How to Make Perfect, Fluffy Biscuits EVERY TIME! (3 ingredients: self-rising flour, milk & butter)

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There are all kinds of ways to make biscuits, but when you understand the key techniques I mention in this video, you'll be baking perfect, fluffy biscuits every single time! In addition, you'll be able to play around with the ingredients to get the exact biscuit recipe to suit your taste. This version uses self-rising flour, whole milk, and butter. Soon, I'll post a video making biscuits with lard and buttermilk.

Preheat oven to 475.


2 cups self-rising flour
~5 Tbsp. cold butter
~3/4 cup milk

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👋 Hey there! You might also like these other biscuit-related videos I made: 


2 cups self rising flour. 1 and half cups heavy whipping cream. 475 20 minutes. Try this it’s so good! I like your version too ❤️


Thank for being the first one on here to say you "don't knead" biscuits. My mom never keaded but used a gentle hand with Crisco, buttermilk and Pillsbury self rising. She patted out the dough on her counter and used a glass to cut. They were soft and fluffy and her dough was moist and soft, unlike the tougher doughs I see others on You Tube make. She said she dreamed how to make them after trial and error. Ha.
Yours are the highest, picture perfect I've ever seen. Thanks.


As a West-Coastener when this Cook *"reckoned"* they were about done resting and assured us they were so good *"y'all"* I had a feeling this was a great recipe and tried it. They turned out better than my easy two ingredient biscuits! Thank you for the recipe :-)


I am getting ready to make these for my fiance this weekend. This is the way my mom and grandma made them. Thanks for bringing back great memories. God bless you.


I love a biscuit with a bit of honey butter, delicious. I'm almost 60 years old and I've just started on my journey to make biscuits and make them well, I'm definitely going to try this recipe. My husbands mom comes from Arkansas, though she grew up in California she made biscuits his whole life, then he married me and I crack open a tube of Pillsbury biscuits, yeah they're definitely not the same. Hoping I'll be able to make something that looks as good as yours. Thanks for sharing your recipe.


My husband and our son says these are the best biscuits yet! We're trying to find our favorite method and these are a huge hit, thank you! 💙


Hi, I'm from Australia, and we mostly have jam and whipped cream on our biscuits, which we call them scones.
This is how we love them. 😊❤️


Keeping it real. Love your breaking it down with ingredients and making us understand the cooking process. And your presentation was just great Thank you 😊


Just came across your channel and loved the homemade biscuits video. You are quiet lovely, sweet and you can tell the main ingredient in your recipes is Love! Thanks for the great video!


I must say, out of all the great cooks I’ve seen make biscuits, these are the, highest and fluffiest ones I’ve seen! Can’t wait to try making them.


These biscuits look delicious. My mother taught me how to make biscuits when I was a little girl. I always used self rising flour and lard or butter and milk or buttermilk. I would always roll my dough a little thicker than cut out the biscuits. They always came out great. If we had biscuits left over we would eat them cold. They were eventually gone. I will try the parchment paper.thank you.


I truly LOVE homemade cooked biscuits. My grandmother annie would make them for us when we was kids and serve them with tea, coffee, and cocoa along with our eggs and sausage. I miss her and her cooking. I LOVE you Annie M. Always.


I just tried this! ONE YEAR to the DAY that you made this video. THEY WERE EXCELLENT!!! THANK YOU!!


This reminds me of my grandma... I stayed with her during the summers when I was out for summer break. Some of the earliest memories were of her cooking biscuits and Karo syrup. She is no longer with us. Miss her so much. Made me cry. I never learned how to make them. So this was lost to me. My aunts biscuits weren't like my grandma's. This is exactly how I remember her making them. Except with lard. She used it a lot. Thank you for teaching me. Now I will have to buy the flour and other stuff to make them. Thank you!


you are my new hero. our pantry is always family will be surprised tonight


I sure do love her down home approach to it all. She reminds me of my aunt when I was
growing up and waiting at the table for her biscuits. So good. Thx.


This is my 1st time seeing you; I really enjoyed your tips on the biscuits! 👍


Love your biscuit recipe my husband had an aunt by marriage and she made her biscuits with self-rising flour fresh fried bacon grease and buttermilk and they look just like yours. But I did enjoy watching you video


Just made my very first biscuits using your recipe. They came out great! Thank you
