30 Knowing the rules of walking
5:08 Address a person with their full name
6:54 Let people exit before you enter a room
8:00 Use of pleasantries/courteous words
10:14 Appropriate dress code
11:36 Maintaining adequate physical space
13:50 Table etiquettes
15:54 Show patience in a queue
17:02 Speak less, listen more/Think before you speak


Some of these manners are common sense. So many people have forgotten them due to not being in public as often. It's nice to be reminded of these manners. Thank you Jamila!


This video really goes in line with "debunking elegance myths" one. A great lesson is that etiquette, manners and politeness is for everyone, not only a certain "elite", but also for everywhere, not only in high end restaurants. I love that you are making etiquette accessible and relevant to our everyday life!


I wish people would follow this old etiquette rule: if someone declines an invitation please don’t ask them why they can’t come. Just say you’re sorry they won’t be able to attend and/or suggest another time. Demanding an explanation may force someone to lie. One friend did this so much, I stopped being her friend.


People starting to eat without everyone seating at the table especially the hostess who cooked for them gets me everytime. I have lived in the UK for 30 years and most people don't hold the door. I really don't uderstand how they are labelled as very polite. The great thing about your list is that these are very easy tweacks to make so achievable for anyone who wants to "upgrade". Thank you for the reminder ♥


Since my childhood mostly I have been the only one doing all these good acts.My whole life people normally just want to grab first, reach first, leave first, leave everything because they think why should they bother about others...endless cruelty. Finally after watching this video I am very glad to know I was not a naive or someone who can be easily stepped over but I am actually a person with naturally many etiquettes.😊


common behavior, but often forgotten, nice reminder for everyone💜


I really love how she matches flowers with her outfit. Eye-catching!💗


Jamila, I have watched your videos for years, and every time I go out to eat when it comes time to sit down & place my bag I always remember your teachings: NEVER place your bag on the table. Even when I eat at a fast food restaurant I don’t put my bag on the table 😂☺️ thank you for another insightful video.


All the good manners you explain, I share them in schools, because, yes, it is useful for the children to have them. ( door, escalator et, …)


As a New Yorker, I’ve seen a lot of these basic rules broken and it’s very irksome when it happens. I can’t tell you the amount of times someone stands on the left side of an escalator, or enters an elevator or train before exiting passengers can get off. Sometimes individuals also struggle with waiting in line when boarding a bus or doesn’t hold the door open for someone close behind them. Thank you for this latest recap on the most basic of manners, Jamila.


Never thought I need these etiquettes but when I watch your videos, I feel like I need to learn more to improve myself.


Your content is getting more and more interesting every time you upload videos and I love the way you share your learnings/insights with us. Thank you so much for your kindness, Jamila. ❤️


I live in Toronto and rarely do people hold the door, let others exit before entering, have good table manners, know the rules of walking (often people won't even pull their dogs to one side of a sidewalk to let others pass!) or show patience in a queue. I would like to add giving up a seat on public transit for the elderly, pregnant women, people with visible disabilities or parents with babies.


Saying, “thank you” to he person the opened the door for you, it’s very nice!


The touching/personal space is my nemesis. I'm quite reserved in that regard, I have to know a person really well and have a close relationship with them to feel comfortable with more than a handshake. So whenever I'm at a social event with aquaintances, I have to fight with myself to accept hugs or kisses upon greeting. It's even worse when someone tries to come too close on our first meeting. I offended a friend's boyfriend once: we were just introduced and he came in for a hug or a kiss, and I reared back like a spooked horse. It was an incredibly awkward situation.


Fun fact about elevator manner in Japanese. When riding escalators, in the Kanto region, people typically stand on the left side and leave the right side open for those who want to walk. In Kansai region, it's often the opposite, with people standing on the right side. This is a common etiquette practice in Japan. Something good to know if any of you are visiting Japan :) hope this was helpful 😊


I'm not sure if you made a video of basic manners when in a workplace setting (especially in a multicultural company and when there are different generations of employees). Would be nice to have one.


I loved this! So informative, I work in retail and recently I've noticed people do seem a lot more rushed and distracted, sometimes not even saying a simple "hello" when they come to the cash desk.. Thank you for sharing this ❤️
