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ะŸะพะบะฐะทะฐั‚ัŒ ะพะฟะธัะฐะฝะธะต
0:00 - memo boy - brian is the most beautiful

5:55 - aphex twin - QKThr

7:48 - Not that im anywhere - cities aviv

12:55 - vacations - telephones

18:07 - chamber of reflection
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I am still alive guys, i havent been uploading due to a tumor.. i am recovering hopefully i do survive all please do pray for me and bless me, it would mean alot. If i dont make it atleast ive achieved some things in life.. please do help me get to 10, 000 subscribers, we are close guys i know yall can help a man out, please and thank you. More playlists once recovered. Much love โค๏ธ


I lost my battle with cancer, take care friends. It makes me a little happy that the song I hear is as good as the last one...


โ€œWorst feeling is being in your house and still feel like you want to go homeโ€


It's an endless loop, as I try to improve every day worse I sink into my own mind.


its 4 am rn, and practically thinking about my life, then my cat approaches and meows and tries to hug me, like a being sent by god.


Loneliness isnโ€™t not having a relationship with someone or not having friends, its being in a room full of people and still feeling alone.


i hate myself. (im lonely af, this was the worst summer ever, i didnt go out, i dont have friends, my family hates me, i lost my grandma, gf and my bsf.)


Iโ€™m a 14 year old boy from Japan. Today I had a fight with my single mom(my dad passed away when I was 9) and I know Iโ€™m the one at fault. She wonโ€™t forgive me and I donโ€™t even blame her, but for some reason I canโ€™t control my emotions. They always get out of control and I hurt my loved ones before I know it. Iโ€™m a totally normal boy at school with normal friends. I try to be more quiet than I naturally am to not hurt people, and I donโ€™t for the most part ( though I sometimes lose control). I have probably the most important test I have ever had in my life next week and Iโ€™m studying my best. Iโ€™m good academically and everyone including myself has high expectations. But Iโ€™m not feeling it. I feel like the pressure and stress is gonna crush me. I usually love the expectation but I just canโ€™t seem to get into the flow. I just wanted to vent a little. Maybe more than a little I guess haha. Best wishes to everyone. Love the ones you want to love. Donโ€™t make the same mistake as me.

Update : I was still on bad terms for a while, but I got my test results back and did pretty well. Even though we had a fight, my mom doesnโ€™t hate me or anything, and because of me doing well on the test she forgave me. I never expected to get this many nice comments and itโ€™s unbelievable. You donโ€™t know how much you all have helped me in the past couple of months. Thank you so much.


getting harder and harder to thug it out fr


Reminds me of how lonely I feel even in a room full of people.


I lost two friends recently. One died, one deeply betrayed me. I remember the friend I lost by bringing joy into the world, I forget the one who betrayed me because there is nothing to be gained.


They didn't notice you were crying
They didn't notice you were sad
They didnโ€™t notice you were tired
They didnโ€™t notice you were alone
They didnโ€™t notice how attentive you were
They didnโ€™t notice how sweet you actually are...
They didnโ€™t notice how you actually try to make others smile

They did notice you failing grades
They did notice your unattractive
They did notice the mean side of you
They did notice all your mistakes
They did notice all you flaws
They did notice that you werenโ€™t good enough for them.

But you stayed strong
You kept going on
You never gave up on hope
You never let them take you down
And you know they wasnโ€™t good enough for you
And thatโ€™s what make you stronger

You arenโ€™t ugly
You arenโ€™t mean
You arenโ€™t lazy
You arenโ€™t a failure
You arenโ€™t a mistake

You are beautiful
You are worth it
You do deserve everything
You are trying
You are smart
You do deserve to live


anyone else just wanna fall asleep from a dream thats amazing and never wake up, just to realize your actually dead?


the worst feeling is when you feel like things are getting better, then everything falls down and you discover that youโ€™re back at rock bottom.

update: it got worse, i cant even get out of bed, havent went to school for weeks and the only girl im capable of ever loving likes a new guy, and said she is not capable of loving me back anymore.

update 2: slowly i am getting better, i have started to slowly return to school only going in for periods of time and not the whole day, going out and socialising, leaving my room, exercising, and started to be a bit more livelier, even if my spark i once had is barely there anymore i still make it work. i realised that the only person that can save me is me and that i must put the effort in myself. its going to be a long and slow process, not just for me, but for everyone out there who is healing. however, as long as youre putting the effort in, which is very hard i know due to mental health issues, you will be fine in the end. i have a long way to go, hopefully all will be okay. to everyone out there who is going through something like me, i wish you good luck.

update 3 (12/6/24): i messed it all up again. the love of my life gave me another chance to start over. she loved me again. but i messed it all up. i messed it all up because of this stupid brain of mine. i wish i never thought the way i did, say the things i did, or be the way i am. it all got worse. i genuinely feel as though i am losing my mind. i still have no friends. summer is coming around, but im not excited in the slightest. i have contemplated ending it multiple times. it was all false hope, it got better, then it got even worse. i was so naive.

update 4 (14/6/24): school has finished, exams are done. but im still so damn miserable. didnt feel a single ounce of happiness leaving that school. took no photos because i had no friends to take photos with, and just left, hearing the sounds of happy people. i dont like being in a happy environment, it just reminds me how miserable i am. i think i am going to end it all soon, i have no one to talk to, so i will leave this message here. i was doomed to never be happy in the end. thats just life i guess? oh well.

update 5 (5/8/24): i am so lost. i dont know what to do with myself. i have no job, i havenโ€™t applied to any colleges/further education and ive been rotting away the whole summer. i know, i might not be putting in enough effort. but iโ€™m so damn tired man. i canโ€™t do it anymore, it takes all my strength just to make it through a day. i cut for the first time recently, and i tried to drown myself again, reminiscent of how i tried when i was 9. i still have no friends really. itโ€™s as though i am invisible. life feels empty. iโ€™m starting to think im crazy or something. what do i do? i shouldโ€™ve left this world that night. i should have left like how she left me, like how all my โ€œfriendsโ€ left me. the worst part is i canโ€™t even be mad at them. i understand why they left me like that. iโ€™m not a good person, im severely mentally unstable and my company isnโ€™t to be wanted or needed, ive lost my spark completely. iโ€™ve tried everything there is, cooking, reading, games, sports, but in the end, im still empty. it hurts. everyone used to tell me i was so talented. but the reality is that back then i worked so hard to keep up with the burden of being the only son. coming from a high achieving family. i burnt out so hard. i couldnโ€™t do anything anymore. that was ultimately the root of my downfall. iโ€™m now the disappointment of the family.
man, looking back on the things i wrote. this whole year has been a cyclical structure, i was at my worst, thought i was improving, only to see myself back at my worst. itโ€™s funny the way things work, right? i donโ€™t know whoโ€™s hearing this, but i hope youโ€™re doing better than me right now, a lot better. i wouldnโ€™t wish this pain on anyone.
p.s - she looked so pretty at prom. so close but out of my reach. she doesnโ€™t want anything to do with me now. nothing a bottle of amaretto canโ€™t solve though, right? haha.


To each and everyone one of you, donโ€™t stop. Even if you feel like you should youโ€™ve persevered and fought for your sake up until this very moment, life is not meaningful without suffering. Whether you believe it or not you have the strength to keep on going, no one can hold your head up any higher than you and with every second, minute, hours, days weeks and months maybe even years of your life you spend suffering, it will be given back to you in happiness and prosperity tenfold, and I canโ€™t say I understand you or your problems since every experience if differs from person to person. But nonetheless you canโ€™t stop, no matter what befalls you because every aching pain and every tear that is shed is also spent building up the very foundations of what you need to be happy, and to build your ideal self. Fight and live so that one day you will be given what is yours. You neednโ€™t be strong now, but donโ€™t forget to give yourself a break every now and then, every step forward still counts no matter how small, even if itโ€™s as simple as taking an extra bite of food or taking an extra sip of water. Thatโ€™s all I have to say but please, take care of yourselves. May God be with each and everyone of you.โค


The feeling when you know you should have done something else, not just scroll YouTube or play games.... the feeling of "I wasted my time on bullsheet... again..."
The worst part of it is that you have an exam in just a few days, and you know nothing, yet you still can't force yourself to just freaking start learning....




Wise Words which i heard:
โ€œThere are two pains.
1, The Pain of Regret.
2, The Pain of Discipline.โ€

I live by this.


Trapped in a endless cycle of Sin, i wish i was pure as God. But that will never be.

For we are born sinners, and fall short of the glory of God. ๐Ÿ˜”

Sometimes i wanna remove myself from this Earth and go onto my Heavenly Father, but that would be a sin to do such a thing...

I trust in my Lord God. Sometimes i just dont feel it, and i know thats the devil attacking. But i cant help but embrace the pain knowing im a sinner and will forever sin until i die and im set free of this Sin ๐Ÿ˜”

Like this comment if your not the only one feeling like this. ๐Ÿ‘‘

We are all in this Together weither we like it or not โค


please read all of this..

Iโ€™ve noticed how lonely this generation is getting. And, even though I am only 14 I wanted to share some things. My comment most likely wonโ€™t receive any likes or even recognition, but I have to say this after seeing the many many depressing comments here.

Just last year. I had severe depression. I couldnโ€™t go outside or talk to anyone without feeling like a degenerate pig. I was fat, and just not good looking in any way. I was physically out of shape and had extreme social anxiety. I had just moved to a new city, which was extremely hard for me. This was during peak summer heat (August) and going outside was always very hot. I had a weak immune system and was constantly getting sick also. This made my mental state even worse.. Eventually, I had snapped, I saw hope and started working out a bunch. I started talking to new people, cut my hair, putting myself into tough social situations and talking very often to new people. This made me very confident, and combined with a low carb diet and lots of animal products. My body was looking way better. Iโ€™m still in this journey now, and Iโ€™m still struggling. I just donโ€™t want people to commit suicide or do anything stupid like how I almost did. There is hope, that you have to see now.
