Self Balancing Robot Using Arduino
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In this video we are going to learn how to make Balancing Robot using Arduino Nano and dc gear motors.
This video contains in depth code explanation of balancing robot code and calibration of mpu6050 in very easy way.
**Important*** : Please note that there is some issue in the connection diagram shown in video.
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👉Components List
✅ Arduino Nano
✅ MPU6050 sensor
✅ DC TT Gear motors - 2
✅ L298N motor driver module
✅ DC Battery 7-12 V (in our case 11.1 3S lipo)
✅ Foam board
✅ Wooden Sticks
✅ Glue Gun
✅ Jumper wires
👉 Shorts Channel :
👉Code/library and diagram:
👉mpu6050 library credit - Jeff Rowberg
👉 Obstacle avoiding Robot
👉 Camera Car
👉 Wi-Fi Car
👉 Hand Gesture controlled car
👉 Bluetooth car
👉 Arduino RC car using nrf24l01+ module
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#selfbalancingrobot #mpu6050 #hashincludeelectronics #arduino
This video contains in depth code explanation of balancing robot code and calibration of mpu6050 in very easy way.
**Important*** : Please note that there is some issue in the connection diagram shown in video.
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👉Components List
✅ Arduino Nano
✅ MPU6050 sensor
✅ DC TT Gear motors - 2
✅ L298N motor driver module
✅ DC Battery 7-12 V (in our case 11.1 3S lipo)
✅ Foam board
✅ Wooden Sticks
✅ Glue Gun
✅ Jumper wires
👉 Shorts Channel :
👉Code/library and diagram:
👉mpu6050 library credit - Jeff Rowberg
👉 Obstacle avoiding Robot
👉 Camera Car
👉 Wi-Fi Car
👉 Hand Gesture controlled car
👉 Bluetooth car
👉 Arduino RC car using nrf24l01+ module
👉Watch more videos:
👉Follow us on Instagram:
#selfbalancingrobot #mpu6050 #hashincludeelectronics #arduino
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