Review bombing Elden Ring DLC for being 'too difficult'

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The PC performance issues are valid but apparently some gamers are review bombing Shadow of the Erdtree (Elden Ring DLC) because it's too difficult for them...

Please correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding was that, with soulslikes, you can just keep levelling then come back to defeat a difficult boss? Is that not the same with the DLC?
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Spoiler free review here.

You should’ve shown the top dislikes instead. They have some actually valid criticisms about the map being way too emptyc bosses having some unintuitive designs followed by moves that will always roll catch after properly rolling another move, as well as performance issues. As someone who has beaten the final boss, the fight is genuinely tanking my performance for some of the most unnecessary effects in the world, where the actual moveset is remarkably easy, it’s simply hard to react through all 400 visual effects on the screen, as well as a move that will always roll catch you unless you parry. There’s many bosses that are similar to this. Also, many of these bosses lack cutscenes or any dialogue whatsoever, making them fairly forgettable.


The dlcs are notoriously more difficult than the base game. It's well documented


Apparently this one is harder than other souls DLCs in the past, and not in a "the boss is difficult but fun and creative" way, rather than a repetitive or broken way. I can get thinking it's too difficult, but don't just dislike it and leave it at that. Explain what parts are difficult (HP, movements, repetition, etc) to make it valid critisim.


I'm maxed level and get one shoted by a regular mob, a single hit by any enimes kills me... How am I supposed to enjoy the new dlc and explore when anything in the game kills me instantly..


"Soulslikes are supposed to be difficult."

"Companies are supposed to deal with negative reviews when players aren't happy."


1. This is not the case of "review bombing". There is no targeted rally of people giving negative review to bring the game down, individual people are expressing their criticisms.

2. Yes, soulslikes are known for being challenging, but they are never unfair. As long as the player is patient and observant, anyone can beat those games.

However, even the director Hidetaka Miyazaki has stated multiple times that the difficulty was NEVER the point, just a byproduct of his design direction, wanting people to immerse themselves into an unwelcoming world, asking them to pave their way through it and feel acomplished.
Those games are loved for many things that have nothing to do with difficulty.

With this DLC tho, it is a valid criticism that they focused on making it difficult for the sake of being difficult, to a point where bosses are not even fun to learn anymore and they feel artificially hard, which was never the case before.

If you don't have any knowledge in something, then why make statements about it at all?


Yeah, when you paid 40 bucks and the FINAL BOSS was lazy and recycled. Surely, people are gonna complain.


are people still complaining soulsborne games are hard?
lmao even


I’ve played every souls game ever. It’s my favorite franchise. I’ve also played bloodborne and delirium and every dlc to date.

As a veteran of the series I can safely say that the dlc is definitely too hard and needs a major balance patch. The shadow realm blessings were executed HORRIBLY and if you don’t max out your blessings you’re gonna have a bad time in the DLC no matter what level you are on anything past NG.

It’s expected in a souls game dlc for the bosses to start at endgame and go up in difficulty from there however it is unprecedented for the dlc to specifically implement a whole new mechanic that literally makes the player weaker.

The souls frame is there itl just needs to be rebalanced eventually.😊


I've only seen a few hours of gameplay while watching a stream, but the damage numbers of the new enemies are indeed way higher than the average end-game enemy from the base game.


imma be honest im around lv 500 and used mimic and still got mad clapped by most of the main bosses of the dlc. still a masterwork of world design, new gear and drip. it is much harder than basegame, but with some tenacity, absolutely doable. difficulty options would ruin the francise(my opinion)


They should quantify difficulty. People who spend their money should know what they are getting into.


I'm sure they will adjust the difficulty when they see more players leaving. They did with general redahn in base game


everyone saying skill issue hasn't done the last boss yet. it might be the worst souls boss of all time. there's no skill involved


I am having fun cause I keep calling summons or other players to join me in battles, I don’t even dare thinking about going solo against these bosses ahaha nah nah, I won’t let anyone destroy my experience, that lion face boss for example was just too much to even think about going solo against it… let’s see what the next ones are going to be… oh my lord… pray for me guys


I like the difficulty, I think it’s all good except for the final boss, then it isn’t the gameplay making it difficult, the camera is awful, the damage is abhorrent and the hitboxes aren’t exactly fine tuned. I love difficulty, but only when it’s the gameplay, and not the other parts of a game being bad

That being said, the DLC has been out for like a week, obviously it’s going to be hard, no one knows anything about the bosses, so no wonder they find it difficult. But still, that’s not enough to give it a bad review. Also everyone complained that elden ring was too easy, so it’s BS that now everyone’s complaining about the difficulty.


This game is like real life for the term of difficulty living and yeah you don’t became a master chief in a one-day. You have to learn how to cook to became a master chief and this is like everything in this world because knowledge is everything you have to learn is the same thing for elden ring.


It's not that many players are relying on op builds rather than learning boss patterns I think. I've almost finished the dlc now with no armour (just yura hat and some white dress) and a mix of daggers/incarnations at lvl 140 and I'm only average at the game


You aint playing the dlc right unless youre on new game 3 or higher its absolutely miserable idgaf who you are its not fun unless you cheese which is what all these git gud players are using theyre all trash i want to be able to use any weapon and have fun but you cant


Those are unworthy tarnished. Fit not even as cinder
