#1 Tip for NOT Making a Judge Angry in Custody Court

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The last thing you want to do in your custody case is annoying the judge or make them angry being unreasonable. Here are ways to avoid doing that.

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The main thing you can do this is to be reasonable in what you are asking for. Deciding what is reasonable is, I know, sometimes hard to gauge because this is your life, this is your children, etc.

When you're really biased it's hard to see the other side as being reasonable but to the best of your ability when you're going through a case when it comes to whatever request that you're making or whatever position you're taking. I think that you should always put your self in the position of the judge. The judge is ultimately the most important person in your case.

I recently had a couple of different cases where a judge thought that my client's positions are unreasonable and in one case my client didn't see where his position was unreasonable and the judge actually punished him pretty severely.

The worst part, in that case, is however that my client has been ordered to pay a portion of the now ex-wife's attorney fees and costs and is due in part to judges' perception of my clients and reasonableness.

☎️You may Contact Wendy Hernandez at 602-230-2333 or visit

💼Wendy Hernandez is a family law attorney in Phoenix, AZ and founder of Command the Courtroom which teaches you how to handle yourself in court and achieve the best outcome when representing yourself in your divorce or child custody case.


*This video recording is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as the rendering of legal advice. The viewing of this recording does not create an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship is only formed when you have signed an engagement agreement. We cannot guarantee results. Past results do not guarantee future results. Consult with a licensed attorney for information regarding the specifics of your case.


I find it really sad that at the most desperate times in people's lives they have to consider making the judge happy as opposed to just presenting their case.


That's a sort of oxymoron. Judge's feelings and emotions should not be part of any legal matter - ever. That's why they are supposed to remain impartial.


The fact that a judge's whimsical attitude and beliefs are so much a factor in whether or not you get to parent your children is a MAJOR flaw with family courts. The same facts presented in different courtrooms can yield totally different results. It's a joke.


Have you ever appealed a decision that was made by a judge on the grounds that they made such a decision because they were angry at a certain party? I mean it seems a bit unconstitutional to deprive somebody of life liberty or property just because the judge didn't like their "uncooperativeness" when all they were doing was sticking up for their rights


How can a true judge be on anyone's side let alone emotional....


Judges should not be "punishing" when they hand their decisions down.


Ever since I saw the documentary "Divorce Corp" I will say that I was respectful to the Judge and my ex-husband wasn't respectful to the Judge he lied alot and the Judge noticed that. I will say🤝 I won my case representing myself and I am now studying to become a paralegal 🤗


It shouldn’t matter if the judge becomes angry or not. They are to be impartial. As a matter of fact they shouldn’t even have the appearance of being partial or they lose their immunity.


Judges need to be held accountable to the system of law rather than being the unchecked Gods that our system has seemed to make them. It really sounds like basically if you are a man there is a good chance the Judge will just not like you and if that is the case you are screwed.


Thank you. That's really sad that people can lose/things can backfire due to a Judge's ignorance-- that's really sad. :/


How do you avoid making the judge angry?
Don't ever get married. No marriage, no cohabitation. The fewer people who are married, means fewer divorces and then America can put those lawyers and judges out of business.


Why didn't you inform him it would look unreasonable for not paying the tags?


My husband is a pathological liar so how do you figure one of those out?


Marriage is like jumping off a building. The jumping off is easy and kinda fun even if not to smart, The landing part is what hurts.


Great video. Will you please do a video on how to deal with a narssist in mediation and how to win and dealing with accusations that are in false light


I don't have an attorney. I'm filing all my paperwork myself. If I be reasonable will the judge treat me fairly?


It really depends on the Judge! They are all different and have different dispositions on any given day. Anyway, enjoyable content. Thanks so much for sharing!


Thanks for the tips. They are going to be helpful in my upcoming case. I've had my kids (now 15, 16 & 18) solely for the past 10 years and now my ex-wife is suing me for residential custody in another state accusing me of mental, physical and psychological abuse and withholding of academic and medical records. It's scary for me because there doesn't seem to be as much of a burden of proof for mothers (as plaintiffs) as it would be for fathers.


Main way to keep the judge on your side.
1. Learn courtroom procedure.
2. Show respect.
3. Always remember and project your challenges to opposition, not the judge, unless challenging jurisdiction.


what do you do if the judge is hostile toward you because you are pro se? And if you get on the wrong side of the judge, how can you correct it?
