How To Be An Excellent #POTA Activator and Hunter with KE8PZN & WD4DAN #pota

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Ever wanted to pick the brain of the top POTA activator and hunters? Here is your chance!

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When I am working a pile-up I will tell my hunters i am working a pile-up and be patient.


One of my favorites, and the guy I've been listening to the most is Thomas, K4SWL. When it comes to CW POTA, he's the one that I've been taking lessons from.
Looking forward to my first activation now that I have a decent qrp setup, just wicked nervous about my rusty CW.


I missed the livestream, but looks like @TheSmokinApe shared quite a lot of experience! 🤨


I love it on CW when you work someone and they send you "72" and that is the first you know they are QRP. I always give them an "FB" back for that when I reply. On SSB sometimes people will call "W9ZZZ slash QRP" and then tell you three times in the QSO they are QRP. And then often you find out they are actually running 20W or something and don't know what QRP means. Or sometimes someone hunts you 50 times before you find out they are running 6W into an EFHW across the pond because they never say a thing about being QRP.


We are expecting to be getting power receptacles at our municipal picnic parks for 2024 to curb climate change. It is a dollar for the first half hour and $0.25 per each additional 30 min up to 2 hours for 110v at 20 amps! VE-5254 Easy POTA Power!


They say it's not a contest but it seems like many POTA activations are a competition to see how many contacts you can grab in a hurry. I prefer the fact to make contacts, try different methods or equipment and have a little conversation in between in a relaxed it more enjoyable BTW great video


But what about my 32' tilt over tower trailer in a large park with a rotatable Crushcraft A3S on it!


Sorry i missed this on live stream, but great info.


If a state park is totally encircled by a state forest, it is a twofer. If the boundaries of the parks only butt up against each other it doesn't count, but if you're in a state park and are completely surrounded in state forest, you are in a twofer. This has been covered ad nauseum on the groups and there was a post by Jason stating specifically that (see below)

Jason Johnston
May 18, 2021
Two and three-fer explanation... Getting a lot of these lately, so I will make an announcement:

If you are inside a park (Johnston State Forest we'll say).... and that State Forest is within Johnston National Forest, then yes, it's a two fer for both parks....
If I am inside a park (Johnston State Forest we'll say) ... and that State Forest is within Johnston National Forest, AND I am also 100 feet or less from the Johnston National Scenic and Wild River... Then it's a three-fer....
If I am inside a park (Johnston State Forest we'll say) ... and that State Forest is within Johnston National Forest, AND I am also 100 feet or less from the Johnston National Scenic and Wild River...AND I am ALSO 100 feet or less from the Johnston National Scenic Trail... Then it's a four-fer....
73 W3AAX


Very interesting and informative stream I learned a lot, as a new ham I have to admit I haven’t tried POTA as an activator or as a hunter because I have been somewhat intimidated. Thanks again Kyle
