What Your Exes Hot And Cold Behavior Really Means

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What Your Exes Hot And Cold Behavior Really Means

In this video were going to discuss
#1 - Says I love you, then takes it away
#2 - Consistently Sends You Positive Text Messages And Then Suddenly Becomes Unresponsive
#3 - Continually Makes Plans To See You And Then Keeps Finding Excuses To Cancel
#4 - Goes Looking At Houses Together And Talks About Getting Married Only To Claim That The Aforementioned Was Never Said Or Discussed
#5 - You Just Slept Together And They Literally Don’t Want To Have Anything To Do With You

Hot and Cold Behavior #1 – Says “I love you” and then says “I don’t have feelings for you anymore”
What this really means?
Your ex is a slave to how they are feeling in the moment, where they probably make the “I love you” statement during an exciting moment with you. Then probably made the “I don’t have feelings for you” statement during an angry or emotional moment for them.

Hot and Cold Behavior #2 – Consistently Sends You Positive Text Messages And Then Suddenly Becomes Unresponsive
What this really means?
This sometimes means that the conversation is probably boring them, when I work with clients the biggest things, I work on with them is becoming interesting. We have a tendency to become self-interested. So, we spend time talking about things that interest us but not really interest our exes. The initial conversation started because the conversation was interesting but as the conversation went on, they lost interest.

Hot and Cold Behavior #3 – Continually Makes Plans To See You And Then Keeps Finding Excuses To Cancel
What this really means?
To understand this, we need to explain the concept of this internal conversation, some of you may not know this, but exes can have this internal conversation with themselves, when they’re left alone that’s really when this internal happens.

Your ex most likely talks themselves out of seeing you when left alone, while during the moment of excitement they make plans to see you and have intent to hang out. But then when they’re alone again they talk themselves out of it and doubts start to creep in

Hot and Cold Behavior #4 – Goes Looking At Houses Together And Talks About Getting Married Only To Claim That The Aforementioned Was Never Said Or Discussed
What this really means?
This is really interesting and not everyone will experience this type of hot and cold behavior from their exes but this is a real-life situation that happened in our Private Facebook Group. This is where the ex goes to look at houses with you talks about getting married and then claim that the aforementioned was never said or discussed they go with complete denial.

What happens here is that you’re moving too fast too soon.

Hot and Cold Behavior #5 – You Just Slept Together And They Literally Don’t Want To Have Anything To Do With You
What this really means?
They probably got exactly what they wanted and are losing interest, so what does that mean?

Well some men and women only want to have sex with them but just want to have a ‘friends with benefits’ type of scenario and now they’ve got what they wanted. They’ve slept with you and you get excited about this, but every time you try to have a normal conversation with them, they lose interest really quickly.

What typically happens in these situations is that when they do get in touch with you it’s always about sex, you’re a ‘booty call’ even though its disguised as a hang out. Your ex will say all sorts of nice things and they’ll all sorts of false promises but it always ends up leading to sex and nothing ever gets done.

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#4 Is very likely a narcissist - RUN! ...A normal person would just admit having reserves and why.


I have an ex that says she wsnts nothing to do with me, our relationship is done. But then later tries calling to make sire iam ok


Please do a video about what ex's social media behavior means (posting about being lonely and posting more than usual) Or link me to one if you have already made one. Thank you!!!


I'm getting hot and cold between conversations and even a bit in them.. during a break


My ex said he still loves me, he’s still saying i am his girlfriend to friends/ family and our circle of friends even tho he is the one who broke up with me last month, November and said that time he don’t love me anymore. We’re still sweet to each other as of now, we’re still hugging each other publicly and while in bed, holding hands and having sex in his room from his parent’s house, but not saying I Love You or kissing goodbye when we parted ways going home and not communicating thru text call or social media of sweet conversation unlike before just small talk. I don’t want to ask him because he will regret again that he is making these actions for me, but it was painful for me not to assume these are real feelings from him. Like we have a label perceived by people surrounding us but the truth is we don’t have a genuine commitment with each other because we’re still not back together even tho we’re showing to other people our relationship is fine but there isn’t a relationship in the first place. 😔


How about when you tell an ex that you know that he still has feelings for you and cares about you but doesn’t deny it?


i am in limited no contact and my ex asked me multiple times to get back together and when i give him my answer that i want to get back he goes cold What should i do? We got a three years old and i am pregnant due next month.


Thanks Chris for your video!
I have a quick question & i am clueless to what to do: i have been in no contact with my ex for 45 days; my ex finally reached out to me but he was initiallu having this passive agressive attitude so i just ignored him ...& then out of the sudden he started open up to me by saying how much he misses me & think about me all the time....so i just nicely replied that "i miss him too & the breakup made me realize a lot of positive things...." then out of the sudden he just disappeared & even deleted my num from his phone.
I am so frustrated & sad about this situation..can you please help me what should i do ? Should i just ask why does he do this & go for another no contact? Or just act indifferent & continue being positive when he reach out to me?
Please please help me on this?
Thanks a lot!


Everything was perfect with my relationship or so I thought. Two weeks ago we took a trip he said he loved me - we were happy. Then out of nowhere he said he didn’t love me the same way and didn’t see a future. Is there any chance no contact would work? Or should I move on?


Hi Chris
My ex broke up with me 3 months ago
Blocked off everything
Finally contacted
Said only want to be friends
Ended up sleeping together while she’s trying to start another relationship
Spent Xmas eve together she told me she loved me
Then went cold Boxing Day
I know she’s seeing another guy while regularly sleeping with me

What should I do now?


Hey Chris! another comment I told u on another video through comment that my ex contacted me during N.C of 4th day.He constantly contact me when I reply to him.He disappear from the day like a ghost. I don't know what he wants & what I hv to do in this case please suggest me...Chris m gonna crazy due to his awkward behaviour...


My ex boyfriend broke up with me 3 weeks ago and said he still wants to be friends. Also, said he never wants to get back together with me because he is unhappy in the relationship and I can't make him happy no matter what I do. But yet he's been unhappy with his life/himself throughout the relationship. We were together for a year and a half. We still hangout and take walks together and all. Do we have a shot getting back together even though he said he never wants to get back together? Please reply!


Hey Chris. I am thinking about buying your Ex Girlfriend Recovery PRO, but before that I have to check if I stand a chance of getting her back. Quiz said that I have solid odds, but one particular thing worries me.
My ex girlfriend started to live with her new boyfriend. They are together for only 3-4 months and she told me that she wants to marry him, which is hard to believe considering the very short period they are together. Is it possible that she told me that just to repel me, or this could be a rebound relationship that usually go crazy fast and then suddenly fall apart?
I just can't believe that somebody plans wedding after a few months long relationship.


He said he want us to work out again and have a family together but haven't said he loves me yet then the next day he's being cold so I decided to do no contact from time to time he just sends me some funny videos or memes but I dont respond of course then yesterday he sent me another video I didn't respond and I noticed he deactivated his facebook I know he didn't block me cause I tried to stalk him on my dummy account and my friends account who he doesn't know and yess his account is really deactivated I don't know why he did that out of all times it's not even pass 1 week of no contact and I keep on overthinking


My ex came back then left again don’t know what to do but say he do love me but shit be having his time where he don’t see when I call n text but when I call on another number that he don’t know but he answer, but when I text on my number no answer


After a good conversation we wished eachother finally goodbye and promised not to contact eachother i still love him what shall i do please tell me sometimes he asked me to block him and after that he deleted his all social media apps and he messaged me in what'sapp and calls me but i am doing no contact since 7days what to do Chris?


So after 35 days of NC my ex texted me saying "I hope you know i still love you even tho we cant be together" in the middle of the night while i was sleeping... i waited until late in the afternoon to answer him and now he is gone again... our breakup was mostly his fault, but, idk why he did that and then disappeared.. is this a good sign? should i wait until he reaches out again?
