Installing CodeBlocks IDE for C / C++ Programming ( Setting up with MinGW )

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In this video we will download the codeblocks ide and set it up with mingw for programming in c and c++ language.
Code blocks is an open source, free ide available for all platforms ( windows, Linux, mac ).
mingw stands for minimalist GNU for Windows and it is a minimalist development environment for native Microsoft Windows applications and it comes with GNU tool chain, which comes to the GCC, the GNU compiler collection which supports languages like 'C' 'C plus plus' 'ada' 'fortran' etc.
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Code blocks is an open source, free ide available for all platforms ( windows, Linux, mac ).
mingw stands for minimalist GNU for Windows and it is a minimalist development environment for native Microsoft Windows applications and it comes with GNU tool chain, which comes to the GCC, the GNU compiler collection which supports languages like 'C' 'C plus plus' 'ada' 'fortran' etc.
For more tutorials visit our website
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