The Future of Mass Surveillance

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Sorry I've been making weird videos, life is just kinda weird right now. Felt a responsibility to say something about this.

Does "privacy" matter anymore?
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Good concept of the video, i do not see a strong link between surveillance and hypocrisy, but good approach an idea.

To another comment here:
It is never okay. By no means it is okay.
This data will be used for monetization, manipulation, control. Corporation or not, it will be used with these in mind, not to help anyone and this is a huge problem. This could be good in an ideal world, yes, but we are not in an ideal world and well that's just fucked up and what people do with that information is fucked up. This is a huge topic of discussion though. But from what i have heard and read the contras overweigh the positives significantly.


It's okay because it's a corporation, and they protect the data. Corporations don't have data breaches ever. /s
