Were Neanderthals White?

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We know that Neanderthal DNA has influenced us modern humans in quite a few ways, but did their DNA influence our skin tones or our hair color?

Why are Neanderthals often depicted with white or pale skin? How accurate are these depictions?

#Neanderthal #Neanderthals #ExtinctHuman

Music: Adrian von Ziegler

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When people find out that I married a twin, I get asked how I can tell them apart. I tell them that Michelle has a mole and Mike has a beard.


When my wife from the Philippines first attended church in the US, she thought the different hair colors of kids sitting together suggested different parentage. The amount of variation among ethnic European families is pretty surprising.


I'm a retired historian and I really enjoy seeing/hearing how new facts are changing everything that I learned as "facts" when I was a student. Thank you for your entertaining description of new discoveries.


Kayleigh, the MC1R variant found in neanderthals that was believed to be a redhair variant not found in modern humans actually does exist in modern people. It was found in 2014 to be at a rate of 70% among Taiwanese natives and at high rates in other east asians. The neanderthal variant does not give red hair, but does lighten skin tone.


There are a lot of assumptions that we have grown up with that have tightened up over time with new knowledge. Because neanderthals covered a very large range over a very long period, there is bound to be a lot of variation.


Of course they resembled Basques. Germanic is an Indo-European language like Hittite. You can find blonde features in places like Turkey, Chechnya, Georgia, Lebanon, Persia.


Merci, dit was zeer interesant. Ook met het persoonlijke voorbeeld van je familie en genetica.
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Apart hoe veel we met genetica en menselijk experimenteren weten dankzij tweeling onderzoeken, en roodharigen... en hun posities in culturen.
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Met name roodharigen in Europa, Kelten en Ieren in stereotype ook. Van duivelse wezens tot "vuurtorens", grappig is ook dat het schijnt dat roodharigen anders reageren op pijn en narcose. Toch vormen van waarheden in oversimplificaties van de oudheid.


I had neighbors when I was a teenager that had twins in their family.The male was dark-skinned/ black hair. The female had red hair, very pale skin and abundant freckles.


Howdy from the U.S. and a very interesting video. I’m a history fanatic so I will keep watching your videos ☺️


Redhead here (although each red hair has turned white in my old age 😁) I had dark red hair, dark brown eyes, lots of freckles, easily sunburned. Sister one has blue eyes, strawberry-blonde hair, tending toward copper, no freckles, creamy complexion, sunburns less than me. Sister2 has true copper-red hair, blue eyes, pinkish complexion, no freckles, sunburns badly like me. Ex-wife has dark red hair, hazel eyes, tans easily, only a few freckles, never sunburns. Daughter1 has dark red hair, dark brown eyes, freckled face, tans easily, never burns. Daughter2 is brunette, hazel eyes, no freckles, light complexion, doesn't visibly tan, but is fairly resistant to sunburn. My extended family - no redheads, unless you look at distant family. The redhead genes follow absolutely no rules, in my experience.


My wife has red hair and a ton of freckles all over her body. I doubt she will appreciate me calling her a neanderthal! Thank-you Kayleigh for a wonderful moment of ancient history. I think they would have pale skin, being so far north of the equator. I feel I must make a clarification. My comment about my wife's red-hair and abundant freckles was meant as a joke. I love my wife.


Your reason for wearing a pony tail convinced me to watch. Your explanation convinced me to subscribe.


My wife is Filipino and half Chinese with a Spanish great-grandfather with red hair. Our oldest has green eys and looks white, other than the shape of her eyes. Our youngest is rather dark and has dark brown eyes. So it depends on the role of the D.N.A. dice. When my daughter was in high school her friends thought her brother was adopted. My mother surprise to find red hair among her black hair, . and had no idea of her Spanish great grand father.


Ms. Kayleigh, I really appreciate your channel! Your love of science and your humor are a pleasure to watch!


It’s the first time I’ve watched one of you videos and I’m impressed with the careful analysis and clear delivery, I’ll be watching more. Thank you


My dad had bright blonde hair as a kid it turned black when he got older. It's more grey now but he still has the many and thin hair seen in blondes. My mom was blonde as can be. Me and my brother both have the same hair as our dad only we stayed blonde except for a black patch on top of our head. Both me and my brother have grey eyes despite of everyone in both families having green eyes. Genetics are fun to look into. Great video btw 👍


I was born with flame red hair and light skin. Later, as a toddler, my red hair turned ash blond. And I have brown eyes. (A preponderance of ash blonds have blue eyes.)
I still require triple the dose of painkillers for dental work. It’s nice to find a dentist who is aware of the MC1R gene.
BTW, I have only a few freckles, despite being raised in the American Southwest. Of course, I tend to burn rather easily. I don’t tan. As the English say: white bread at breakfast, tomato at lunch.


I'm one of seven kids. My eldest sister was a blue-eyed blonde with straight hair. My next elder sister has very dark red hair and green eyes. My hair is (was, before it went grey) dark red (chestnut) and hazel eyes. My younger sisters are both blue eyed, one is a dark ash blonde, almost brown, the other is a strawberry blonde. They bothbhave curly hair. One brother had dark, nearly black, very curly hair and blue eyes. The other is a redhead with green eyes. We *all* freckle quite dramatically.

That's a huge variation in one family, but the thing is that we each look like somebody on both sides of our families!

Genetics is crazy.


I have light brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin and had a decent amount of freckles growing up, though I have less now because I don't go out into the sun a lot because I burn very easily. My sister has dark brown hair, green-brown eyes and olive skin, and had barely any freckles growing up, but now has a lot on her face, shoulders and arms because she took up bushwalking and mountain climbing. This goes to show that while we both carry the gene for freckles (we got it from out mum) the way it was expressed is different in each of us.


Dank je voor een uiterst vermakelijke uitleg 😊.