HUGE Ground Vehicle Damage Rework Coming - New Modules & Crew Healing - War Thunder Roadmap News

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Absolutely huge changes are coming to War Thunder fairly soon that will fundamentally change ground combat in game. In this video, I go over everything that you need to know about these changes.

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Video Title: HUGE Ground Vehicle Damage Rework Coming - New Modules & Crew Healing - War Thunder Roadmap News

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Life is about to get alot worse for my 2c, 12 meaty bois to be lit on fire, and have constant concussions.


I like the idea of adding electronic components, but I’d prefer if they added it to helicopters instead of tanks. Like, currently, I can slam 120mm APFSDS shells into a heli and get a “Hit.” I’m pretty sure most helis aren’t just shrugging that off with no damage in real life with how complex they are electronically.


Imagine a 2S38 constantly stunning you because its shell penetrates your tank despite dealing no damage to crew.


The first and third way sounds ok but the second way sounds really annoying i dont think they should add it or definitely test it heavily like everything else.


Gaijin is literally making crews into senator Armstrong lmao

“Nanomachines son”


I demand that we get more uses of FPE.


Why are autoloaders as a module not discussed?
A human loader can be knocked out, but an autoloader still functions if everything else in a tank is damaged


I think that the more detailed modules should be added in waves to ALL nations at once so it's not unfair where one nation has more damagable vehicles than another. I also think the stun effect could be cool but only for larger caliber guns so autocannons don't just stunlock you.


So... basically, instead of making the ammo more reliable at actually knocking out components and crew members they're removing player skill components from the game and making it more random, yeah thanks Gaijin, that's exactly what we wanted...


I don't like the stun. I'd like to see optic damage actually matter. Maybe lose bino view with the loss of the commander. But this stuff can be added to Sim when you want max realism.


This basically is a buff to anything with high firerate. Looks like my break from war thunder is gonna extend a little longer


Have your voice be heard, vote against the stuns option, WE DO NOT NEED STUNLOCK IN WAR THUNDER! If stuns get added, I will be leaving the game, World of Tanks has this stun mechanic and it's absolutely terrible, we do not need this here, period.


the stun mechanic seems overly complex and less intuitive than a simpler system. just use a much shorter version of the dead crew mechanic! the gunner or driver being effectively incapacitated for a second or two after taking a hit seems like a perfect debuff, as opposed to relying on the weird swaying and screen effects.


if they decide to add that stun mechanic vehicles that can reload fast like japanese mbts and that sweedish bkan artillery are going to dominate since they shoot every 4s, which means if you get hit by one of those and you get stunned for lets say 2s you're never gonna be able to do anything to save yourself, its unfair


Ha! As soon as they said "a more detailed model to *specific* vehicles" I figured it'd be primarily for western tanks. Lo and behold, yep, they mentioned the M1 and Leo 2. Can't wait to see the chance modifiers for different vehicles for the random "rubbish, crew clothing, oil, wiring, etc." fires.


war thunder is going to the jungle there will be that many bugs


I'm very onboard with these changes, but there's one potentially major thing that has been overlooked: These changes will make the Anti-Tank SPAAs even more of a menace by giving them even more vulnerabilities to exploit on their armored counterparts...


As someone who hates hitting IFVs and doing no damage, these are all terrible and should not be added imo.

The first one could be cool, would maybe make the op 50cals on early usa tanks a little bit of a handicap.

The second is absolutely terrible, I do think that maybe kinetic energy could be cool, like a heavy shell could yeet a bmp1 a feet or 2 maybe.

But stun is rubbish, the aiming going off center also sounds absolutely horrid.

I do really want to see an fv4005 ripping the turret straight off a tank though.

The 3rd way just sounds like extra RNG, please just don't.


New alert message dropped:

“Your commander is on fire!”


I’m actually excited for the extra modules and the “burning crew” effect (fucking brutal btw) because we’ve been asking for something like the avionics and wiring for the KA-50, how they can just absorb high caliber ordinance to the body because it’s just an empty space with no fuel lines, wiring etc.

The “crew fire” seems like they’re trying to throw a bone for when you hit a vehicle and it just passes through a light or even heavy vehicle with absolutely no effect. With the fire, you’ll at least do some damage that’ll lessen the enemy’s efficiency with a non-lethal or critical hit.

The stun lock is a terrible idea. Like Tankenstein said, all that’s gonna do is exasperate the “first shot” advantage meaning whoever gets off the first damaging shot basically gets their hand held for the rest of the engagement while the victim is sitting there helpless as they deal with a half dozen status effects
