5 Troubleshooting Tips to Get Your Drone Flying!

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Ever had a quad flip out on you, or refuse to arm entirely? These are some of the most common issues new pilots struggle with, and we're here to help you figure out out to fix them!

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- Hosted By -
Caleb Wright [BubbyFPV]

- Production Team -
Drew Camden - Producer
Christian Kapper - Editor / Camera

Good To Me
By: Floppy Circus

By: Joakim Karud

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So I'm back in this hobby after layoff more than a year due to being dad. I'm glad that Bubby is now main stay of Rotor Riot. 👍


Everyones always saying to update to the latest version of BetaFlight. Drones flew just fine on the earlier versions. If your drone is flying well, don't fiddle with it unless you are looking to experiment. 95% of the people who fly _probably_ wont notice the difference an update brings.


I wish I had this video six years ago, super well done video guys, and good job bubby


the drone freak out problem is sooo common. ive had so many people asking why that happens. this is a great video guys!!!!


This is gold for beginning builders. Nice one, Bubby.


Good stuff .. This would have been a godsend many years ago when I built my first drone


Great video keep this type of video going I have so many drones that have issues I can’t work threw. Or have a person who would be able to work threw it for you.


You the man!!! A natural on camera! Thanks for all the info Sir and ROTOR RIOT is where its at!! We need to support these guys y’all so get your parts thru them as much as possible! Thanks RR


Great video, but…er… one minor nit-pick. Some receivers (elrs) need arm to be high on aux1. The switch can be configured to invert it’s output if you want to push it up for arm.


thank you..i got some answers from this video


Lots of compressed knowledge for beginners and more. For someone who wants to learn something and solve the problem himself, it is irreplaceable :D


For the Skylite specifically, I'd like to see specific tuning (not just PIDs, filtering I think is the tricky part) with the ducts on and off. I can get my Skylite tuned pretty well without ducts, but with (the older full duct style) I have issues with it not coming back down and have to yaw a bit to get it to descend. What I'd like is to have different specific profiles for duct vs open prop so I can easily switch back and forth. I think that would be a cool video because it's the same quad, but one with ducts, heavier, maybe bigger battery when flying like that...gopro as well...where when you fly naked it's a real ripper but a single tune doesn't work great for both, but you can have multiple profiles so why not.


im nearly a month in on fpv and grinding my teeth every day how are you lot amazing at flying and how long did it take


Hello, .. you are super knowledgeable so I hope you can help me on this situation. I have two issues with two quads. 1) I cannot make the motors change direction in BF, on this quad the only thing I did was to change the motors from a 2350 K to a 1700 K. and since then I have not been able to make it fly. 2) I have a second quad with a T-Motor F722 FC and a Happymodel ELRS EP1 RX. as well as CADDx camera and DJI VTX.. The RX is already binded with my radio TX16S MKII Max. I can see it on BF all working but I cannot load the ExpressLRS configurator on to the RX as it will always give me an error number. Thank you for your help.


Well presented bubby, you nailed the info and knowledge. And you don't Ware guy liner 🙄 😒 major plus in my book, (but he is handsome and doesn't need it any tho)


Don't forget RCAddict's old "Save a Dead 4in1 ESC, Easy Fix!" video ;-)


my props are reverse. i just remember leading edge of props in the front are both facing out and the 2 back are facing in. out out, in in. standard config would be in in, out out. i find it easier to remember than cw/ccw


Go ahead and check y’all’s motor mapping before sending a quad out.. y’all did me dirty with that lol


You guys should try and race each other with transmitters that have the stick commands swapped to the other stick the left stick is pitch and roll and the right stick is throttle and yaw


Bro can you help me? My quad have a issue when I arm the quad can't fly but the controller and quad is already connected. And when I go to betaflight I can't connect
