Teaching Kids Manners – Being Polite & Respectful | Dad University

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Teaching kids manners is an important job of being a parent. Kids watch , listen, and learn from us so if we want our children to be polite, respectful, and display good manners, we need to do so ourselves.

In this video, Jason goes over some valuable tips for teaching your child manners. What are some expectations that we have and what should we avoid? Jason also covers 3 common areas to teach your kid manners and goes over some basic ways you can begin educating your child to be polite and respectful.

We believe good manners are an important foundation for bigger things as the children grow and get older. Be sure to leave your questions and comments in the feedback.

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Totally agree with you. Manners show HOW respectful a person is.Very important to have.


Adults need to be taught this, I get tired of getting commands, instead of would you please and the words thank you.


My parents also prioritized being polite, actually, it was not my mom or dad but another family member, they told me to always say please and thank you, table manners, and also stuff like how to set a table, I am great full for them because without them I wouldn’t be who I am today ❤


00:00 intro
01:15 be the example
02:07 have realistic expectations
03:39 be patient
05:13 start basic
06:04 please & thank you
07:20 greeting people
08:21 table manners


Manners and being considerate are important. But kids deserve to be treated with manners boundaries and respect too.


My 11 year old just came from her fathers house to my house, with no manners. She steals, lies and slams doors then cries only when she's in trouble.


I tried step #4, but then they sent me on some really weird field trips and now i have PTSD 😂. I like your channel man, keep it up. You just gained yourself a subscriber.


Thank you! This is required viewing in my GMRC Class. It's for parents but it has application in the classroom.


Some parents don’t even have matters smh 🤦‍♀️


Great, it sounds realistic....surmised points briefly, I hope it works with my kids too. Appreciate it.


You explained this very well indeed.
I think, that videos teaching kids good manners should be being taught by nurseries and/or preschools.


what's the best way of getting your kid to stop interupting you while talking? excuse me is one of the importantt manners to me bc if i hear mom a million times how am I expected not to lose my temper. what is the best way implementing "excuse me"?


Its sad people still don't know how to raise a kid modern era needs to setup for the better we Never learn from past.


Ha, my toddler was a well behaved kid in restaurants, people commented on it, but I don't think it's all the parent's doing. For her it was just me anticipating her needs so she wasn't a wreck when we went out, and now that she's older her shyness keeps her polite. But now she's a monster at home and I feel like a failure 🤗


I have a little brother and he yells every-time he gets something wrong, like when we have arguments. He wines he screams when he doesn’t know something, and embarrasses my family in public. He never says “hi” instead he says in a very concerned voice “who in the world are you?” In an angry tone. He watches his iPad non-stop so whenever we take it away he starts screaming like crazy and disturbing my parents work. He show no respect to us and thinks he head of everything. My mum is very kind, my dad is just fun, but I don’t know how he got this bold personality. When learning he runs away and starts yelling and punching my dad.

I don’t know how we can fix him, so I’ll try this and see if it’ll make him a LITTLE more polite. Wish me luck 😅


How to teach 3/4 year old to greet people when they strongly refuse to do so ? And are so shy?


I believe in old English etiquette if you are one that polishes and shine your shoes to increase the look of your fashion then proper Etiquette polishes and shines you


This is great information, thank you for sharing. I’m raising my 8yo son with the help of my parents. He’s very strong willed, and we are struggling with having him be consistent with saying yes/no ma’am/sir, please and thank you. I was raised this way and still speak with these considerations. Also, we are struggling with him following instructions. We have to repeat several times to stop the back talking/reasoning or him being side tracked on his own agenda. How do we instill the importance of listening and obeying?


Being polite and respectful also includes not generalising about the fact kids today are less polite than they were in previous generations


Is a dry hello a respectful reply to good morning?
