one more night feeling like the loneliest person in the world (a playlist)

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TIMESTAMPS / (author/s)

00:00 this feeling (øneheart)
01:29 important to be aware (unworn)
05:21 dead trees (void struggler)
09:39 quiet solitude (nowt)
13:09 mild (sarah keen)
15:33 save urself (dxprived)
17:55 the forest of blossoms (terkoiz)
20:29 fog everywhere (nowt)
24:34 mittagsruhe (ibi)
31:44 void (les)
34:04 learning to heal (dxprived)
36:17 nuts and seeds (ibi)


No one talks about this enough, being in your 17s-20s single, no big friendship group, you don't have friends, no relationship, no one really messages or check in.
You spend majority of the time by yourself going for solo walks with your never ending cycle of thoughts which is fine, family is there, I'm lucky to have them but somehow it feels so lonely at times.


"You want solitude, but you don't want to be lonely. So what you really want is peace of mind."


To me the worst feeling in the world isn't loneliness, it's emptiness. Its being surrounded by so much life and yet feeling so little. The world isn't crashing down. It isn't raining outside. Nobody is breaking my heart. I'm not sad, but l'm not happy either. I'm neutral. There's a void inside of me that I can't seem to fill. At this point, I think I'd rather be lonely, at least then I'd feel something…


The worst type of loneliness in my eyes is spending years being alone to then finally finding someone, spending time with them, getting to know them, catching feelings. You tell yourself “hey maybe I can finally let my guard down with this person” and you believe they’ll be in your life for a long time. Only for that person to one day toss you away like you meant nothing. Then you’re back to the loneliness and it hurts way worse than before


"The first time a man will ever receive flowers is at his funeral"


My parents often ask why I sleep so much. Not only is it from depression and exhaustion, but dreams help me escape the loneliness. I feel happier when I’m sleeping. I can’t explain the feeling, but happy is all I can describe it as. Then I wake up. The realization some of my happiest dreams ever, never existed, hurts. The feeling knowing you’re still alone, is devastating. It hurts a lot. :(


I love comment section under videos like this. I wish we could all meet each other alive. It’s like a circle of people that appreciate beauty and wisdom, still feeling alone ‘cause got no one to talk to… I guess this is the most beautiful part of internet - a consolation for loneliness


In the weirdest possible way, these melancholic playlists really help me deal with my depression.
They don't bring me joy, but they do help me feel understood and more focused.
Yes, I feel lonely and most importantly alone. But with time it will pass, and I will be able to move on. For the time being, I can acknowledge how I feel, be reassured that my emotions are valid, and allow myself a moment to breathe before pushing forward again.

The music is beautiful and soothing.


I'm 17, and I've never had a girlfriend before or any close friends. I usually spend my days inside my head, listening to music as a way to cope with this loneliness. I want to talk to people, but I could never find it within myself to do so. The countless times I fell in love but was too scared to say anything. I'm nothing more than a coward with dreams, but I'll try to change even if it kills me.


"One day you're gonna look around and realize that everybody loves you! But nobody likes you. And that, is the loneliest feeling ever."


That feeling when your laying in bed, no one to talk to, not much to do and that lump in your chest and your throat. You don’t know if you want to scream or cry…maybe both. Nothing in the moment seems to be okay, you just feel like a empty void of nothingness floating away from everything and everyone. No sound but the slow beat of your heart…maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m just being dramatic, I can’t tell anymore.


Your name is nobody yet to us you are somebody who makes us feel, endure and flow through this life"s sufferings


I feel so lonely damn... No friends no relationships. I feel like I'm invisible and nobody cares about me, like I'm simply insignificant. That's though.


Isn’t it strange. You focus on yourself and work hard to build a better future for yourself. Yet all around you it seems like the rest of the world is enjoying life more than you. They are enjoying their friends, time, relationships, and life in general. I watch this from a distance and want to know and understand that feelings but I don’t want to stop working for my dreams and my future. It’s hard because this path is lonely. I’m fortunate to have my family, yet I don’t always feel like they understand me and my thoughts. It’s really just us and our minds out here. Maybe I am missing out on the brighter side of life. Maybe I am making a mistake chasing my dreams and losing people I care about on the way. Maybe I’m wrong. But I can’t stop. I won’t give up. I just hope that when I’m done I’ll find peace and happiness in all the sacrifices I’m making now. To anyone out there who reads this, I’m rooting for you. Never forget your purpose for why you do what you do.


when you miss someone you can't be with
when you feel sad but you're unable to cry
when time goes by so fast but you're stuck and can't move forward
when you think about the things you won't be able to experience
when you're overwhelmed because life is overwhelming and you have no idea how things gonna work


Reminds me of the winter nights, walking alone on a quiet road with untouched snow and zero cars to be seen for miles. ❄


I sometimes lay awake at night thinking about the past and what could've been, and theres nothing that can change the choices i have made and the people i have hurt


It feels good to be sharing pain with strangers online. Whatever is hurting yall- I hope it starts to hurt a lot less really soon.


How ironic is it that we’re all watching this on technology that was supposed to bring people together but has only isolated us even more
