The court does not deal in trifles: most things aren't worth your time

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One of the reasons the Supreme Court can give for deciding not to hear a particular case is that "the court does not deal in trifles." Prioritizing the insignificant above the truly important is not only wasteful, it is disrespectful. Liberally granting your time and attention is like printing more money: the subsequent inflation only serves to devalue the circulating currency. This means that it is essential to learn how to say "no."

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Presented by Orion Taraban, Psy.D. PsycHacks provides viewers with a brief, thought-provoking video several days a week on a variety of psychological topics, inspired by his clinical practice. The intention is for the core idea contained within each video to inspire viewers to see something about themselves or their world in a slightly different light. The ultimate mission of the channel is to reduce the amount of unnecessary suffering in the world.

#psychology #selfimprovement #success
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One of the reasons the Supreme Court can give for deciding not to hear a particular case is that "the court does not deal in trifles." Prioritizing the insignificant above the truly important is not only wasteful, it is disrespectful. Liberally granting your time and attention is like printing more money: the subsequent inflation only serves to devalue the circulating currency. This means that it is essential to learn how to say "no."

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Presented by Orion Taraban, Psy.D. PsycHacks provides viewers with a brief, thought-provoking video several days a week on a variety of psychological topics, inspired by his clinical practice. The intention is for the core idea contained within each video to inspire viewers to see something about themselves or their world in a slightly different light. The ultimate mission of the channel is to reduce the amount of unnecessary suffering in the world.

#psychology #selfimprovement #success


"If you're gonna lose your shit every time you face a minor inconvenience, then that's exactly how much your peace is worth."


Men must constantly protect his M.E.A.T. (Money.Energy.Attention.Time) more than ever due to all the distractions that exists these days. Shoutout to Coach Greg Adams (CGA)!


My kickboxing coach told me "nothing is neutral". In that there are only so many hours/days/years you are going to live and if it's not moving forward it is holding you back.


Most grownups with jobs have max two hours of “free time”. Choose it wisely.


In my younger days, several people told me that I needed to "learn how to tell people no". Subsequent interactions revealed that they were always leaving out the word "other".


This video really spoke to me. I struggle with not valuing my time over my girlfriends when she needs something. An unfortunate pattern I learned as a child trying to emotionally regulate my incredibly unstable mother. I definitely need to keep this concept in mind, thank you.


Agree 100%. Say no, Reject, Deny, Disappoint and Ignore will likely earn you the title of Ass 'ole. Wear it as a badge. If you are called a 'nice guy' in your circles, then you are giving away your time for free. Congrats on 500K Doc. Onwards to 1M !


If you are one of those "receptcle" types, every once in a while test the person who is dumping their problems on you to see if they'll reciprocate by listening to yours, even if it goes against your nature. Their likely lack of interest will be the best demonstration of Dr. Taraban's point here.


Funny how so many people think spending their "Golden Time" arguing with idiots on Facebook and Reddit is a valuable use of their time.


The Pep Talk I needed for like the past 20 f**king years.
Better late than never. Thanks, Doctor.


I assumed as a married man my duty was to do everything my wife asked. Well what happened is exactly described in this video. Resentment, lack of time to do my important things, and my wife expecting more and more and being irritated that I was failing to fulfill her requests.


This is probably the best explanation I've heard for why boundaries are so important to have.


Sometimes you have to restrain your own friendly nature because people will want to take a mile when you give an inch.

Thanks for reminding and reaffirming.


Yes! People get away with what you LET them get away with. I have always believed that.


“Never argue with a woman”. When you are young and inexperienced you interpret this as a challenge and try to be the first to get through to her. When you are older and experienced - you interpret it the way this video suggests!”. They were never arguing to understand. It is a never ending absorption of attention that no man can afford.


This applies to women too we don't have time to waste on attempting to figure someone out if they are interested they will say it otherwise move on.


This is, by a long shot, one of the best videos you have done. Brimming with tons of wisdom that comes from years of lived experiences and overcoming challenges, in order to come up with such realizations. I already knew most of what you said, but I love the professional way you address these topics. The output is beyond amazing and definitely contains a ton of life lessons encompassed in a brief video.

Kudos to you, Orion.


Congratulations on 500k subscribers! I wonder if you might devote an episode to your greatest influences in psychology. At different times you've mentioned Freud, Jung, Robert Johnson, and a number of others. Whose ideas would you say have shaped you the most? Thank you!


When a trifel happens millions of times, even the Supreme Court has to deal with it. A minor inconvenience can sometimes become major, but it is rare.
