How to do the Straight Leg Raise (SLR) test for Sciatic nerve

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John is also the Author of the highly successful book and Amazon No 1 best seller, called 'Muscle Energy Techniques, a practical guide for physical therapists'. John has also written 2 more books, one is called 'A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping' and this comes with a complimentary DVD and the other book is called; 'Vital Glutes, connecting the gait cycle to pain and dysfunction'.

John now offers Advanced Training in all aspects of Sports Medicine to already qualified therapists in manual therapy to 'Diploma' Level. You need to have attended all of his Physical Therapy Courses before the diploma is awarded. His venue is based at the idylic venue of Oxford University, home of the first four-minute mile by Roger Bannister.
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In terms of exercises what can you do when you tested positive for SLR


Thank you for the info question to you is how accurate is SLR to diagnose slipped disc & what is SLR, seated leg raises, bend forward & backward, dorsiflexion tests are negative?


I get really bad, sharp pain when I lift my bad side's leg above my head while lying on my back. The pain radiates throughout my uppermost glute area, from the sacrum to the hip. The cobra pose makes that pain in the upper glute feel a really sharp pain as well. Do you think this is a glute issue, or do you think it stems from a herniated disc? I've seen several doctors and no one can provide a consensus diagnosis of what the main issue is. It also hurts in that upper glute area when I try to touch my toes while standing.
